
I have kept a diary since I was 11. It has helped focus my thoughts, record the happenings of my life, and keeps me I keep at it.

Entries 23

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I’m hovering at 289. With the start of my bonus period 🙄 and some weight gain/ bloating associated with that…I was back to about 293. But since my hormones seem to have leveled out (I can tell ...

July 19, 2021

July 19 in Health Journey

288.7 Gotta make a meal plan today. We made an 8 lb. pork butt yesterday, thought there would be some left over, but had some people over and it is gooooone.

July 16, 2021

July 16 in Health Journey

294.2 I’m happy about this number, considering my period has been a rager and I’ve been eating everything in sight…. But no gluten. Hoping it will subside soon and I can get back to following GF ...

July 14, 2021

July 11 in Health Journey

294.7 Bumped up a pound, predictably, as I started my period last night. Eating has been good, gluten free and appropriate amount of calories. This AM was coffee in bed and a half a gluten free ...

July 11, 2021

July 11 in Health Journey

294.7 Bumped up a pound, predictably, as I started my period last night. Eating has been good, gluten free and appropriate amount of calories. This AM was coffee in bed and a half a gluten free ...

July 11, 2021

July 10 in Health Journey

293.8 Today, eating blueberries is in the plan…going blueberry picking this AM….LOL I’ll have to get some meat out of the freezer to thaw for dinner tonight. We are starting to get lots of veggi...

July 10, 2021

July 10 in Health Journey

293.8 Today, eating blueberries is in the plan…going blueberry picking this AM….LOL I’ll have to get some meat out of the freezer to thaw for dinner tonight. We are starting to get lots of veggi...

July 09, 2021

July 9 in Health Journey

294.9 Today I’m on my own, planning to clean out the goat pen and maybe the chicken coops if I really get into it, clean and test the pool for chemicals, and maybe do some inside cleaning stuff -...

July 08, 2021

July 8 in Health Journey

296.5 Did really well yesterday - I’m finding that lunch and dinner are tending to be around 40 g carbs each, and breakfast is anywhere between 20-40. So still working on getting down the carb n...

July 07, 2021

July 7 in Health Journey

297.5 Things went pretty well until I discovered a hidden chocolate bar and ate half late last night. So stayed gluten free but blew my carb count. This AM - back to eggs, veggie for breakfast ...

August 03, 2020

GF food today in Health Journey

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs Sausage Watermelon Coffee Lunch: Stuffed pepper Mozz stick wrapped in pepperoni Tomatoes Snack: Half a Kirkland nut bar (similar to Kind bar) Rice Krispie treat Dinner: ...

July 31, 2020

Pizza in Health Journey

I had the very best frozen GF pizza last night - it was Freschetta brand Pepperoni pizza. Super good! It was a bit expensive, I think $8 on sale, but it was a nice treat.

July 30, 2020

GF Update in Health Journey

So since July 13, I’ve been gluten free with the exception of one cookie. I didn’t even think, just started eating it. Sheesh. My main goal has been to be gluten free. My sub goal, and not the...

July 22, 2020

GF Update in Health Journey

So it’s been about a week, and we are cruising right along. It’s interesting to me how my body changes when I have been gluten free for a little bit. That dreaded stomach pouch just almost inst...

July 14, 2020

Why? in Health Journey

Had a couple good questions as to why we are going GF. Hubby has severe acid reflux. We’ve tried it before and his issue clears up within a few days of cutting out gluten. Daughter was happy to ...

July 13, 2020

Gluten Free in Health Journey

Vacation’s over - time to go gluten free. Breakfast: Scrambled eggs GF toast w/ butter and avocado Grapefruit sections

October 05, 2019

Mental Health in Health Journey

A friend here commented that in my main diary entries, I sounded “chipper”. I like that word… Anyhow, still doing the Wellbutrin thing every morning. I also changed my next appt. to before I le...

September 30, 2019

More Wellbutrin talk in Health Journey

Sorry to bore you all here, but again, posting for my own documentation needs. Wellbutrin - let’s see, it’s been almost two weeks, and Saturday my period started meaning it’s been only 24 days be...

September 27, 2019

And today in Health Journey

Today makes 10 days since beginning to take Wellbutrin. A couple of things I noticed: I have had a couple moments of severe nausea. Its fast and fleeting, but feels like a tension headache ban...

September 25, 2019

Today in Health Journey

I am waking up earlier and more alertly than I have in forever. I walked on the treadmill this morning, about a mile - just enough to break a sweat, get my blood pumping. The main point is that...

I know most of this will only be interesting to me, but I really want to document it. Wellbutrin - last night, and actually all day, I felt energetic. I TOOK A WALK instead of just thinking abou...

September 23, 2019

Wellbutrin II in Health Journey

Ok, so I’ve been taking this medication for about 5 days now. I’ve noticed: A bit more energy/focus - not like Adderall, which can start out jittery and then turn into solid steady energy for 5+ ...

September 19, 2019

Wellbutrin in Health Journey

I want to document how I feel and what happens as I work on feeling better.... So as many of you know, I’ve had a shit time, emotionally, since January. I’m in what I like to call a functional d...

Books 1

27 Entries