

by dream seeker

Entries 81

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July 06, 2017

Just a ramble

Summer is rolling along much too quickly. I’m at loose ends, because normally I’d be up in my room working, but they haven’t painted yet. The building will be closed next week while they work on ...

Well, for the first official day of summer break it wasn’t that great. It rained off an on (mostly on) all day. No outside, no fun anything out there. So, I just chilled inside watching shows on ...

Since we never had a winter, everything is blooming and good gosh my sinuses/allergies are rebelling. I’m sneezing, coughing, and blowing massive amounts of “stuff” out of my nose. I really thin...

February 25, 2017

Best of intentions

I have them. I tell myself that I’m going to get on here more often and stay up on reading. I don’t know why I don’t. I do stay busy, but the people on here are important to me. I think because I...

January 26, 2017


It’s been a crazy sort of day. It started fine. Everything at school went well. We didn’t even get the rain they thought we were, so we got to have recess outside. That’s always a win. Then my co...

January 16, 2017


Just checking in. I’m trying to make sure that I update at least once every couple of weeks. I would love to build it back to once a week, but it just seems like there’s not much of anything to u...

December 22, 2016

Life's Twists and Turns

I’m officially on school break until January 5. We ended at noon today. We technically had our party yesterday, but it wasn’t very long (not quite an hour), so today I cooked breakfast (waffles a...

December 11, 2016

The Countdown is On

There’s a week and a half of school left. In some ways it’s going much easier than this time of year normally would. I’ve finished 2 weeks of StarBase and have the final week next week. That’s tw...

December 06, 2016

Just Sitting Here Snifflin'

It’s been a hectic, but fun week and day at school. I’m taking each of my 3 classes for a week long STEM camp at a nearby Ntl Guard Installation. It’s an awesome week with tons of hands on fun. H...

November 27, 2016

The Fire Extinguisher Works

I have failed miserably at catching up. I was hit with a second round of the stomach bug. It was bad. So I had several days of not being able to do anything but be sick. I couldn’t hold anything ...

November 19, 2016


I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve written in here. I don’t have any good reason. Life has just gotten in the way. Nothing major, nothing fun, nothing terrible, just life. I’ve missed...

September 13, 2016

I'm never going to catch up

It’s been a hectic start of school. I’m doing ok with the grade change, but there’s just so much. In a lot of ways I feel like a new teacher. For example, right now I’m having to reteach myself a...

August 26, 2016

Struggling to Understand

We received a call from a parent this morning about one of our new students. Her oldest son, who is in one of my classes, attempted to kill himself last night. It just blows me away. He had a rou...

August 17, 2016

Start of the Year

Well, we’ve had 4 1/2 days of school, and we’re out today. We had a pipe burst in our PreK room. It flooded 3 rooms, and shut our water off. My classroom is up the hill, away from this room, so i...

July 01, 2016

Finally up and moving

I’m not really sure what happened. I woke up Monday morning and felt like I couldn’t move. At first I thought it was just a bad crick in my neck. I took it easy for the day, and the neck pain see...

June 23, 2016

Journal Survey

What does your online diary name mean, and why did you pick it? My diary name is Dream Seeker. I chose it because I feel like I am seeking a dream. Not necessarily the same one I was when I start...

There’s really not much going on to share, but honestly, there’s usually not a whole lot. :) My life is pretty bland, especially in the summer. I’m taking today off. I may not even take off my pj...

June 09, 2016

So is it really summer?

Technically we’re a couple of weeks into summer break, but it doesn’t feel like it. I was sick the first week and now I’m going up to school almost every day. First it was packing up my “old” roo...

May 22, 2016

Get two cats they said

It’ll be fun, they said. It’ll be easier they said. Well....they LIED!!! lol Well, I guess not completely, it is fun. But it’s most definitely not easy. For the past few days I’ve noticed that wh...

May 09, 2016

Cough, cough

I took my mental health day today. As far as the school knows, I have a doctor’s appointment. I feel guilty as hell. My plan was to sit and relax, maybe read all day, and I’m all antsy and wonder...

April 27, 2016


We are two days into the torture that is state testing. It’s been a rough couple of days. I have a student who is pushing every button I have. I’m working really hard to not let him get to me but...

March 22, 2016

Tootie in recovery

I got to talk to Tootie today. It really made me feel better. She had it rough yesterday. The anesthesia really made her sick, she’s like me and gets car sick really easily, so that made it worse...

March 20, 2016

Stopping by for a Visit

I didn’t realize how long it had been since I’ve been here, until I realized how far behind I was in reading y’all’s diaries. I’m caught up now. :) Things are going ok here. We’ve still got a lot...

March 12, 2016

Water Water Everywhere

I don’t know if y’all have seen it on the news, but we are getting tons of rain down here. Some parts of the state have received 20 to 30 inches in the past few days. It’s really bad. Thousands a...

January 14, 2016

Just drifting by

I’m sitting here snuggled up in my pjs and fluffy blanket, loving the cool weather. We’ve had frost every morning this week. Still, every day there are kids coming to school in shorts. :( Some j...

Book Description

When I first started over here I had titled it Just in Case. Just in Case OD closed. I guess it’s time to get rid of the idea of “Just in case.” and just move on with Life.