
Attempting to journal

by Memorabilia

Entries 5

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June 26, 2024

Money anxiety

So I did it. I bit the dust and purchased a roadside assistance membership. I have wanted one for years, I am stuck driving shitty disposable vehicles and every winter I find myself in at least o...

Trigger Warning, miscarriage/baby loss Oh it has been crazy, I feel like I’ve been stuck in a washer on spin cycle. So Friday my daughter had cramping and spotting. So off to the urgent care we g...

Well it has been a whirl wind last couple of days. My oldest (22yrs) came home Sunday for a visit because she had been struggling with depression because she couldn’t find a job where she was. Be...

April 22, 2024

Attempt to journal #2

I am determined to write a journal-Like entry come hell or high water. I’m not sure why it’s so hard for me i’ve never struggled with literary stuff. I got high marks in everything language arts ...

April 13, 2024


I had so much hope to start the first one off strong but I can’t get what I want to write down on paper. Like it’s I’m going to do a prompt instead. I feel powerless when.... All the ...

Book Description

I have wanted to have a diary for a long time. It’s actually why I was seeking a website like this one in the first place. But I struggle to do it. I have these urges to just put down what I’m going through or what I’m feeling somewhere but I go go do it and it’s stuck. Poems and writing prompts have helped so that’s what I’ve done so far with a few successful journal like entries in between. I plan on trying to do more Journaling that addresses things you’d find in a diary like day to day struggles or past pain like what I’ve addressed in some of my poems but in a less poetic format. Im hoping to do more day to day diary/ journal style but i will be using some writing prompts as well, probably more so in the beginning. I feel the urge to write this kind of stuff that way a person might feel the need to check something to see if still hurts. Like have you ever had a bruise so long that you forget it’s there and then you notice it and feel the urge to poke it to see if it’s fully healed or if it still hurts? That what this feels like, like I have so much stress or pain stuck that sometimes I need to just poke it....I don’t know if that makes sense but the beauty of this is I don’t think anyone will really read it anyway. Lol so here goes.....