
life stuff and misc.

by littlefallsmets

Entries 45

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August 30, 2015

Some good things.

Though I feel like the good things are spiky and fleeting and don’t seem to turn into greater momentum… and I’d like to have a day job and I’d like to have a dating life with some nerdy woman or ...

I mean, the title’s right there. It’s right on the tin. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

June 20, 2015

current events.

So Friday, in the middle of helping a friend from NYC who lives in SF now play a show in Utica, the car my pop and I share died, throwing my mom into a conniption about how I don’t make any money...

I don’t like when facebook tells me it’s one ex-girlfriend’s birthday and that an old crush has a new boyfriend at the same time. I have some momentum on some things… maybe, anyway, with my writi...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> We won honourable mention!

February 01, 2015

10 things about me

1.) On my left hand, the thumb is double-jointed and I have a birthmark shaped a bit like Australia that is almost invisible unless I have a tan. 2.) Similarly, I am intensely left handed. I am a...

January 26, 2015

a year of prosebox

A year since The Dairymaster finally gave up the farm and let opendiary opendie its opendeath and a year here on the prosebox. It’s not the same as the old place, it’s a lot less conducive to int...

January 24, 2015

poetry cover

For those of you who aren’t also my friends on the facebook or the twitter, I’ve changed my icon on here to the cover to my small poetry collection so that you could check it out! I had nothing t...

I dunno. I just wanted to share my joy here! The small press arm of the best arts cafe in Utica, the Tramontane Cafe, released my first slim little poetry chapbook… the first physical written thi...

July 07, 2014


Whenever Rod Stewart comes on the radio when I'm driving, I leave it on until it's done, even though I fucking hate Rod Stewart. But my ex-girlfriend's dad loved it and... even though he passed a...

The pop song was literally wrong, of course, they all are. It was correct, however, as a metaphor as only the really good ones are. It does rain in Southern California and even when it does, it r...

June 09, 2014

sasquatch book stuff

I've finished four supplemental chapters for my "bigfoot in LA" book wrote a bare-bones draft of over the winter, fleshing out the pacing and better developing the antagonist character, as were t...

May 19, 2014


Just ran into a lady I thought I had a spark with, out on a date with a guy much thinner and with a better earning potential than me. It's my most recent ex-girlfriend's birthday, too. None of my...

The application for the Amtrak Residency thing asks for a writing sample. Any opinions on what I should submit? Anything you remember from the OD old days or stuff I've shared on facebook or ...

March 01, 2014

in like a lion 2

So, I have one good night and today my ma lies to me that adult protective has been called on my dad recovering from surgery, blames it on my friends and then eventually admits that it was all a ...

March 01, 2014

in like a lion

Went to a burlesque show tonight. It was themed to a movie by some people I used to work for, donated some dribs and drabs from my parents' attic from those days to help them make more money at t...

February 08, 2014

so yeah

I'm now trying my best to actually take advantage of the prosebox format and I've shuffled my journal out into poetry, idea barrages, song parodies and a catch-all for life stuff and other kinds ...

January 30, 2014

life stuff

Yeah, so my dad is recovering from having a... bi-ventricular synchronizer and internal defribulator put in, in a hospital in Utica. It is like the logical extreme of the pacemaker and they had t...

January 27, 2014


Ah, this is gonna take some goddamned getting used to, isn't it? Hi. I'm Mike. I'm still a little young but I'm getting old. I've lived all kinds of places and I've done a lot of things but now...

Book Description

I write words to try and figure things out
I figure out things then write about them
it’s a goddamn vicious cycle, I’ve heard

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