Feathers Fell

Forensic Psychologist with a bad back. Writes rarely, edits videos more these days. Also I'm Bono if Bono was a stoner and had no delusions of grandeur.

Better dead than smeg.


Entries 25

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I don’t know where to start with this one. Fuck, I don’t even know how to cope with this one; normally in the run-up to elections I’ve been able to find a wee smidge of cautious optimism from som...

I had a whole other entry I was working on that was going to be nice and positive and upbeat and just generally an antidote to the grinding misery of every other entry I’ve written recently but a...

It’s been a while since we’ve had a Brexit entry and that’s honestly because the longer I’ve left it the more that’s happened and thus the amount of things I’ve felt that I needed to include grew...

Of all the people I thought I’d never quote, Richard Littlejohn was pretty high up on the list, like maybe fourth or fifth, but honestly, “you couldn’t make it up!” And technically, they didn’t. ...

I’m going to try to keep this short (because Brexit entries tend to be longer, take longer to write, it’s been fucking ages since I’ve been here and have a lot of catching up to do, and also I ha...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

Not sure where to begin with this, as thanks to my operation(s) the last Brexit entry - or “Brentry”, if you will - I did was well before Article 50 was triggered so there’s some catch-up to be d...

My house is a Labour house, my family is a Labour family, so this entry fucking hurts. I had such great faith that Jeremy Corbyn would be different: Here is a man, thought I, who has the courage ...

All has not been quiet aboard the good ship Brexittania in recent days, especially not since Theresa May announced a timeline to the triggering of Article 50 (on April Fool’s day, no less). You s...

Much like the Renegade Master, I’m back once again, and I’m bringing a not-insignificant amount of ill behaviour with me. I stopped for a while, for a bunch of different reasons, but to be honest...

So, there was something I forgot to include in my last entry… Who? Jeremy “Huh-, not Cuh-” Hunt MP for? South West Surrey Voting Record Here Previous position? Secretary of State for Health New ...

Lotta mileage to be had out of her name. Every cloud, eh? So we have a new Prime Minister, for the low, low price of absolutely zero general elections, and as if that wasn’t a bargain enough we’v...

Three weeks ago, David Cameron was in a very different place. For starters, he was confident that his side would win the referendum - after all, the British Public couldn’t be so stupid as to sho...

Brexit-related events, stories and incidents of rampant xenophobia have taken a backseat in the news over the past two days, and that’s because the long-awaited inquiry into the UK’s involvement ...

Article 50 is starting to crop up more frequently in the news now, though obviously leadership battles on both sides continue to dominate the cycle overall. The Tory party conflict is currently l...

It’s been one week, and one fucking hell of a week too. It’s also been 100 years since a million men were killed or injured during the battle of the Somme, in a world-wide conflict that was so de...

I had a session of physiotherapy yesterday, and I think my relationship with my physio has changed. During the first few sessions my focus was very much on not screaming, but more and more recent...

(You will never know how difficult it was to choose between that, and “Never gonna give EU up”) I’ll hold my hands up and happily admit to being wrong: the Labour party’s act of seppuku wasn’t re...

Throwing myself back into Brexit and even given it its own book now because fuck it, the world’s going to shit around me and keeping a running record of maelstrom of madness is (apparently) the o...

Everything is currently in a state that you could fairly and accurately describe as “divided”. We’re talking “the media describing Margaret Thatcher’s death”-levels of the word “divided”. The nat...

(it was either that or “Brave N-EU World”) This is still a really weird thing to come to terms with, though I suppose it’s not exactly the sort of thing it’s easy to come to terms with in the fir...

June 23, 2016

Out in Brexistential Breakdowns

Well, that’s it, then. Fuck. I’m not even gonna deal with this right now. I’ll come back later, but for now fuck it, I’m mentally checking out; my immediate future consists of weed, more weed and...

Go read my previous entry if you haven’t already. In the days since, a lot of people have criticised members of the Remain campaign for “politicising” the death of Jo Cox, and it’s fucking outrag...

There’d been a rumour going round that Thomas Mair, the man who shot and stabbed MP Jo Cox to death on Thursday, had shouted “Britain first” or “put Britain first” as he’d attacked her; if it’s n...

Well, this is all sorts of fucked up. Our MPs hold weekly surgeries in their local constituencies for the public to meet, raise and discuss local issues with them in a face-to-face situation. Tod...

Books 1

25 Entries