J.E. ⋅ 41 ⋅
“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.”
Entries 1,749
Page 21 of 70
I’m still awake. Made teriyaki chicken and shrimp for dinner last night. After we ate and I finished dinner we discussed food tonight. Ended up going to Publix to get Caesar salad mix and flo...
So Tired... in Hello
As the title says, I’m so tired but can’t fall asleep. It’s 3:31 AM. Please shoot me
Undercover Break in Hello
Hiding under my blanket currently. I’m safe here. No monsters can touch me. I’m forcing myself to take a break from the internet for a bit. Mostly Reddit and YouTube. I’ll read articles and w...
Late Dinner in Hello
Tilapia fillet and bacon wrapped scallops. Yum yum! I purchased some cranberry juice cause my kidney (groin area?) hurt a bit. It seems to have done the trick. I hardly slept today…figures. ...
My lower intestine started hurting a bit earlier. Luckily the feel has passed. However my lower back is aching, as per usual. I watched an interesting doc on survival bunkers. They interview...
Feelin' Hot Hot Hot in Hello
I’m burning up. Just turned the AC on. I’ve been lost in thought today. I go back to court on May 2nd. Dr. Gilbert is pushing for me to do inpatient rehab. I’m ready. I’m tired of feeling ...
Dear Rainbow Bright in Hello
Yet More Pain in Hello
I have a habit of sitting what they call Indian style. But instead of tucking my feet below my legs I sit with my left foot under my right knee. It puts pressure on said foot if I’m not careful...
Guilty Of Being White in Hello
I watched this when it first came out. I’m still angry about it. Fuck young people. Welcome to Earth. Life fucking sucks. Deal with it.
Happy 4/20 Y'all in Hello
I didn’t forget. Just been a long day. 😁😁😁
I’m beat tonight. We were out of the house for close to five hours this afternoon. Hit up some stores at the Jones Valley shopping center. Then went to the AMC theater in back of the center and...
BP was through the roof and my anxiety was out of control. The gave me an IV and some potassium pills. Plus the nurse gave me a shot, don’t remember what but after a few minutes I was heavily r...
Stupid Is As Stupid Does in Hello
I relapsed hard last night. Said horrifying things to New Friend and probably ruined that friendship. Something feels really off tonight. I can’t stop shaking (not just hands, whole body) and...
I'm Talking To My Imaginary Friend .. in Drugs 'n Drunk
But he refuses to talk to me.
I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream in Hello
Written and passionately read by Harlan Ellison
Jellied Legs in Hello
Another crappy sleep. It’s 8 AM and I just got in from a two mile walk. It was 44 F out and I walked in a t-shirt and shorts because I’m a masochist. Honestly though I feel better. Moving aro...
Just Plain Worn Out in Hello
Not much sleep Sunday into Monday. Dozed off last night at some point but didn’t sleep much. Woke up around 1:30 AM and have been up since. It’s 2:51 PM. Saw the lawyer this morning to fill ...
Mucho Beddah in Hello
I feel a lot better than I did yesterday. Our Easter meal was small and quaint. Baked ham, squash casserole, green beans (ick) dressing with gravy. Only my aunt came, her daughter and two grand...
Today Sucks in Hello
My BP is up and my chest is pounding. Just took my meds. I’m gonna lay here on the couch, try to relax my breathing and wait this out. I’ve been on the self destruction warpath and have alien...
West And Wewaxation in Hello
I’ve slept so much the last few days. No energy what so ever. The world is passing me by…of course I had to hide a few times. Mom took a bunch of plastic eggs stuffed with candy to her job to...
I Have The Flu in Hello
I have chills, fever, aches… I’m still smoking legal weed. Yeah, it’s counterintuitive but it makes me relax. In one of my fever dreams from last night I was helping my dad and his friends rob a ...
Julie Andrews And Dick Van Dyke in Hello
Knew how to rock! 🤘🤘🤘
Smokey has developed a bad habit of laying on my chest and sticking his pink little butt hole right in my face. Don’t get me wrong, I do pet him but c’mon, butt hole! In my face! It’s a little ...
Woke up craving juice. This happens from time to time. Grape, Apple, Orange, Fruit Punch don’t care! After I eat a trip to Wal-Mart is in order.