
Soul Journey

by leonalia

Entries 45

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October 12, 2018

Busy day and night

Glorious spring day is looming. It is quite cold in the mornings, but as the day warms up, it will become very warm. So, one starts off wrapped up with layers of clothes and by lunchtime you are ...

October 10, 2018

Its been awhile

It has been an age since I wrote here. I have bee so busy with shows and my art . I am making a little pledge to myself to try and get here a couple of times a week. I know how good it is for me ...

April 02, 2018

Over for another year.

Easter has been really good. I have eaten far too much chocolate and now I feel sluggish and very lazy. Still got lots of choccy left though and Katie has a treasure chest filled with chocolat...

March 30, 2018

Lots to do

But am I going to do it. Nup. It is Easter and I figure the only thing worth doing is eating lotsa chocolates. I got a whole lot last night and I intend to sit and watch telly and get stuck in...

March 05, 2018

Chilly this morning

We have had such warm weather lately it seems funny to get up and put a warm dressing gown on. March has arrived and so autumn begins. At least I got up all the gum leaves. The neighbours ...

February 17, 2018

YAY we are back

I was so disappointed when I logged on a couple of days back to find the site was down. Shades of the old OD again.. I have been over to the new OD and I am not sure about its formatting. I wi...

February 10, 2018


It is the Lyrebird awards tonight. I am going as Owen’s guest. This is very nice of him. Over the years he has taken me 5 times. It isn’t a cheap night by any standards. Red carpet affair an...

February 04, 2018

Sunday Afternoon

and I have lazed around most of the day. Just woke up from a ‘Nana Nap’ and then jumped into the shower to really wake myself up. So, I feel lovely. All moisturized and fragrant. OD are still tr...

February 03, 2018

Back to School

Woke up to an beautiful morning and all the birds are singing their welcome to the day. I will decide late whether or not to go down to see the kids. Those of you who know me, will remember my 3 ...

February 02, 2018

Open Diary. No no no

They tell me I am not in their system. They cannot find me. I was on OD from 99, paid for life. They are sending me stuff via my old email address but cannot find my diary. Well I will not p...

January 06, 2018

Todays prompt (6)

Who is my favourite superhero. That is a no brainer. Mighty Mouse. When I was little and went to the flicks, as we called them, there was always a Mighty Mouse cartoon always followed by a Hec...

Well I have been to quite a lot of places. Thailand, Hawaii, Singapore, Seattle, Spokane, San Francisco, Canada, New Zealand, Vanuatu and all of the Australian States. The one place that stayed ...

January 04, 2018

Bad habit. Day four prompt.

Prompt 4 A habit I wish I didn’t have. Hmmmm! Nibbling my nails. I have had this habit off and on over the years. Sometimes my nails look as if I have just come out of a Salon. Other times no...

January 03, 2018

Day Three.

It says some pictures of your animals Well here is my boy Buddy the Beagle. He was victim of a marriage breakup. I took him in and totally fell head of heels in love. I have had him for about 4...

She is the name of a character I devised in an unfinished novel. It is unfinished because I am too lazy to get back to it and that is the truth. It is for young readers and my Grandchildren are ...

January 02, 2018

30 Day prompt update...

Some of you asked me for this, so here it is.

January 01, 2018

30 Day Prompt.

My prompt asked me for a recent photo then 15 facts about me. Well that is as recent as three days ago. 1. I adore my family. 2. I love to sing 3. I turned 75 last year 4. I don’t fe...

January 01, 2018

First of the First

Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.” — Brooks Atkinson — I haven’t got all that much to complain about last year. ...

December 05, 2017

Being too busy.

. “I have been so busy, I haven’t had time…” I found in my case it was a default mechanism. We use it to escape stuff. How many times do you say, “Sorry I am just too busy”. Some of us use that ...

June 24, 2017

This is a bit yucky.

Three weeks ago, I had a major blood nose. I ended up in hospital. I was just about to go on stage to sing. Dave was announcing me, when I touched my nose and looked down and it was literally p...

June 22, 2017

Last Show for now

Thanks for all of your comments. It is nice to know you are out there as you always were. My singing group the Skylarkers got together with some yummy food and lots of laughs. It was the last me...

June 20, 2017

Katies Op

I have taken a bit of liberty rabbiting on about Katie. So here is what has happened. When she was born she had a hip dysplasia problem, which meant for the first months of her life she had to w...

Katie is finally allowed to get out of her wheel chair, she is now on a walking frame. Still not allowed to weight bare. So for the next 4 weeks she will slowly strengthen her hips and legs. Wh...

April 26, 2017

Wednesday's doings.

Sitting here waiting to leave for rehearsal. We have so many gigs in May. Jenny has done such a great job. Our popularity now sells us. I am very proud of the show we produce. Dot is out to lu...

August 08, 2016

Long time.

Friends it has been awhile. I have had such a busy year. Being MD of my singing group has become a full time job just about. I am continually looking for songs and arrangements. I like to pre...

Book Description

These are my dreams and aspirations, my laughs and my tears.

“My importance to the world is relatively small. On the other hand, my importance to myself is tremendous. I am all I have to work with, to play with, to suffer and to enjoy. It is not the eyes of others that I am wary of, but of my own. I do not intend to let myself down more than I can possibly help, and I find that the fewer illusions I have about myself or the world around me, the better company I am for myself.”
― Noël Coward