Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.
by middle age pearl
Entries 371
Page 4 of 15
Wednesday-Mid Morning
Took J to the appointment to hopefully do the last step before he is authorized by the insurance co. for his bi-pap. I think there is a glimmer of light at the end of that tunnel. Also they let m...
Dr Visit update
Yes I did go. Yes, they took blood. And there will be a ton of tests scheduled. Not looking forward to the $$$$ I’ll be paying on the co-pay but it is what it is and that is that. I have a walkin...
Sunday evening with pic link
I’m glad to report that I’ve no more instances with that crazy pain since I headed to the vacationing doc on Friday morning. I am still going to go see her, but will call ahead and ask them to p...
Update-Dr on vaca
Went to town to the doctor’s office. No cars in parking area a big clue. Sign on door says she will return on Monday. Stopped on the way back home to talk to daughter. She had no customers coming...
Friday morning and a Dr visit
I think I’m done getting everything planted. No more mixing soil, digging, making fence protectors, or trellis’. I finally got the BBQ with the cucumbers in their place for the summer. Set up the...
It is Wednesday-1 June
Today would have been our 41st wedding anniversary. We had a traditional wedding in our little country church. As most brides, I had no idea what laid ahead but what laid ahead made me who I am t...
Quiet but busy Memorial Day
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was quieter than it has ever been and I was just a bit sad. I guess I got what I wished for earlier in the week, but maybe I need to rethink that though...
Sunday evening with picture link
It has been a busy couple of days. Yesterday morning I started early and finished some of the building and planting I’d been trying to get done for days. Worked on a place for one zucchini plant ...
Shopped, Built, Planted
Went to the hated Sears store to buy weed eater line for my 2cycle weed eater and bought another drill. When I got it home and opened it I realized it wasn’t as high powered as my other one even ...
A rainy Friday and prob weekend
It rained overnight and was still raining when I got up and went outside at 4:45 AM. Body wasn’t pleased with the physical activity I did yesterday but I was pleased with getting a few things don...
Hopefully you can see them and it should NOT ask you to sign in. You shouldn’t need a shutterfly login or password. Let me know if you can see them now.-
Dad Day plus a black snake
No pictures of the snake so you can read in peace. Dad was needing/wanting to go buy flowers for the cemeteries and get a few things, so today was the day. It looked like it was going to rain an...
Thunderstorms and fox pics link
Pretty lame day. Did go to Lowes and Walmart early this morning and was home by 9ish. I bought more stakes at Lowes and then discovered that they DO have a place outside for either marked down st...
Way Tired
Yesterday afternoon O and I worked on building a frame for the zucchini plants and painted the stakes I have to make a trellis. We used the drill and the circular saw. Not finished. One of the p...
Sunday Morning and more pic link
The link thing may work out better for those that do not have any interest in my photo ops. In the past when I would post them directly into my entry I would feel a bit guilty of assuming everyon...
Friday's doings and pics snapped Sat AM
Yesterday I felt much MUCH better physically. Maybe to much as I hurt most of the night. Hum. Too old for this? I think not, just out of shape. I keep waiting for my body to adjust but it isn’t c...
Thank you all for your advice, comments, and thoughts on my last entry. As I mentioned at the beginning of the “thinking out loud” part, none of my kids have even hinted at me watching their kids...
Was so excited when I got up this morning and it wasn’t raining, showering, or drizzling!! And THEN, the sun appeared. Wonderful sunshine and mild temperatures make for a perfect day. The grass i...
More rain and cool temperatures
Well we needed the rain. We’re good now. Wish it would clear off and sun come out again. Not supposed to get back to the 70s til the weekend. I’ll survive. It will be hard. I little break in the...
1/2 way through May? Wow!
Wow again. Time sailed right along when I was working, but now, it’s like, bat an eye and another month is almost over. Not liking that at all. I am just getting started for goodness sake! Worked...
Saturday-Mid Morning
Very chilly morning and think we’re going to stay cool for the weekend. It is finally 50 out there which would be wonderful for working outside, however the wind is blowing and makes it feel much...
The last day of a busy week
Good grief it has been a very busy week and it seems like I’ve barely been at home. Well I guess most every day I haven’t been home all day like I like. Monday evening was J’s test and still have...
It's Friday
I like Friday. I don’t have to get J up for work so my morning is my own. It’s another cool morning out there. Low 40s again but no wind or breeze. I’ve been out on the porch in my chair with my ...
Thursday Mornin-6:22a
In the low 40s this morning. The cooler temps don’t seem to faze the rabbits or the hummers. I counted 10 hummers this morning at the feeders, but who can tell how many there really are since the...
Workin outside
Since 7 this morning. Maybe it was 7:30. Whichever it was I may have extended myself or over extended myself. Hope not. First started burning. There was no wind or even breeze and with the rain w...
Book Description
I am a Bible believing woman. I try to keep my Faith strong and my prayer life active. I believe in the Trinity and that there is a Heaven and a Hell and Hell is not on earth. I also try to forgive those that have hurt me, my family, or my friends. I try to forgive those that I believe are not keeping our Country’s best interests in mind when they make decisions and change the Constitution to suit the whims and wishes of selfish persons. I also pray for those and myself and if it is me that needs to see things differently, then allow a scripture or two or three to show me the error of my way of believing or thinking.
I have 3 adult children. 2 boys and a girl. My husband and were married on 1 June 1975 and he died unexpectedly on 11 May 2005. My oldest son will be 36 in October, my daughter will be 33 in October, and the youngest boy turned 26 in January and he has Down Syndrome. He (J) and I built a house in 2008 and moved from a 3 bedroom house trailer, to a 4 bedroom home. We live in the house that God built.