Chaz ⋅ 39 ⋅

Entries 91

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September 11, 2024

qwick upd8 in What's Happening

Me and the chick tried tripping again on shroom chocolate bars last weekend. We ate the same amount that we did when we were in Canada except this time the effects were minimal. We decided to ke...

There is something in the human psyche that can’t help but respect a person or thing that continues to fight through something when the odds are stacked heavily against them. I think that is why...

October 29, 2023

cat picz in What's Happening

There are prob over ten cats on the farm, these two cats (which I know are not related) love hanging out with me all day. They follow me everywhere. It’s annoying but sometimes I do take a break ...

June 06, 2023

day 2 no job in What's Happening

Being unemployed has been glorious so far. My friend gave me a weed vape pen yesterday. I haven’t really done weed since high school because for the past 20 years all my jobs have drug tested me...

Things are going pretty good at Chaz Co. The building that the machines are going to go in won’t be done for a while so I have them in a barn temporarily. There is power in there so I can run the...

I designed and bought this logo for the make-believe company that I haven’t even started yet! Haha! It cost me 110$ to buy this, but now I can send the file over and have my shirts made. I want t...

February 01, 2023

accidental purchase in What's Happening

The girl in this video is what I’m assuming all British women are like. I wanted to buy the audiobook version of Shoe Dog by Phil Knight so I could listen to it while I was driving, but I acci...

Im addicted to throwing stuff in the trash!! I get a feeling of adrenaline and liberation every time I take more bags out to the trash.

January 09, 2023

hoodie build entry in What's Happening

Rather than keep making new entries for my hoodie build I think I will just keep updating this one. The Latest: Zippers Are Hard I spent a few more hours on it tonight. I did my first zipper; a...

January 09, 2023

got it! in What's Happening

I wasn’t going to do any sewing today, but around 6 in the afternoon I was cleaning and I decided to take a look at the hood I was working on. I realized that I wasn’t bothered so much by the fac...

October 09, 2022

made it to greece in What's Happening

I made it to Greece pretty seemlessly. I looked at a seat map of available seats when I was choosing my seat for the plane and strategically chose a seat in a remote location hoping to get an en...

July 05, 2022

Current Reads in Current Reads

Since I’m always curiously snooping on other peoples’ reading lists I decided to make this new section to share with my fellow book lovers some of the material I’ve been into. Current Reads: The...

May 07, 2022

Rainy day in What's Happening

Cold and rainy days like today seem to be a free pass to enjoy a guilt-free day of a sedentary lifestyle. The lack of sunlight should be depressing, but this time of year the Spring showers seem ...

I said this week that I would try to go caffeine-free all week and only drink water. So far I haven’t been successful, but not because of lack of willpower. The borderline migraines I’ve been hav...

Today is the last day of my 5-day work-a-thon. I used some vacation days from work to give myself this little stretch of time to do nothing except work on my house project. I actually planned on ...

March 18, 2022

A penny wise in What's Happening

Although I’m not an extreme couponer or anything like that, over the past fews years I’ve developed many habits and methods for saving money in almost every facet of life. When I try to share som...

February 07, 2022

Perfecto in What's Happening

I’ve been perpetually busy for a while now. I know that the few women that are always asking me to hang out probably think I’m ghosting them at this point, and even though I’m not particularly ea...

November 11, 2021

Reno in What's Happening

I was renovating a room in my house last week. Over the years my skills have been improving. Along with my skills improving I’ve acquired an arsenal of better tools and just the overall way in wh...

January 30, 2021

Let's weekend! in What's Happening

Air fryers make up for all their short-comings with how good they are at just cooking french fries. I’ve been working so much lately that I have no time get on here during the week and write any...

January 10, 2021

Early Sunday in What's Happening

I’m up early this morning just laying here thinking about random stuff. I was just thinking about how on Christmas my Aunt and Uncle invited me over for dinner at my cousin’s house. I haven’t bee...

November 15, 2020

Missing: left Airpod in What's Happening

This morning I woke up on the couch at 4:00am sitting in an upright position with my laptop on the floor. I’ve been buying these little bottles of pre-made old fashions. They are made with Knob ...

I really think Biden is going to win. I’m not sure why all the ‘Never Trumpers’ seemed to be so worried. Obviously I didn’t vote for Biden, but truth be told I don’t really think Biden is going t...

November 04, 2020

Facepalm in What's Happening

I can’t believe almost exactly half the country supports Joe Biden! I was really hoping we were better than that as a country. 🤦🏼‍♂️

October 15, 2020

No pain - no gain in What's Happening

My clear teeth aligners from Aligner Co. came in yesterday. They have been a great company to deal with. Especially since the entire treatment only cost $1300. The aligners look nice and they fit...

October 11, 2020

Clutzerday in What's Happening

Today was an extra clumsy day for me. For one, I turned my propane grill on high and forgot about it all day. It burned the entire day. While I was at my friend’s house in mid-conversation I was ...

Books 3

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822 Entries