
life stuff and misc.

by littlefallsmets

Entries 45

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December 06, 2024

obvious exegesis

The idea of God being created by powerful men as an example of how we were supposed to treat those powerful men, to their benefit, modeling us how we were supposed to treat our “Betters” in the ...

December 16, 2023


Injected myself with insulin, for the first time. Life goes on, I suppose, until such time as it no longer does. There’s a lot worse things to suffer, of course, of course, but it’s A Sign and on...

on the first day of Christmas some twitch simps sent to me a portrait of Waluigi on the second day of Christmas some twitch simps sent to me two power gloves and a portrait of Waluigi on the th...

November 13, 2022

d&d character concept

THE CHARACTER IN ROLEPLAY Stefan “Tev” Zeznic (a corruption of the Slovene for “celebrity” to fit his family and the Eastern European world flavor) comes from a family celebrated for generations ...

Imagine you roll six 18s, honest, in character generation. STR 18 CON 18 INT 18 DEX 18 WIS 18 CHA 18 Now, you could just enjoy playing a Multi Attribute Dependent class as if they were a better...

August 29, 2021

first response

On the first of these awful anniversaries, in two-thousand-two, I was driving into work, my very first job after college, training as a 911 (the emergency line not the day) operator up in Herkime...

August 28, 2021

numbered days

Who am I to say? I saw it on the television same as anyone, same as everyone who wasn’t really there. The woman I was dating at the time had personal connections, her brother working on the Wall ...

November 15, 2020

short form improv show pitch

Dicey Propositions (or Natural Ds) (or Roll for Inspiration) (or Audiences & Idiots) (or Imps & Idiots) A short-form improv show built around the conceit that the scenes and characters a...

Check it out, if you like, the art they made for it is phenomenal! a short origin story on my love of baseball

Okay, a humour poetry contest, very much my wheelhouse! Won 100 bucks, even! Check it out. People can win or place in these kinds of things, it happens. There are so many great writers here, you ...

October 04, 2018

the podcast I'm a part of

One of my short stories is in the first episode. Check it out.

So, yeah, my dad, the best father and husband in the world, passed away from a heart attack in Los Angeles early Wednesday morning. My brother was holding him in his arms, there was little pain, ...

January 29, 2018

massive computer problems

Might be missing from here for a while because I’m trying to figure out if I’m either replacing or repairing my borked laptop. If it’s the rare situation where you know me best through here b...

August 26, 2017

where we are now

This was the sick reality of Berniedeadenders, edgelording out protest votes for Kremlin asset Jill Stein or whatever: white privilege. Getting so wrapped up in WALL STREET WALL STREET WALL STREE...

Your SENIOR year of high school! (oh God) The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!!!! (no, that’s the opposite of what you said) Let’s have FUN! (ugh. I will make this the opposit...

You wake up with the knowledge that you died yesterday and yet here you are now, waking up more or less safe in your bed. You wake up knowing that this is not the first time this has happened....

This would be the point in the story, were my life a hero’s tale or even just a mostly-good-natured comedy, where some long shot would come out of the blue and turn things around. The point that ...

The immediate logical aftermath of the 2000 American presidential election, the most reasonable outcome as we all woke up to the hideous realization that a born-again cokehead man-child was being...

December 19, 2016

where we are now, Dec 2016

In the end, conservatism, fascism, libertarian-ism, all the right wing ways of thinking don’t even really count as ideologies. They are cancerous cynicism at best, Stockholm Syndrome cowardice at...

September 24, 2016

I did a TED talk!

At TEDxUtica this month! It’s about using comedy to bring people back together in this increasingly split culture. Give it a look, if you like. Share it around if you would, I’d like to get the m...

…so I am exhausted from the preparations and allowing myself to not barrage for a coupla days. Saturday it starts 12PM Eastern Time and I’m up third if ya wanna see it. Oh man,...

Yeah. TEDxUtica tapped me to give a talk at their yearly event in September. This is probably the most “legit” I’ve gone with anything since college… I have done some amazing things with my w...

May 15, 2016

the return menace

Really, even if the prequels had been good movies, they still would’ve undermined the sense of mystery and wonder we were supposed to share with Luke as he was introduced to that larger world of ...

March 08, 2016

it's getting worse here

It’s fucking oppressive when you’re living in a house where you’re told that it would shame the family to make eighty bucks in three hours hosting a Trivia Night at a local bar while being told t...

March 07, 2016

terrible joke

How is a furry like someone who just inherited her grandmother’s Beanie Baby fortune? They’ve both come into a lot of stuffed animals.

Book Description

I write words to try and figure things out
I figure out things then write about them
it’s a goddamn vicious cycle, I’ve heard

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