by MJ's Page
Entries 159
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BUFF-BRUCE Entry from 2006
I'm proud to announce that this week, as promised to myself, I began making use of my gym membership! FIVE DAYS RUNNING! I'd like to take a moment to describe some of my routine to you, as a mean...
Toe Licking
This is what is going on while I type my morning's entry. The dog insists on doing this while I drink my half-caff. Why? Why, I ask you?! The temps are down today, with a vague hope that th...
Expensive crap
So after having seen 4 specialists, and now that my dizziness is even worse than it was a few days ago, the neuro keeps punting me to the ENT who, in return, punts me back. In the last three day...
How they proposed back in the OLD days
...as I shared it withmybaby sister, Melanie. "We were eating breakfast at his mother's - he in his tightie-whities and me in my gown. His friend (God, what was his name), the guy who chewed to...
The thing about German Shepherds.......
They talk. There's no Doolittle'ism in my blood. In fact, the way Beth tilts her head at me, I have to wonder if she doesn't suspect there's a hole in my bag of marbles. At any rate, lately, s...
Percy Jackson:Sea of Monsters at 9:45pm with daughterling. WTH happened to me that being home by midnight constitutes a very late night and has me thinking , with a titter, 'I am so passed my cu...
We found it! Some time ago, we bought Beth (our German Shepherd) this over-sized tennis ball. When she first came to us, Beth had never played with a human. She had NO clue. Fetching, someth...
...and for the record
I am SUCH a note whore! Beth, our German shepherd, is really bumming. Because of this lovely weather we're not having, she is spending too much time indoors. To relieve her boredom, however...
I'm going to just pick up where I left off 'over there'. Couple of weeks ago, a neighbor from the $300K estates behind us, came knocking on our door. You'll NEVER guess what he wanted! He w...
Book Description
That’s French for DAILY. That’s what this book is - MJ’s Daily! The thises and thats of my life - same stuff that I would post on Open Diary before it became a source of frustration.
Bitter? NO! I’M NOT BITTER! ;)