by littlefallsmets
Entries 1,314
Page 44 of 53
Understand that your perspective is not universal. The raccoon looks upon a man and thinks “the bald ape has raccoon hands!” The octopus thinks “the bald ape has lost both of its limb...
what you could do
What you could do is beat someone to death with the world’s largest gummy worm. Then eat the gummy worm. Hope the lack of evidence exonerates you. Make sure you use an actu...
What which does not kill you hopefully leaves a cool lookin’ scar that will drive the babes wild. What which does not kill you only leaves you soft and weak and hobbled an...
where as a child I'd hide
I’m slightly too old to be of the “here we are now, entertain us” generation. Just barely still the “where do we go where do we go now where do we go” generation. Both as metaphor...
maybe only the crazy can love you
Everyone says you gotta love yourself but maybe it’s more like an arranged marriage where you just accept this is who you’re permanently stuck with. It’s not...
life before wartime
You have to understand moonshine was the original craft booze. Banjos are everywhere now. The end-game of American hipsterism is the state of being liberal hillbil...
to the moon, alice
Astronaut does not kill Astronaut. It is Astronaut Law. Every astronaut gets three attempts at pooping upwards that the other Astronauts have to clean for them. It is Astronaut Law. ...
make it happen
Can you imagine how great our country would be if we gave teachers the benefit of the doubt the way we do the police? Can you imagine how strange the inverse would be if we kept ...
If you are gluten-intolerant by all means do what you need to be healthy but that doesn’t mean you should convert those who are not to stop eating gluten as well. ...
being remembered
Transcending death as a branded whimsical marketing fiction is our American sainthood. Your meaning dies with your body but a hollowed-out version of your name lives on and on forever. ...
open mic haiku
the room is clearing as you’re rising to the stage can you take the hint? * her strong roman nose I just wanna ski down it into her kisses * no one can be deep with that much hair produc...
buy now
You’re Running Out Of Chances To Buy-Low On The Investment Opportunity That Is My Love I Prefer A Single-Investor Situation But If A Time-Share’s What You Need I’m Open To Negot...
Vulgar is the new humane, taking the “polite” assumptions of gender faith and class, stripping them away so we can all just be ourselves. So please literally for humanity’s sake ...
Reality is the butcher that quarters and seals in wax-paper packages our very dreams before us. Hold him off for as long as you can. Reality will slaughter them into disjointed chunks ...
The Star Wars Prequels need to be understood through the prism of one simple yet non-obvious fact: Yoda was high as balls. All the prequels are Yoda’s retelling of the past t...
Regroup. Reboot. Re-evaluate. Reject all expectations, bad and good, they’re two sides of that sucker bet “faith”. Faith that good things are gonna happen and faith...
there there
You’re not a part of the darkness but the darkness is a part of you. You can’t kill it but you can negotiate it into a small useful corner. You can get there. Somewhere at the...
We are all in trouble all the time. That’s the whole point of being alive. Trying to navigate that humanely and with good cheer. Pretending otherwise won’t get us anywhere anyhow. We’ve been tr...
adirondack february
these are the days that everything smells like cigarettes everyone smokes just outside the doors and rushes in right after the last puff trailing in behind them on their jackets scar...
thought experiment
you say that you want me back, maybe except on your terms, baby as if the only way to save me is to change me rearrange me but if that’s love then you love strangely as if it’s your job to e...
it's a free country
If you have an erection lasting more than four hours, consider using it as a sun-dial. Maybe as a performance art kind of thing. If you have an erection lasting more than four hours, ...
There is this Fruition place we’re all trying to get to even though we’ve never been even though we’ve never even seen its face but we’re all trying to get the...
a modest proposal
What we need to do is threaten to round up all the normals and shoot them into the sun. In three days, everyone will have figured out a way they’re not a normal to get out of it, so ever...
show them the money
Every other prejudice in the world comes down to an attempt to justify why it’s okay for some people to be powerless and poor. But it is not okay. For ANYONE. ...
Magic miracles monsters none of these things will grant us our happy endings. But we may be able to will ourselves home for a little while. Who knows how and who...
Book Description
these are first-drafts of my newer poems.
some of them will be great, some will be awful.
most will be okay.