ermentrude ⋅ 53 ⋅
I prefer the term childlike to childish, it had a more mature ring to it. To me I'm me. Determined, understanding with a little bit of a temper. I'm married and have children. I also have a brother and two sisters, I work in a school with various kids who need a little extra help, one way or another. And to all those people I imagine that I'm someone slightly different, depending on their needs. Once you read me I will become, to you, who you need me to be.
Let's Go Diem the Carpe!
Entries 635
Page 21 of 26
all I can say. in summer 2014 is a creepin' in.
Is thank goodness for Nuerofen and paracetamol. I'm not sure that I'd get through today without them. I have a virus of some kind and I have a meeting at the new job. And I'm working too.
lights out. in summer 2014 is a creepin' in.
I turned down an interview at volunteer school today, the business manager sounded really disappointed, but I think I did the right thing. It wouldn't be fair to mess the first school around. And...
normality reigns. in summer 2014 is a creepin' in.
After several weeks, during which I was either applying for jobs or studying for interviews, I have finally been free to not do anything! It still isn't common knowledge but I've finally been o...
I can make it in summer 2014 is a creepin' in.
I'm so tired that I don't know how I've made it this long - I only have half an hour of work left. I can do it. I can do it. I can do izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WAKE UP!! I think that dinner will be...
amusing anecdote. in summer 2014 is a creepin' in.
It's not just the time off the month, auntie Flo seems to have moved in, well and truly! On Friday I went to the loo with Libby (2.5 years old) and she caught site of my pad... "Marmite on your ...
bullets, methinks. in summer 2014 is a creepin' in.
Lila will turn six on Monday. She is more and more excited by this as every second goes by. Her party is tomorrow (Sunday) and we have booked a bouncy castle for the back garden. It isn't the us...
June 26th. in summer 2014 is a creepin' in.
This week has been... well, hard to find a good description! Rich and I realised that we would have every night together except Thursday (tonight) as he goes out on Thursdays. It was a nice, rela...
camping and music at midsummer. in summer 2014 is a creepin' in.
My view on Friday evening after a rush hour, Lorry swerving, traffic jam filled journey. A nutella filled pancake! It was a small festival on a farm at the top of a hill in Oxfordshire. Thi...
1st June. The bitch fest is done. in crawling into 2014.
Aka. Today's achievement. Tally and my (not) first race together. Not? What are those brackets about? Well, tally and I ran our first race together (although I think we power walked it) when she...
yup, me again. may 31. in summer 2014 is a creepin' in.
I have a friend. I really have nothing in common with this friend. There are two things stopping me from dropping her Facebook friendship. Firstly. Not wanting her to be upset if she notices and....
again? really? in crawling into 2014.
Having felt removed from this place for a couple of weeks I forced myself to write a few days ago and now the bloody floodgates have opened! I have conjunctivitis. I blame fly-lady. I don't do f...
Friday morning bath entry! 30th May. in crawling into 2014.
And I can lounge for longer since it's half term and my first (and only) kid arrives at 8am. Yes, work is back on today but she's on a half day so I'll be finished by 1pm :-) and everyone adores ...
29th May in crawling into 2014.
I really need to make a new box - we are no longer crawling into a new year! I keep wanting to write but feeling too fed up to do it. I keep looking at houses on the net but I'm not doing anythi...
reality check. the yorkshire edition. may 24th in crawling into 2014.
WHERE: in the guest bed at my dad's house. The house I grew up in, lived in from 6 months old until 19 years old. I love seeing the fun my kids have here with all the space in the garden and the ...
May 18 in crawling into 2014.
It's been a weekend with a difference, but a good weekend. Rich works a 9-5 Mon-Fri job but this weekend he had to go in for a course for... well, I can't tell you because I'm not allowed to talk...
May 18. in crawling into 2014.
I'm sure you've all been losing sleep in regards to the issue of the nits. As I'm sure you're all desperate to hear an update I shall create updateage. Well, Lila is still nit free, tally still ...
May 2014. in crawling into 2014.
I have changed my profile picture - it is still my leg, but it truly depicts my entries now... And because I've been messing with apps I don't have time for my usual Friday morning entry ;-) Yo...
Nits Have Hit. in crawling into 2014.
It's our first time, having little bugs crawling around our children's hair. We were head lice virgins up until now! Tally mentioned her insanely itchy head on Tuesday and begged me to get the ...
:-D in crawling into 2014.
We have the loveliest post lady, she's called Mary and knows all the people on her route by name. She even asked me if the name that I receive my post in is the one I use daily I told her that I ...
missing in crawling into 2014.
Please don't worry about me - my Friday morning entry is being usurped by the arrival of Under A Silent Moon, written by your friend, and mine, Elizabeth Haynes. Catch you on the flip side (wher...
hellooooo! in crawling into 2014.
Nothing to say really, and not much time to say it... Another TA job had come up at the special needs school that's attached to my daughters' school. I want to go for it but something seems to ...
abc surveyage in crawling into 2014.
As if my week could get any worse, this morning before my run I had to unblock the toilet using a rubber glove, some cling film (seran wrap you're stuff) and a spoon. The cling film was purely to...
more realistically. in crawling into 2014.
This is a house I really like. It would mean not getting a larger mortgage, we also wouldn't be downsizing with the size of house - and the girls would love the garden! (Ours is very small). It h...
anyone else? in crawling into 2014.
I'm not sure if it's the site or my phone - I sometimes get half way through writing a note when what I type doesn't show up the screen any more. That's a strong possibility that I have tried to ...
reality check. the frustrated version. in crawling into 2014.
WHERE: in the bath... The water is just, slightly, too hot but the window is open to counteract any hot flushes that may give me (non hormonal, I hasten to add). WEARING: five heart shaped, very...