Thankful Thursday
by thesunnyabyss
Entries 177
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Thankful Thursday
I am very thankful for our medical system up here in Canada. I am thankful for HubbyMan, he’s my rock. I am thankful for my peeps, you all rock!!! I am thankful for my grandson and glamdaughter, ...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for 29 years of marriage as of Sunday, hard to believe. I am thankful for a weekend away. I am thankful that the dinosaurs left evidence of their existence and I get to check that o...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for all the firefighters from around the world and here in Canada that are coming to help fight this horrible fire in B.C. I am thankful for our medical system, once again, nice no...
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for YouTube fitness videos, sorta kinda, lol. I am thankful for HubbyMan, he’s the best. I am thankful for my men and women folk, you are also the best! I am thankful for Das...
Thankful Thursday
I am very thankful to live in this beautiful country, Happy 150th Canada!!!! I am thankful that I am off that awful bitter pill now. I am thankful for HubbyMan. I am thankful for my men and women...
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for the rain we had yesterday and the sun we have today. I am thankful for Dashman and Miss Kitty. I am thankful for HubbyMan, he’s been so wonderful during the past few month...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful nothing lasts forever. I am thankful for my beautiful grandson and HubbyMan. I am thankful for our medical system here, and that I’m not broke bc of it and the illness. I am thankfu...
Thankful Thursday
I am once again thankful for our medical system here, and very thankful I am not in debt bc of my last two hospital visits. I am thankful for the science of medicine and all the wonders it can d...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that tomorrow I am going to Jasper, woohoo!!!! I am thankful hot springs, they are so warm and cozy and just wonderful. I am thankful for our medical system here, as I’ve said so m...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful the house is sold, we are mortgage free again, woohoo!!! I am thankful the beautiful sunshine we are getting today. I am thankful for Miss Kitty and the Dashman, my cuddliest friend...
Thankful Thursday
I am oh so thankful that I have only one more pill to take then I am done those nasty, bitter pills. I am again thankful for our medical system here, it may not be perfect but it certainly makes ...
Thankful Thursday
I am again very thankful for our medical system up here, I know not everyone agrees with universal health care or that health care is a right but when you need it and it’s there, it’s a relief. I...
Thankful Thursday
Today I am very thankful to be off of my oxygen tether and breathing just good old regular room air!!!! I am also very thankful for the wonderful nurses here at the hospital, they have made this ...
Thankful Thursday
Again I am thankful the dreaded ick does not last forever. I am also very thankful for our wonderful medical system here. And grateful. I am thankful for airbags, that is going to be on my list ...
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful to be alive, not just in pain, lol. I am thankful for airbags, lifesaving bags they should be called. I am thankful for good friends, even all their idiosyncrasies. I am thank...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that in one more sleep I’ll see my babies!!!! I am thankful for the element of fun, happy surprise, not a fan of bad surprises, lol. I am thankful for my Miss Kitty and Dashman, war...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for a fun night out with a great friend! I am thankful that in 8 more sleeps I will see my child and grandson, woohoo!!! I am thankful the big melt has commenced here, sorry East Co...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful cold weather doesn’t last forever, even if it feels like it sometimes, global warming is not happening here this week. I am thankful for open dialogue about difficult topics. I am t...
Thankful Thursday
I am oh so thankful that I will get to see my beautiful grandson soon, and all the other kids too!!! I am thankful I will also see my daughter and my other peeps, my sister, Jo, Buddy etc. I am t...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that the ick may possibly on it’s way out, although I am still skeptical. I am thankful for modern medicine and all it’s wonderful goodies. I am thankful for a nice warm Dashman to ...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for evenings out with good friends. I am thankful for good friends period, lol. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful Miss Kitty and the Dashman are getting along more and mor...
Thankful Thursday
I am very thankful I am close enough to occasionally enjoy the beauty of the mountains. I am thankful that I can afford to go to the mountains. I am thankful for the warm weather heading our way ...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for Skype, so much easier to see the little guy with Skype. I am thankful he knows who I am and won’t be too shy when we surprise him in March. I am thankful for change and perspect...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful I was able to walk to the ‘lookout’ and back with only sore feet for my effort, lol. I am thankful the day was sunny and beautiful and encouraged me to walk 4km. I am thankful for ...
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for the interwebs and the ability to see my Grandson and talk to him. I am thankful for talking with my daughter yesterday, I’ve missed her so much. I am thankful for my men and wom...