
Mama to 5 kids. Wife of 20 years and going on. Childrens photographer. Classic DIYer. Simplistic living, old fashioned, bunny owner. Bipolar, anxiety, autoimmune disorder. Gentle soul, seeking kindness and love. Slow down living, farm life, summer loving landlocked mermaid.

The devil asked how i knew my way through the halls of hell. I replied. I do not need a map for the path i know so well.

Entries 637

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I have never made a cheesecake, For all that T and I love them, and for all my baking. Ive never made one. When he got a prime rib for Christmas I said I would make a cheesecake! Here is the rec...

December 20, 2023

Does he suck or do I? in Bittersweet

B moved out. He told us the other day he was putting in for an apartment and today he signed the lease and got his stuff and left. This is the second time hes moved out and did it while I wasnt h...

Holiday baking at its finest. First up the mousse. Omg. 2 cups heavy whipping cream. 1 cup powdered sugar 1/4 cup baking cocoa powder. More if you want a more chocolatey flavor splash o vanilla ...

December 13, 2023

Snow day in Bittersweet

Looks like tomorrow will be a snow day. Its been snowing all day and the roads are SLUSH wet nasty. Its slowly getting colder and Its going to ice up SO bad. 3/4 ths our people called off or tele...

December 10, 2023

Cheap ass in Bittersweet

Man I am a total cheapass. I found a wool coat i really loved at Dillards. It was over 200. It fits nicely and the size is perfect. A hair tight but im shrinking slowly anyway. Like I LOVE this ...

We launched our website for Black Friday. I spent all of thanksgiving making listings, policies, designing ect. Got the domain, released it with a case that people have been asking for and opened...

Cottage Cheese. Maranara Sauce Favorite Pizza Toppings Italian herb spices ( Oregano, basil, garlic, are my favorites) Shredded cheese ( Cheddar jack is awesome) Garlic Pita Chips. In a small b...

3 chicken breast halves. 1 lb each broccoli, califlower and riced califlower 16 oz noodles of choice. Sauce 1 stick butter 4 cups milk 2 eggs 2 tablespoons flower 3 cups favorite cheeses I used ...

November 12, 2023

farewell halloween in Bittersweet

We packed up most of the halloween decor today, Except Skelly. He is staying up a bit. I need a christmas hat for him lol. The kids grabbed all my winter paintings and brought them all out and h...

We net 1300 on the side hustle this month. Its going up every month. This takes into account shipping and fees, not supplies. But thats ok too :) Its cool that we are pulling something of a profi...

October 28, 2023

Not me. in Bittersweet

I didnt win the award I was nominated for but my company won the award they were nominated for. Totally valid and awesome! :) I didnt think I would win and im happy for the person who did.

October 26, 2023

Award take two in Bittersweet

Tomorrow is the other award ceremony. This one I was nominated by my CEO for a personal award. This award is designed to recognize an outstanding individual with lived experience who works to im...

October 24, 2023

Gala in Bittersweet

The gala was actually really awesome. I did end up French braiding my hair for texture and took the Wednesday adams and pipi longstocking jabs all day. I swept it back side and called it g...

October 23, 2023

sadface in Bittersweet

I made a mistake and the awards arent till tomorrow night. I did some trials for some updos. Oh god its almost hilarious. I was crying it was so bad. Not only do i have babyfine hair but its s...

October 21, 2023

eep in Bittersweet

Best of city awards are on monday. We changed our outfits up entirely. Good thing I bought three formal dresses. I decided to go with the lilac over the blue sequin gown. T is going to wear his b...

October 14, 2023

Talking with kids. in Bittersweet

T is outside washing the windows so we can see the eclipse. L- When did we hire a window cleaner. Me- about 20 years ago. Somehow i ended up with 5 kids from it. L- Window cleaner did a weird job...

October 11, 2023

Butthurt in Bittersweet

I had my BHRT injection today. For some reason I thought it would be like a syringe/needle and they stuck it in that way lol. Like I have NO idea why i thought that. This thing is the size of a ...

October 10, 2023

Lucked out in Bittersweet

Dang. I ordered like 5 skirts and 8 tops online. I managed to pick a bunch im going to keep. Whattt? Im returning 2 shits. 1 is way too big. Ill get it 2 sizes smaller. The other is just a we...

October 09, 2023

Bra shopping in Bittersweet

I had to go find a bra for under my ballgown. Its low cut in the chest and spaghetti straps so I need a strapless push up bra lmao. Do you know how HARD it is to find that when you are a busty ga...

Dyed in a braid for variations. Pueple pop Kelly green/Toxic sludge Black

Plum Dandy Purple pop Monarch orange Golden Poppy Pecan 1/4 teaspoon each color in 32 oz water

Purple Pop Neon Magenta Neon Orange ( safety orange) Neon Red True Turq Neon Chartreuse 1/4 teaspoon of each dye in 8 oz water. Kettle dyed for less control of the flow. Next time im controlling...

October 03, 2023

Oh what the fudgesticks in Bittersweet

We had an incident. The kind where my ADHD brain kicks into superpower mode and im all action. I got at test from one of my gals at around 9 30 am that one of the therapists was weak, dizzy, coug...

October 01, 2023

descent into weirdness in Bittersweet

T bought me a bread machine. Ive been griping about it for MONTHS. I wanted one ha-ha. Like seriously. He finally bought one for me. Im pretty excited about it haha. We have milk bread going alr...

September 28, 2023

Laugh with me in Bittersweet

Yall. I got my billing statement from Kaiser. They said im at almost 3k to my 5k deductible. WTF. Like I havent paid for much. Turns out the ajovy shot, counted as CASH price. 2K worth of Ajovy ...

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