woman in the moon ⋅ 78 ⋅
The only sin is quitting.
Entries 999
Page 37 of 40
Cat story - no photos in These titles mean nothing.
I don't think you can be any more slutty than a cat. The black one has been fucking her brother repeatedly under the table and elsewhere and now she's backing up with her back arched and her tai...
What I want.... in Secrets from myself
I want to be competent. I don't want to be the best, I just want to be good enough. Sounds simple.... but it's not. %%^#^^^^ I suppose I'm talking about work. I suppose that's obvious. ...
Larceny/partly from the Hell's Angels in Flash
No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride…and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well… maybe chalk it off to forced conscious ex...
House dog! the coyotes taunt Gracie when she goes out to bark at them. You live inside. People feed you. You've been to the vet. You don't have to take care of yourself. You don't ...
Menus - Food - warning: way too much to read in Secrets from myself
Prologue - It's almost six am and I am at my mother's kitchen table - mine now of course - in my dark red fleece LLBean robe. I finally took a bath last night and blew my hair dry afterward. ...
Brand new sunrise.... in Flash
... from my cellar door. The swing tree endures. It was a big tall walnut in 1950 when my dad put up my swing. It's lost its neighbor elm and neighbor oak, but has sons growing throughou...
Up early - two for the price of one in Lists
Three in the am. Well not exactly up, but awake. Trying to decide whether to: write my seven fifty take a bath work on the Agri News sudoku watch a Paladin on youtube - they're all there - o...
Why do we write here? in These titles mean nothing.
Here being on line in a diary form. I'd like to know your feelings, thoughts, etc.
Plans for the summer? in Secrets from myself
First here's Dylan: Oh God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son” Abe says, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on” God say, “No.” Abe say, “What?” God say, “You can do what you want Abe, but The next ti...
Chef salad specs.... in Lists
good lettuce - can live with iceberg if the other stuff is good ham cheese tomatoes onions green peppers mushrooms green olives black olives small tub of italian dressing no crackers no croutons...
Nine years ago - in the summer though... in Flash
Warmer... in Weather report
Bouncy. Hung on till the bitter end. Fast, careless and did not communicate well. God these tell more about me than you'd think, huh?
More snow from a week ago in Flash
This was a week ago... in Flash
Pigeons.... in Weather report
When we had a lot of cats and no dogs, we did not have pigeons. I would mourn their passing - missing the squabdrons gliding through the air, their coos, and other evidence of their absence. ...
...of lists in Lists
Things I've lost interesting in: daily prayer at end of 750 words categories in OD entries (and at 750 words briefly) carrying a plastic bag to put picked up junk in daily walking at breaks an...
The diary about love.... in Weather report
is here: http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D124891&entry=20584 Several months ago I wrote about this diary but I hadn't remembered its name and I couldn't find it again. Tod...
Silly little brag.... in These titles mean nothing.
I was going to take a screen shot of my 750words badges but failed. I got my 365 days badge today and that makes 18 total - two full rows across the screen. Since I'm here - I just looked up ...
Things I say... in These titles mean nothing.
to myself: Bobby, you are all I've ever wanted. What does that mean? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
The year... in Secrets from myself
A hundred years ago my mother was seven months old. My dad was six and a half years old. Ever since we passed their hundred year birthdays, I feel a little different about time. Events a hundr...
2014 in Secrets from myself
Overnight we get a new year. It's a pivot in time. Totally arbitrary yet accepted around the world and for centuries. A year is a measure of time. A revolution of the planet around the sun. ...
Spelling words... in Lists
apocryphal cinnamon connoisseur effeminate gigolo gymnast Khrushchev languish license millennial misogynist Muhammad Ali obfuscation predecessor separate succumb Tutankhanum to be continued...
I renamed myself... in These titles mean nothing.
.. the other day. Now I'm woman in the moon which is what I was/am at the other place. I had wanted to be different here - yet I wanted to be the same too. I had called myself witm here but ...
Holiday Edition in Secrets from myself
At some point I end up feeling the Christmas spirit. Usually it's about now. I either have made some preparations or I haven't, and either way it's ok. Whatever happens now will be this year's...