Entries 80
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Don't Give Up Searching for a Job in SMF's Advice & Self Help Column
Generation Xers and Generation XYers learned that if they attended college and completed degrees that they would easily get a job when searching for one. What my generation did not know was tha...
The Great Gatsby: "So, I Beat Ceaselessly Against the Currents." in Literary Essays
“And as I sat there brooding on the old unknown world, I thought of Gatsby’s wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock. He had come a long way to this blue lawn, ...
The Dylan Farrow Effect in Full Force in Personal Essays
I know that I've written a personal essay before about the breaking news of Dylan Farrow's letter, verbally expressing how her adoptive father, Woody Allen, sexually molested her at the age of se...
Dylan Farrow & The Sexual Abuse Effect in Personal Essays
Before I left for my Sunday errands, I posted a Salon article (http://www.salon.com/2014/02/02/compartmentalizingwoodyallenwhatamericachoosesnottosee/) and had this pre-comment I made before I po...
A Long Talk about Us Reaching the Stars in The Swinging Thirties
Last night, Rupert and I got into one of our "thirties" discussions. We've had these several times now with me usually starting off with... It is quite different when you turn thirty. I expres...