
A Day in the Life of Me

by Canadian Lass

Entries 323

Page 13 of 13

December 23, 2014

relief, kinda..

So I have managed to get out of going to M & G’s place tomorrow night, downside, I know D was looking forward to it, plus side its another day I get to get over the headache/migraine and cold...

December 16, 2014


as in my mood of late. I hate everything going on. I have no time to do anything, and when I try to it gets ruined somehow. I have had 1 day off in the last month, and yet I’m still scrapping the...

December 04, 2014

ahh crap..

…hadn’t realized it had been so long since I wrote and entry. Guess time has gotten from me with haunted house/work. I am currently going on day 17 of straight work… Monday will be my first day...

October 08, 2014

Fuckin Gov,

tryin to hit me again with more charges for gst from a prior year, this time they want another $150 bucks. I can’t save $5 for xmas, let alone for the consultant so that we can file the paperwork...

… written much in here lately. Frankly I’ve been to stressed to do anything other then what I am doing right now.. Things are stressful.. we don’t have the paperwork filed due to the fact that we...

September 05, 2014

When it rains...

it pours, I swear… All that elation over the last $400 being donated, I may now have to spend it one something I don’t want to… the government… they are dinging me for gst payments that they now ...

September 02, 2014


So, I am out with my hubby babysitting my friends shop here on the edge of the city, but this morning before we left the house to run into work to check my schedule, I get a msg from my friend w...

was today at 930am… we were both up at 5am for some stupid reason after going to bed late.. and me sick last night to boot… so we paid $150 to this guy for an hour long meeting in which we (final...

August 17, 2014


...So I put a number of them on photobucket...just waiting for them to all upload... wondering if I can just post a link here to the album... might be easier.. I don't have them all yet, we had ...

August 14, 2014

Mr & Mrs Moman

Well, we FINALLY did it!! We got married yesterday afternoon, full sun, friends and family, and our cat Felan lying on my feet/dress! and according to one of our friends, there was 5-6 butterflie...

August 05, 2014


... I have been trying so hard to try and plan this bloody wedding perfectly, that I have over stressed and am running behind on the need to dos, like having a meet up with our officiate, baking,...

July 29, 2014

2 weeks & Gofundme

We have 2 weeks left until we are married, i have NOTHING done in the way of prep work that i have been talking about doing, but i will get there. We do have our license now, that's a start, and...

July 17, 2014


... theres always bad news with me it seems... a friend was informing us tonight, that while we can go ahead and file on our own, it may not be the best bet... we MAY need a lawyer after all.. an...

July 16, 2014


we've netted in $1050 through the Gofundme Campaign!!! So Stoked!!!!! With a private donation that was handed to us last week by close friends, we should now hopefully have enough to file!!!!! Po...

July 13, 2014

Just.. wow...

$850 away from our goal on Gofundme... its been an amazing emotional week, hopefully before the next two weeks are out we can file off the paper work and then play the waiting game.. the support ...

July 10, 2014


I can not explain how overwhelmed D and I are right now... the campaign has jumped so much farther then we honestly expected it to!!! The amount is has already brought in has us in tears, and we ...

July 08, 2014

Loving friends...

I do have some amazing ones.... One of my friends who lives like 3 provinces away from me now was reading my posts/talking to me on facebook last night and this morning. This evening I discovered...

... Yep that's it, I've officially had it with life and its constant fucking us over. Hes battling over selling or not selling the bike, and I am actually considering postponing the wedding, whi...

June 29, 2014


We have nothing done paperwork wise.... nothing. I am terrified that he is going to end up going home, and then it will be another 6 year battle to get him back here.... I don't know what to do.....

June 17, 2014

Dear lord...

I have an apt at 8pm tomorrow night for my dress!!! Having one made here by a local gal I know through the steampunk society, no it won't be much of a steampunk fashion, as trying to organize su...

June 11, 2014


I never realized they were so important in a wedding until today when I got bombarded on FB over them when I posted up that I had tweaked my budget list and admitted they were not one of things o...

June 07, 2014


I haven't done very well keeping up in here, in reading or in writing, sorry folks :( had a lot on the go and on my mind and I didn't want to come in here and sob story it up every bloody time we...

February 03, 2014

This is me...

... is that you? Old saying my parents used to use.. no idea why. Was going to try to import my OD entries here, but can't see a way to do it, so until then, they shall stay tucked away on my HD...

Book Description

Hi, I’m Canadian Lass, I’ve moved over from Open Diary as it is now shutting down since a friend asked me to.
All I ask is respect me and my views, and I will do the same for you.