Just like the side of a cookie, I am slightly crunchy and completely awesome.
Entries 41
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I need a new computer. in A Life Uncommon
Smart people of the internet, I need a new computer. I think I am pretty sold on going with a desktop vs laptop. No sense in two, and I really need my computer to WORK. I run a handful of progr...
Itching in A Life Uncommon
I oughta be working some but I just ate lunch and I feel like I should start typing before the ideas just explode out of my ears. Man, wouldn't that be a sight? I digress. Some pushing and p...
Matt, Gavin, Andrew. in A Life Uncommon
What do those three names mean? They mean that Matt Nathanson, Gavin DeGraw, and Andrew McMahon are in concert on July 23rd and goddamnit I aim to go. sells diapers to show how serious she is ...
the fowl life. in A Life Uncommon
The last two days I've burned these disgusting burps, full sulfur and gross. I think too many vegetables perhaps? I've come back a few times to write but I sway awAy. I feel vulnerable here too,...
On and on across the universe. in A Life Uncommon
I used to think the band that would write the soundtrack of my life was Dashboard Confessional. And then I thought I fit better with Something Corporate. I dabbled awhile with Nirvana but they ...
the one where jack tries to show sympathy. in A Life Uncommon
So I finally mentioned my irrational and unfair anger and sadness 're:babies (I was set into tears by my ex announcing a pregnancy due 8-25) to Jack. I told him it's not overpowering, it just...i...
Embracing toddlerhood. in A Life Uncommon
My sweet Gavin is barreling toward 18 months, and I am hugely in denial that my BABY could possibly be halfway to two years old. But it's true, and no denying it. He has hit the developmental "ru...
Growing kids and Saying goodbye in A Life Uncommon
I am officially, totally, completely, 100% ready to be done with January. The week began with a cluster of appointments - well childs for all the kiddos and finally getting Jack into his (our?) ...
Three - Joshua. in A Life Uncommon
My Joshua, It is desperately hard to believe that three whole years have passed me by since you were born. You have grown from the tiny, perfectly round baby into a skinny toddler with a love f...
complete. in A Life Uncommon
It's over, it's done. A perfect tiny thing in a sac, a perfect tiny sac and a complete placental area and I.... Feel so empty . What a change from a month ago when I was horrified to be pregn...
Angry and bitter. in A Life Uncommon
I'm the girl who reacts inappropriately in bad situations. Not like, snickers during a funeral, but I find it hard to show my true emotions. I get intimidated easily, or feel like I am on display...
naptime notes in A Life Uncommon
I am officially exhausted, starving, and nauseated. Help, I have the first trimester woes. Seriously though this seems so blissful in comparison to the last two pregnancies. I am mostly sure by ...
Snowy mornings. in A Life Uncommon
Let's just go ahead and talk about it: I'm still not sure how I feel. I mean, I am getting happy and excited now. I am letting go of my disappointment and sadness - we had plans and life isn't go...
Variables. in A Life Uncommon
Jack mentioned today the looming need for me to "work elsewhere" aka not be at home. :( The past few months have been incredibly difficult, and I am struggling to keep up a lot of days. We've a...
Feeling It. in A Life Uncommon
It's been a really rough few months, Compounded by what I assume is my version of SADS, And I am just all out of coping skills. Today's mini snit was brief but led to me sobbing as a release. I ...
Humbled (x-post from Post-Transfer) in A Life Uncommon
At the risk of outing other journalists or whatnot, I will attempt to tell you a story without identifying anyone specifically. I realize I don't say it often in my journals, but I am actually ...