
game designer, podcaster, writer, freelancer, blogger, human being.

Entries 53

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May 29, 2022

Weaving in Dear love

Dear love, I’ve ignored every letter you’ve sent. They sit in a pile as old mail always does. I know what’s inside each one even though the words are all different. They are invitations to a danc...

The land wilted before them. People fled, scattering to the winds, only to gather in small groups, whispering of their desolation. To speak too loud, they said, invoked them. Yet they had no name...

January 29, 2021

Hag in Tales of Voracious

Fog hung in the air as I approached the bog. Bones hung from trees, arranged in curious shapes, talismans warning people to stay far, far away. Silence hung in the air, not even a frog could be h...

January 26, 2021

Sphinx in Tales of Voracious

I sat on the edge of the stone temple, watching those avoiding the once busy road as they picked their way through the underbrush to get to the city, cutting a wide path around the centrally loca...

January 17, 2021

Hydra in Tales of Voracious

The cave sat nestled in the mouth of the river, water dank and murky as the moonlight shimmered on its surface. I sat on the rocks, watching the darkness, waiting for a sign of the beast within. ...

January 13, 2021

Krampus in Tales of Voracious

I sat in the old house, listening to the soft cries from neighboring homes, as children were judged by the saint and his demonic accomplice. On the table beside me sat an array of items, ranging ...

December 18, 2020

Cernunnos in Tales of Voracious

The woods were quiet. The kind of perfect stillness that promises everything has seen you and is watching, waiting to see what you do in their home. I looked around the clearing, bathed in sunlig...

December 11, 2020

Mothman in Tales of Voracious

My feet touched damp earth as I walked between trees towards the haunted landscape he called home. The night barely stirred, the odd cricket made a noise only to sharply stop at my passing. A ful...

December 04, 2020

Siren in Tales of Voracious

Waves lapped against the rocks, gently licking the stony surfaces. I stepped uneasily onto the slippery stones, sliding before finding a sturdy purchase. The soft sound of the water gave the forb...

November 27, 2020

Arachne in Tales of Voracious

Darkness haunted every step I took, obscuring the cave as I walked forward, torch hissing in the air. Other than my crimson flames, nothing but pitch black greeted my eyes. A cool air crept up my...

November 23, 2020

The Nuckelavee in Tales of Voracious

Slick black blood slid down my arm and dripped off of my elbow, creating a puddle at my bare feet. The ocean coursed behind my beast, thundering on rocky craigs. No words slipped past my lips, fo...

November 20, 2020

Baphomet in Tales of Voracious

The candlelight flickered, casting shadows over the altar. Tree branches quivered in the cool wind, clattering against one another. Fire warmed the air behind me, illuminating the effigy and the ...

November 14, 2020

Gelatinous Cube in Tales of Voracious

It waited, patiently, the light glinting off of its ultramarine surface. I slid my hand over its gelatinous flesh, caressing the glassy outside as I inhaled a soft breath. It quivered in anticipa...

March 02, 2020

twenty-three in poems

Sleep is a prison cell I keep finding myself returning to locked inside with all the bedmates of my past. The bars slam shut and I am faced with the hundreds of stains covering the bed with p...

March 01, 2020

twenty-two in poems

I am working through this trauma. This trauma you gave me. But this trauma is the loud, screaming your name at the top its lungs until nothing else fits in my head the shallow earth bursting wi...

I said to the Universe, “Send me someone to love me, please.” And she did. He loved me in how he knew to love. A love that started and ended with him, no mirrors or reflections, a new Sol in my u...

December 30, 2019

twenty-one in poems

sometimes late at night when i’ve had too much fear to drink i wish you had hurt me physically, i mean the kind of hurt that leaves bodies and trails scratches and slaps and bruises on arms or hi...

August 25, 2019

To my mother in To The Person

Dear mom, I’m so sorry you’ve taken my words and my journey with trauma into yourself and let it become your fault. I’m sorry when you hear me speak about my experiences that you feel like a fail...

July 22, 2019

The Haunting in Dear love

Dear love, It’s my default to say I’m sorry. Not because I’m Canadian but because I am so intrinsically interested in making you comfortable, the apology is first and foremost. Your feelings almo...

July 21, 2019

Tea Time in Dear love

Dear love, I make tea and sit thinking about you as the bag bobs in and out of the water at my finger’s will. It steams in the cold air of my apartment, hollow of your presence. Sometimes the pas...

July 07, 2019

Rapunzel in Dear love

Dear love, You stir in me. The way a parasitic larva coils in the guts of its host, you tickle my insides. Nothing I do seems to pull you off the wall of my gut so I can shit you out. Instead, I...

July 03, 2019

twenty in poems

i was easier to listen to when i was only love and light now that suffering has crept into my voice you look away into the distance of the past where i only loved you i didn’t need love back

June 25, 2019

nineteen in poems

i never wanted to be your wife i wanted to be your salvation the gentle promise of hope on the horizon that would breathe recovery into your addiction and make it bleed on the ground beside the...

June 09, 2019

Stitching in Dear love

Dear love, We made a game together about quilting. We even put it in a book and published it, at your urging. You took my foundations of knowledge and shoved them into a game and said “let’s make...

May 29, 2019

eighteen in poems

i have found memory she was scared of you so afraid she hid beneath quiet breathing and silent hope for kindness she was scared by you and every other man that touched her saw her skittish nature...

Books 5

17 Entries

24 Entries

12 Entries

1 Entry