Entries 323
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5 years
Yesterday marked 5 years at my job. Didn’t really think I would be there that long lol. Somedays I still think I won’t be there much longer, as people are really starting to get under my skin th...
Happy Thanksgiving
Usually a day here were families cook up big turkey feasts and chow down with a big crowd, then everyone passes out in various stages of turkey comas and basically veg out for the rest of the day...
It’s probably one of my worst things… it can be any little thing, brought on by any stupid trigger, from something as old as way back to jr.high, or as recent as an interaction with a customer a...
week 4..
..is a fail so far… I am so unmotivated at the moment.. and Ii am out of bus tickets, so no getting to the gym this morning anyway cause I don’t have the coin for bus fair either.. and yes I am t...
Week 2
Of the new work out program, which was butt kicking as ever today, as i was off all weekend for it, and also of my vacation!! I am off work until sunday, and so far i have spent my time recoveri...
Day 1
BodyBoss Day 1 … omg.. the pretraining .... I told myself (after weighting in and finding myself higher then ever) that I am going to follow this damn thing to the letter..... Welllllll..... I ...
4 Years
Well for those of you who follow on FB, you already probably know, today is our wedding anniversary! I won’t lie, I was a little worried as to what it was he would plan, as I put the ball in his...
…Is finding out on your last shift of job #2 that the reason you left said job, is leaving in two weeks… And your husband threatening to chain you to the bed if you even think of rescinding that ...
pros or cons
Diva cups… I’m in my 30s and never had a kid (nor do i want to) Debate!
bit late
So Thursday was hubby’s birthday, I had it allll planned out.. then the bugger got home early on me! I baked a cake when i got home Wednesday, hid it in the oven ( he was working a close shift),...
quitting *edit*
D and I were talking when we went to bed (which is where I should be now, but i can’t sleep) and we decided that tomorrow I think I am going into job #2 to talk to my manager about leaving. I am...
Stupid fuck twats **Long ass rant**
Sooooo.... in my old unit is rented out to a chick…a young chick. a party chick.... I swear to god it’s all she does… There have been multiple times I believe upstairs has complained about her...
Happy Canada Day!
to all the other Canadians here! I know there are some provinces that chose to remain open business wise today… to your provincial government bodies I say shame… I am officially on Vacation for ...
Happy Canada day
to all the other Canadians here! I know there are some provinces that chose to remain open business wise today… to your provincial government bodies I say shame… I am officially on Vacation for ...
It’s how I feel right now… I know our friends must blame us for how the cat has been doing because I realized today they have taken us both off FB… I didn’t say anything about it to her in a msg...
Kitty try
So.. Sunday we tried to adopt a friends cat, because she has recently been diagnosed severely allergic and one of the two she has has REALLY bad skin issues to the point the top of her coat is ju...
Rant entry Why do you ppl think you have a right to be shitty to other ppl working in retail? Do you really think that being rude to a sales person is how you get good customer service?! I mean s...
Still recovering
This damn dental work has had me down all bloody week… living off the meds that only seem to half work, was still icing my jaw every day especially right after work, and using the smallest damn ...
Fuck you old bitch..
Started work at 10.. was here maybe 15 min… had a customer come in looking for some sandals.. show her the selection, grab what she selects in the side she asked for.. . In the process of decidin...
Back at it....
Was back to work today. First hour in I was feeling it badly… lol this is going to take so much longer the heal back from then the first set did… this is ridiculous lol. Not really probably as i...
Last recovery day
Tomorrow I go back to work after my mini recov-ation… lol I am still soar, and taking pills like its no bodies business, but it will be all worth it once the sockets are healed over! I got a lil ...
Went well, apparently the non-broken tooth was the grief-giver for the dental surgeon today, ive been home about 5 hrs, resting, letting the drugs they gave me for the op work off, and just being...
Two hours
I’ll be on my way to get this damn tooth out.. I’ve been tossing and turning all night… Want my morning tea… Can’t have it.. Want breakfast… Can’t have it.. lol 3 hours time I will probably be...
3 more days
Till this damn tooth is gone out of my head, and out of my life! Pain was so bad last night i had a mini melt down on the couch. Decided to “pamper” myself thursday after work and am getting my h...
is the life i lead… the most interesting thing that’s happened to me since my last entry is D and I had a huge fight sunday night while i was attempting to get us to sit down and plan out a budge...
Book Description
Hi, I’m Canadian Lass, I’ve moved over from Open Diary as it is now shutting down since a friend asked me to.
All I ask is respect me and my views, and I will do the same for you.