Entries 236
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Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for a new year. I am thankful for our medical system here, I know not everyone agrees with universal health care but as a recipient of it, I am very thankful. I am thankful for the ...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful it is not quite so cold and windy here and that it is supposed to warm up a little more on Sunday, woohoo!!! I am so thankful I am on the mend and getting healthier again every day....
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am very thankful I am really on the road to recovery and I am feeling better every day. I am thankful for the wonders of modern medicine. I am also thankful for some of the older ways, like the...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am so thankful I live in a country where I can go to the ER when needed and not worry about going broke doing so. I am also very thankful we have some pretty great doctors here. I am thankful...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful Kleenex is cheap, lol. I am thankful the ick can’t last forever, can it? I am thankful for warm cuddly Kitty and Dash. I am thankful that today the sun is up and shining, it may ha...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am very thankful for the kindness of strangers. I am also very thankful for the kindness of not strangers, lol. I am thankful for the men and women who have risked and are risking their lives ...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful my house issues are about over, woohoo!!! I am thankful for my beautiful grandson and glamdaughter. I am thankful for the sun that is finally out and shining today, woohoo!!! I am t...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for my grandson and all the love in his life. I am thankful for the fact that I have had a very sheltered life in many respects. I am thankful for my menfolk and womanfolk, you guys...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am oh so thankful that I don’t have to move, yay!!! This house is no longer for sale, woohoo!!! I am thankful for my grandson and glamdaughter. I am thankful for good friends. I am thankful fo...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am every so thankful that I am home, alone, in the quiet, lol. I am also very thankful that I will not be in a car for any horribly long periods anytime soon, lol. I am very, very thankful I...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for a wonderful week with my sister and making some wonderful memories and learning new things about her. I am thankful for my upcoming visit with my Ontario friend, showing her our...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for this body and all it does for me. I am thankful for this life and all I am learning. I am thankful for HubbyMan and the kids, even on the days I question why, lol. I am thankful...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for my grandson and glamdaughter, two beautiful creatures that always make my heart smile. I am thankful for the Dashman and his playfulness and Kitty and her cuddliness. I am thank...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for HubbyMan and so glad he is home again. I am thankful he was able to take care of the house stuff while he was there. I am very thankful the house will be up for sale soon, hopef...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that things are happening with our house back home, hopefully it will sell quickly and for a good price, good thoughts please!!!! I am thankful for my gorgeous grandson and beautifu...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for HubbyMan and the wonderful years we’ve had together. I am thankful for my men and womenfolk, you all rock!!! I am thankful for Dashman and Kitty, my faithful companions, who are...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for physio and the help it has given me. I suppose I am thankful for set backs as they remind you when you need to take it easy. I am thankful for Dashman and Kitty and how wonderfu...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for the Dashman, I wish I could get my photos to work here, he is currently snuggled up on the couch in a sunbeam, just basking in the glory of the morning, what a great way to star...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am very thankful for good benefits from work. I am very thankful for physio therapy that takes walk in clients. I am very thankful I do not have a blood clot issue going on and it was just a mu...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am very thankful for my new yoga mat, woohoo!!! I am thankful for my daughter’s possible job opportunity, fingers crossed everyone please!!!! I am thankful for my menfolk and my womenfolk, you ...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful my grandson is healthy and happy. I am thankful for the beautiful birds in this area, even the noisy magpies, lol. I am thankful for the beautiful fragrance of spring. I am thankfu...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for the glorious rain we had all weekend, can be a little depressing at times but we really needed it and we have more on the way!!! I am very thankful the Boy went to work today de...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful my Kitty is healthy and happy, so said the vet last night! I am thankful for my beautiful grandson and hope he gets over his ear infection soon, poor little chicken. I am oh so than...
Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for my still nameless kitty, it may just be Kitty, or maybe Belle, I dunno. I am thankful for my Dashman who is being very understanding during this transition. I am thankful for my...
Thankfully Thursday in Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that it is finally Thursday bc in two more sleep we go to Jasper for a night, yay hot springs!!! I am also thankful for the tiny, new meow I keep hearing, she is so sweet and cute a...