World Pilot

Entries 36

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I think I wrote about it in my old Open Diary… but I forget whether or not. I do know I was going down to Anchorage to visit with ND. She, by the way, was the first woman not related to me to s...

Just a art opening for Berry, who designed a whimsical mural for the Children’s Room at the Noel Wien Library here in Fairbanks, as well as did true-to-life sketches and drawings of a variety of ...

…this is in response to an email sent to me referencing an email I sent to the “Pick.Click.Give.” campaign which is trotted out for Alaskans’ perusal during and after the filing period for the Pe...

From Leonard Lipton, author of what was originally a poem of “Puff, the Magic Dragon”: “Thank you, Puff the Magic Dragon” “Puff, the Magic Dragon, has been my friend for more than 50 years. It...

Several years ago, I picked up a woman in the taxi at Freddy’s West. She wanted to go to the downtown Transit Center (aka Transit Park or T-Park). On the way I found out she was trying to catch...

A quick tip on saving money at Starbucks… If you like I get regular brewed coffee at Starbucks, as opposed to a designer espresso concoction, you’ve no doubt noticed they can be somewhat spendy… ...

None of this entry is my original work - I am plagiarizing it out of an old National Geographic magazine, the issue of December 1992. I am reprinting it owing to the fact that, for some reason, i...

Last shift I worked, I boarded a young man, ~25 or so, who had left his housekey at a popular local teenybopper bar. So, since the bar had closed about half an hour prior, I hustled him back the...

Since moving into the long-stay motel in March 2012, I’ve been overdosing on Turner Classic Movies (, as the motel provides television with a local cable carrier’s hotel cable ...

Found This on American Redhead’s diary; not sure where she found it… ~ PIR = Parent in room PAL = Parents are Listening AITR = Adult in the room PAW = Parents are Watching PA or PA911 = Parent Al...

Figured I would trot this one out again in honor of the season… First heard it during the weekly Wednesday “Ice Jam” (folk/bluegrass) down at the coffee shop at the foot of College Hill. However...

Well, Monday got a phone call from Princess. Turns out they cannot offer me a job in their Transportation Department. However, I received an email from the Guest Services Assistant Manager, ind...

Back before Halloween, I bought myself a dog collar. It’s one of those stereotypical spikes-and-studs ones that you’d expect a cartoon bulldog or boxer to wear. Found it at a local pet shop. T...

…grabbed from Gypsy Spirit… ~ You wearing a hat? Not at this moment, but when I leave the building, I will. It’s a Carhartt’s khaki-colored watch cap, plus my top coat has a hood. Bottled water:...

…nicked from NegraLuna… ~ What is your favorite holiday? I’ll second NegraLuna with Halloween. When I was a youngster, it was Christmas, followed by Halloween. Do you send out Christmas cards? ...

I had several inspirations for “Departure from Moonraiser Airport”. First, of course, was the 1964 holiday television classic, “Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer”. Rudolph returned from his walkabo...

This is the second half of a letter I just composed to the family, plus my sis KS’s BFF… the first half was Departure from Moonraiser Airport. ~ In other news, the Anchorage Daily News / Alaska D...

Shortly after Thanksgiving here in the USA, there would come a magical evening for a kid, announced here: and here it is in context: Yup… Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, usually the first holid...

”Moonraiser ATIS Information Bravo. Weather, 2000 feet scattered, ceiling 3000 feet broken. Wind 270 at 5. Visibility 4 miles in light powdery snow. Temperature minus 20, dewpoint minus 30. A...

5 Tips For Loving Someone With Asperger's Syndromeby rickeytickey 1 day ago Found this just now... life just keeps lining up more and more to my being an Aspie... challenges to overcome, by disc...

...stolen from Nicko the great... CAUTION - some of my answers might be offensive ~ 1 - What is your earliest memory? Hmmm... I think it was having my diaper changed on the (now) back bathroo...

Sent by my sis KS' bff, back in 2002 READY? um, OK, shoot. NAME: WorldPilot SEX: by myself, reasonably often. With others, ol' Mr Asperger tends to raise his ugly head. HOME: Paradise, still ...

As I mentioned on June 16, I did attend the Solstice Retreat June 18-21. It was nice to get away, and I suspect it was the first time since I was homeless back in 1997-1998 that I slept in ambi...

Next weekend is Summer Solstice here in the northern hemisphere. For the last three years or so I've heard of a Solstice Campout (actually, more of a retreat) here in the greater Fairbanks area....

...stolen from ColorSwirlz... ~ A - Age: 51... 52 come August 20 B - Bed size: twin: it came with the room and I'm too cheap to buy a bigger one of my own... plus all rooms are single occupanc...

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