simple mind

I'm the burning bush. I'm the burning fire. I'm the bleeding volcano.

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Entries 258

Page 10 of 11

July 17, 2013

Tip on replying in Tips and Tricks

There's something on Facebook that drives me batshit crazy. You leave a comment to someone who has, oh, like 500 "friends". And for the rest of time and all eternity, you get notified whenever ...

Warning: I'm not writing this for the casual user. If you don't know any HTML, you'll probably be happy to skip this one. I've been asked about allowing HTML table tags. I've now added those t...

July 16, 2013

Login fixes in Site Updates

A couple of people complained about not being able to stay logged in the last couple of days. I think that's because I forgot to add the "Remember me" checkbox to the main Login screen. So hope...

July 16, 2013

Busy week ahead in Site Updates

Just a heads up that I might not be around too much the rest of this week. I'll be working at a convention, trying to spread love and joy, as part of my regular gig. Should be interesting. I t...

So you may notice a major overhaul on the skinning of the site, and much tweaking to take advantage of some of it. I removed the troublesome login dropdown menu, wasn't working on mobile. Looks...

July 14, 2013

New box in Suggestion Box

First suggestion box is getting a bit full.

July 13, 2013

Feelin' Justified in Site Updates

I received the suggestion to justify text (aligned on both the left and right edges), and since it's a very simple CSS thing - text-align: justify; - I thought I'd give it a whirl with the entry ...

July 13, 2013

Q&A - please read in Site Updates

Perhaps this will turn in to the start of my FAQ section! A new member asks: I am a little concerned that you are doing this without charge, and that we may be repeating the experience of the o...

July 12, 2013

For the poets in Tips and Tricks

There's a little trick to getting single lines to come out right. You can type something like this: *There once was a girl named Sue Who was a student up at the U She said, "Mama Mia! I think m...

You know how they say it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission? Umm.... sorry. I think most look pretty dang snazzy in the circular format though. *Note: people on IE8 or older (see...

I expect there may be some weird side effects as a result, but we will see. Let me know if I've broken anything for you.

It's off to war! Just kidding. I've unleashed a new Save draft feature that I think people will really like. People won't see your draft until you Publish it. Right now you'll have to go to y...

July 07, 2013

Help Available in Site Updates

Just a quick update to say that I've provided links to my help books in the menu. Hopefully this will help new people feel... less lost. :)

Wow, lots of new people popping up in my little town. Welcome! First of all, you may want to bookmark me because I've got some good books for site users: this book (Site Updates), Tips and Tric...

I just noticed we passed the 100 user mark, how cool is that?? Also, I added some formatting help information to the add/edit entry page. Everything you ever wanted to know about Markdown and t...

July 05, 2013

Bookmarks update in Site Updates

You can now bookmark people through their main user page. So you can search the user listing and bookmark your friends who have signed up but not written anything yet.

Just updating the entry to avoid more comments here.

July 04, 2013

Youtube update in Site Updates

Made a little change to make the video size "responsive". So it will be bigger on a desktop, and really small if you're scrolling in portrait mode on a phone. Let me know if you see any weird s...

I should have been in bed about 2 hours ago, but this thing was kicking my butt and I can't go to bed after such a butt whooping. But I've solved it! Youtube links are auto-magical now! That's...

'Tis true. Prosebox is currently Youtube-less. But! Rather than allowing embed codes which are somewhat tedious to copy/paste/format as well as a security risk, I just want to have the softwar...

July 01, 2013

User search in Site Updates

Well, not so much a search as a list of everyone currently signed up on Prosebox. I figure that's sufficient while we have a small amount of people (currently 76 people on Prosebox!) Look for i...

This is a pretty big change. This is one of those changes where I cross my fingers and say a little prayer before pulling the trigger, since it involves moving data around and some other funky s...

I've recently added a new tab to the navigation: Current Author. So you now have three navigation tabs. Yay! I thought I'd post a quick entry to explain a little bit about how they work, in ca...

Yes, yes! You can delete entries now! Seemed like an important feature so I took care of it (don't worry, there's a confirmation screen so you won't accidentally delete your entry). There are ...

Epiphany is a great word, isn't it? OK, so I've been struggling with the idea of bookmarking. As I see people breaking out their writing into several different books, it becomes more obvious th...

Books 3

233 Entries

14 Entries

14 Entries