Entries 20
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I need a therapist
Depression in pregnancy is tricky. You just want to stay in bed and cry. You make yourself get up and do things even though you are exhausted. When my husband fussed about me losing his clothes...
Couldn't find the heartbeat,where the baby?
I didn't feel the baby move most of the day. I was so worried I was debating on going to hospital. I took a Doppler and couldn't find the baby. My husband suggested my mom try to find the baby. ...
Yesterday my husband saw his uncle for the first time in over 15 years. His uncle almost adopted him while he was a child. We came into a very organized home. The cat and dog got along well dur...
I normally don't drive in super busy areas but due to my husband having very little sleep I drove through Charleston going to Huntington. My husband helped me by seeing if there was people in m...
Sleep apnea, pregnancy
I never had sleep apnea until pregnancy. I woke up this morning gasping for air. I was making a strange chirping noise. My sleep apnea is being tested in April. They are hoping the sleep apnea i...
Fay,dad and guardian dog protects garage,car repairs
I kept having a dream yesterday that the fay,my decreased father and his deceased dog were pacing in front of the open garage door at my mother's house. Somebody was trying to get in the garage...
Morning sickness psychosomatic?
My husband got upset because I was throwing up while showering. He told me morning sickness is psychosomatic. Get over it Funny I don't recall asking for this during pregnancy to leave me sick...
Gender of my baby,healing my past
My husband and I never been the type to have big parties but my best friends want to do a gender reveal. I don't like being out on the spot because of my anxiety. My friends wanted me to send t...
Grateful for WIC, walking our cat at the park
Where I have a high risk pregnancy I am 4 months pregnant anything I do is exhausting including getting groceries. Today I was sent to the store by mom for toilet paper and plastic silverware. ...
Morning sickness advice
Any advice about morning sickness. I can't keep food or water down but my husband expects me to clean my house. Everytime I bend over to clean I want to throw up when I try to do it it small int...
Pregnancy brain is dangerous
Let's talk about pregnancy brain! I cleaned a bag of trash out of my car I felt great about it until my first curve. The passenger side door swung open and my purse slid across the seat towards ...
My husband noticed I been very tired lately. He suggested me yesterday going for a mile walk at the gym hoping that would help..I went with him in the middle of the slow walk my rib started hu...
Lost blood,lost gender and test results
I wanted so badly to know the gender of my child but they lost my blood vials. All my paperwork said N/A. I wanted to know the genetic results still I couldn't have those results. Today I went t...
Kitty high five
When I first woke up I yawn and reached up to stretch to discover a tiny grey paw high fived me. I looked on my pillow to discover Turtle decided to tell me good morning and ask for cuddles. Suc...
Problem with wic
I got WIC hoping for help getting nutritious foods for my pregnancy. When I tried to use it the user name is incorrect and I cannot use the card. I guess I am going to have to call in the morni...
Husband asked for DNA test..bring it
My husband just asked for a DNA test for my pregnancy.. you know the wonderful thing about DNA?.. it doesn't lie. I have nothing to hide. He is just feeling insecure. I will give him the test be...
Dr want me to quit job
My Dr wants me to quit working. I know between my unstable blood pressure and risk for stroke during pregnancy I should but obviously doctors don't worry about feeding their family or paying t...
Mom fat comment, mom struggles, my medical problems
My mom made the comment that she is fat like me and she needs to lose weight. I looked at her and asked her exactly tell me what you meant by that. She said she shouldn't look 3 months pregnant ...
Finally above average
Today I learned the average person drops 80-90 curse words a day,about 5 per hour. I also learned I'm above average in something✌️
Birthday surprise,medical problems pregnancy
Yesterday was my birthday. I am 3 months pregnant spent most of the day in bed sick. My husband delivered me birthday cake to me and sang for me. Today my brother Tom is delivering me a dryer ...