
Life of a cat mom

by Cinder's Mommy

Entries 55

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After I got off work I took Cinder my cat to the YMCA Soccer Complex. Talan and I tried to walk Cinder but between the loud 4 wheelers, runners and children running past my cat Cinder was overwhe...

I don’t like fibromyalgia. My skin hurts. I ache everywhere and I can’t sleep. I got migraines and I cry sometimes. When I tell my doctor I am depressed cause I can’t sleep he tells me to sleep m...

May 28, 2024

I identify as ..

My husband was on Xbox live. He asked someone if they identify as male or female. I walked away thinking I identify as a problem. I took my ice cream and ran away

I bought a 1994 Dodge Spirit. When I first bought it was fine. Next thing I knew it was spitting shutting off and having problems shifting gears. I only paid $1,200 for it because I can’t afford ...

May 24, 2024

Starting diary

Can I write here yet?

Book Description

Hi my name is Sarah. I am married. Caring for an elderly mother. Working full-time and I am trying to care for 6 cats including you intelligent kitten named Cinder who is trained to walk on a leash.