woman in the moon ⋅ 78 ⋅

The only sin is quitting.

Familly saying.

Entries 998

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What are the first 3 item on your bucket list? I’m not sure I have a bucket list. If I did, I’d put taking care of Joana at the top. And then I’m not sure what would come next. Uncertainty is...

Since I sent the Master 55 bucks for a year’s worth of enhanced PB, I may as well get my money’s worth with another entry. A survey to mix things up a bit...... How long were you with your last S...

What’s the difference between liberal and progressive? Thanks in advance.

Dipping into another weekend. Good. I guess. Joana’s appointment is Tuesday with an oncologist from Nigeria, an oncology nurse of unspecified origin, a social worker who is supposed to be h...

It’s a monster of a house. Built in sections between 1890 and 1930, it’s not in the best of shape. It could use a lot of work. My lottery fantasy is get a contractor who understands me and a...

Emphasis on small bales. I think I did almost all of my hay handling before I started writing on line. It happened after we moved back in 1975 and before we got our first big hay baler in .........

The Keenan iris are in bloom right now. Gracie (I think) knocked some of them over so I should go and cut them and make a kitchen table bouquet. I just picked this pic from a directory of pho...

as opposed to what I need to do. I’d like to go back to bed. I need to wash my hair and change my clothes. Needs are easier to come up with than wants. Needs: - bring in the clothes - pot my ger...

https://www.cheatsheet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Billy-Martin-Reggie-Jackson-1024x501.jpg Did me, anyway. New York Yankees - Billy Martin and Reggie Jackson. Reggie hit three home runs from ...

Seeds A seed is a beginning But first it was an ending A promise A self-contained unit of continuing life We carry seed with us We make new life We do it discriminately, indiscriminately We care ...

First Born: Father in Room - No Induced - No Hours in labor - 12 approx Knew gender - No Due Date - January 20 Birth Date - January 24 Morning sickness? Some Cravings? Don’t remember Gender - Boy...

On the LEFT side, page 444, of Fawn Brodie’s Jefferson book: “Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two particular parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to ...

This is a movie that should have had sequels.

I no longer play solitaire. I got to Genius level and decided that was far enough. Though.... a person does wonder what comes after Genius. I just learned that ironic quotes around words, ...

Biden - 76, old, white. male, experienced, too friendly, Obama’s VP Booker - 49, young, black, male, US Senator from NJ Bloomberg - 77, old white, male, RICH, former mayor of NYC Buttigi...

I write other places. Not a lot but a little. I am bored. Generally. Specifically. Otherwise. I have nothing to say. Very little is happening in my life and while I think about wr...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pont_Alexandre_III (click on the pictures to make them big) https://emergencemagazine.org/story/on-the-road-with-thomas-merton/

I’m here again. Home at my cluttered kitchen table. Just had a peanut butter and blackberry jam on whole wheat toast sammich, along with a diet Pepsi. Coffee has become too much work for me....

This is from the Washington Post. The items in quotes are from the Congressional bill/resolution. *The resolution in Congress from Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) calls for a “...

of the new data recovery system. Silly, silly me. And this time it worked beautifully. So never mind.

11/19 - My favorite memory about my mother is… My mother died a couple weeks after her 48th birthday. She died suddenly of something in her brain - not a stroke, maybe a cerebral hemorrhage, may...

November 13, 2018

Quality in These titles mean nothing.

11/13 - What is the quality you most like in a man? In a woman? In a man? Openness. In a woman? Sincerity.

Norman Ackroyd and Robert Macfarlane. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0000qkv We are lucky to still have the BBC.

Everyone I’m interested in is younger. No one remembers anything that I consider important. Guess that’s it.

I watched this on youtube last night. I’ve seen it before and loved it and it was even better this time.

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