Entries 602
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Saturday fripperies in blackpropaganda
Regular readers (Ben and Stan Dover) will know that I comment on tv here - and particularly the breakfast programmes. So what has been happening to Good Morning Britain which was a revamp of the ...
Small cock gets big sentence in blackpropaganda
So, the publicist Max Clifford (he of the small penis, or so he said) who was convicted of eight indecent assaults from the 1970s and 1980s has been sentenced to eight years.It could not be more ...
The big news.... in blackpropaganda
Is that Prince Harry has broken up with his girlfriend Cressida Bonas. Well, fancy that! Especially since it was reported they were going to get engaged. I would guess that she saw the future and...
Two deaths.. in blackpropaganda
If the authorities in society deem it right that people who kill other people should be executed then it would seem to me that they should provide the most efficient means possible to carry out t...
Organ size.... in blackpropaganda
Today I revelled in the joy of a wonderful organ. There is nothing better than to experience someone who knows how to use it, bringing it to life, playing with it, first gently, then with power,...
Good Morning..er... Britain- with sex added in blackpropaganda
Big news today that ITV have once again re-organised their breakfast programme which has come in for so much stick - and have modelled it on the US examples - and so have four presenters around a...
Farty in blackpropaganda
Nothing like a chorizo and chickpea stew for dinner!!!!!
Spring cleaning... in blackpropaganda
We took advantage of the fine weather to clean out the garage - and mots of this stuff went back in again - no room for a car!!!!
Legacy! in blackpropaganda
When someone has had a good life, successful and satisfying, then it is great to have a funeral which celebrates that life - especially when the person who has died has had time to say how he wan...
Let's go iconic.... in blackpropaganda
I meant to write about the fact that yesterday was St George's Day, the patron saint of England. But such is my apathy towards the day, I forgot. It is also when Shakespeare's birthday is celebr...
Two deaths in blackpropaganda
A couple of sad days when two friends succumbed to cancer - one after quite a long time, and the other pretty quickly. They were both diagnosed in their sixties - and one got through to his seven...
Two fat ladies...... in blackpropaganda
At one time this was a tv cookery programme in the UK - both ladies have now died and there was the wonderful Beryl Cook with her paintings - very often featuring fat ladies but it is the Bi...
Revenge of the pigeons in blackpropaganda
Every morning I cut up bread into small bits, soak it and throw it out on the back lawn. In variable now five or six fat pigeons descend and scoff it all up before the smaller birds can get at i...
Good Friday - looking on the bright side in blackpropaganda
When I was a boy nothing opened on Good Friday - shops were closed, and the focus was on the death of Christ on the cross on tv and radio. For Roman Catholics there was a three hour service from ...
What can you say.... in blackpropaganda
about the South Korean ferry disaster where it seems over 300 people, mainly schoolkids have lost their lives the standoff in the Ukraine where the weakness of the post-Soviet republics is shown...
Making an exhibition in blackpropaganda
If anyone is in London, or going in the next few months, the Matisse Exhibition at Tate Modern is highly recommended. It is amazing that an artist who could not longer paint because of serious i...
Spring in blackpropaganda
This time of year is fantastic. It has been warm and sunny and the trees are getting green - buds are cracking almost as you watch - and the may blossom is overwhelming when it is fresh on the bu...
Balls all round! in blackpropaganda
The rumour about Kate died the death when she a) was white water rafting (not allowed if pregnant) b) drinking red wine at a winery - and no royal would take alcohol if pregnant. So we can get ba...
Another baby? in blackpropaganda
Ah, how the press love to prognosticate - especially about Kate. I mean the lovely Duchess of Cambridge of course, at present in New Zealand on a royal tour - no way the oldies are going to trave...
Something you may have missed in blackpropaganda
Full-Bush Brazilian': The Latest Waxing Trend To Sweep The Nation Well, fancy that - now you have an Afro, but nothing underneath - no pictures were forthcoming in the article, but use your imag...
Things I do in blackpropaganda
I paint small cards for special occasions - the latest for a newly born girl - her first original picture - a pink rose and I do some cooking - here is a signature dish - sausages cooked with ...
Mickey and Peaches in blackpropaganda
Two very different icons have died - one at 93 and one at 25 - Mickey Rooney, born Joe Jule Jnr - and Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Geldof - daughter of Paula Yates, who ...
Two bow out in blackpropaganda
So farewell David Letterman and Sir Bruce Forsyth - two stalwarts of tv broadcasting from the old days. Can anyone beat Letterman in the art of talk show presenting - and it is amazing that at 86...
Some more jokes.... in blackpropaganda
Sorry but I have found some I like, and want to pass them on A blind man walks into a bar with his seeing eye dog. He stands there for a second then picks his dog up by the tail and swings it ov...
Hair today.... in blackpropaganda
Second entry of the day - the first a rant about politicians - now for something completely different.. I go to a womens/mens hairdressers where SW... goes - and over the last few years have alw...