

by Jodi

Entries 119

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May 29, 2024

December 1999

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1999 We’re at the hotel now and Tom went to bed a little while ago after negotiating a deal with fuckface Steven over our washer/dryer. We’d prefer to settle on a reasonabl...

May 29, 2024

November 1999

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1999 I forgot to say that the day they were finishing up the carpet, we spied on the back, and it looked like people may now be in the house furthest from us (originally, I t...

May 29, 2024

October 1999

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1999 Although life is still good overall, things weren’t too great last night and earlier today. I was able to fall asleep sooner than I thought I would last night, but I kept...

May 29, 2024

September 1999

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1999 I overslept today and didn’t get up till an hour after my alarm was supposed to go off. Thank God that’s all it was. I don’t know why it didn’t go off. It wasn’t set...

May 29, 2024

August 1999

TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1999 Tom’s gone to an award meeting at a place where they’re gonna be giving out stuff to their top employees. I couldn’t go, though. I guess they don’t allow employees to tak...

May 29, 2024

July 1999

SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1999 I woke up rather depressed today with a nervous stomach. I’ve had the runs twice today, thanks to Deb, her just-as-sick pals, and the whole damn city itself. I just did no...

May 29, 2024

June 1999

TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1999 Yesterday Tom turned 42. It’s hard to believe that in just 8 years he’ll be 50. If there’s one good thing about his being older, it’s that if the place we move to does end ...

May 29, 2024

May 1999

MONDAY, MAY 31, 1999 I’m feeling a little down tonight. I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s cuz the onset of June has us not too much further into the prep work as the coming of May did. Perhaps I’m f...

May 29, 2024

April 1999

FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1999 Will the new noisemakers be here tomorrow? After the city leaves at 4:00, I’ll look over the wall and see if the stuff’s still there and if the grass is mowed. That should ...

May 29, 2024

March 1999

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1999 Bandit died. Now I’m down to four mice - Patch, Cocoa, Katie and Ashley. Lost four mice this month alone, and I can’t believe Cocoa’s still alive. I guess her tumor isn’...

May 29, 2024

February 1999

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1999 It’s prime time now, but as of yet, all’s quiet in Freeloaderville. No sounds or cars yet. Later… Two white girls are over playing ball, but amazingly, I can’t hear a th...

May 29, 2024

January 1999

SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1999 Unbelievable! After all I ate yesterday, I still woke up at 109 pounds. Maybe a big part of why I haven’t been over 110 in a while is because I’ve been quite regular for ...

May 29, 2024

December 1998

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1998 Tom thinks the freeloaders will come back Sunday or Monday morning. That’d be nice, but with my luck, they’ll be back tomorrow or Saturday. More likely Saturday. The r...

May 29, 2024

November 1998

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1998 Couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d write. Actually, I’m gonna go check my email first. Be right back. Back just a few minutes later after getting the usual - junk mail fro...

May 29, 2024

October 1998

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1998 A silver car just quietly dropped the bitch off. Although I don’t have a bad vibe, I’m still sure her sick pals will bring over their little kiddies at some point, so t...

May 29, 2024

September 1998

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 Thanks to Benadryl, I backed my schedule up by 6 hours. I had gotten up at noon yesterday. Too late to make my October 5th appointment with Melanie, but too early to...

May 29, 2024

August 1998

MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1998 Oh, what an allergy attack! I just spent the last two hours cleaning all the animal’s cages, tubes, wheels, dishes, etc. I was sneezing so bad that I finally put my nose c...

May 29, 2024

July 1998

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1998 Woke up at 118. And I was so sure I’d lost another pound or two. Tom says I probably have, but due to where I am in my cycle, it’s hard to tell with a pound or two of water ...

May 29, 2024

June 1998

TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1998 Oh, my fucking God! Caddy kid just went blasting by like you wouldn’t believe. He did this yesterday at this time, too, but not as loud. So what are we in for here? We back...

May 29, 2024

May 1998

SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1998 All I had today was a few chicken wings and some graham crackers, so I’ll soon be having a baked potato. I’m still 122. Been here a little too long now, so hopefully it’ll mo...

May 29, 2024

April 1998

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1998 Changed things around in the back room. It looks nice. Ma says she’s got pictures of their new place on their way to me. I’ve exchanged emails with Kim, but haven’t hear...

May 29, 2024

March 1998

TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1998 I’d have just been woken up for damn sure if I were asleep. There’s this white caddy that began going by about a week ago at around 12:30. It plays its music really, reall...

May 29, 2024

February 1998

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1998 The cat’s now in the window trying to get me to go out and chase him off as he likes me to do cuz I don’t appreciate being stared down. Not even by a cat. However, thi...

May 29, 2024

January 1998

SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1998 Well, no wonder they’ve been behaving next door with the exception of a little music on occasion. They were hoping to go to court with me and yes, they do suspect I thr...

May 29, 2024

December 1997

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1997 Today’s been a fun and pretty active day. I’ve been playing new games with the kittens. I go down into the pool and sneak up to the edges with an object that they try...

Book Description

Written in my 20s and 30s. I lived in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Arizona during this time.