
Tales From Inmate #00JI61500

by J.E.

Entries 10

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September 09, 2024

Jail Journals 2

Saturday April 20th 16 Days In, 74 Days Out It’s 4/20. If I was at home I’d spend it stoned and relaxed. Instead I’m incarcerated with lower back pain. Anyways, leave it to a Pixar film to...

September 08, 2024

Jail Journals 1

Wednesday April 17th 13 Days In, 77 Days Out FINALLY! Commissary came tonight and I got pen and paper. Granted the pen sucks to hold on to, I can finally jot my thoughts down and all the craz...

July 14, 2024

Bacon Band Aid

Just made mom and I breakfast. Scrambled eggs and bacon with toast. Or to toot my own horn but I make egg-cellent scrambled eggs. 😃 It got me thinking. All the breakfast I ate in jail we nev...

It’s 100 days since I drank. I woke up that Thursday evening hungover, court looming over me the next morning. Made the promise to myself that this was it. If I was able to make it unscathed fr...

July 03, 2024

July 3rd

Today would have been my original release date. Nice to get out earlier.

June 25, 2024

Food Stuffs

The meals were served at regular irregular times. Breakfast anywhere from 4 AM - 6 AM Lunch anywhere from 9 AM - 11 AM Dinner anywhere from 4 PM till 5:30 PM Eating like you’re elderly getting th...

Would you rather be in jail or in rehab? Rehab has better food, my own clothes and I could smoke and had access to soda. So rehab. Even though the accommodations were shitty and you were locked ...

Housing One and Housing Two That is where you’re put into after you’re booked. One is for males, two is for females. There are dorms A - E. I was first housed in B for three weeks. Old COVID po...

June 23, 2024

Readjustment Is Harsh

When I got locked up the highs were in the low 70’s. They’re now nearing 100. The dorm I was housed in was freezing cold. It didn’t help that I pulled some muscles moving mat material (more on...

And all I got was this lousy PTSD. 79 days of a 90 day sentence. Time off for three days served and the other for getting into the, “honor dorm.” More on that later. I’m resting on the couch. It...

Book Description

Jail Stories