

by QueenOfBritton

Entries 27

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So much has happened since I last wrote. Scott has been home a lot using PTO that was going to expire, so I have been distracted. My stress levels have remained incredibly high. Sleep is not comi...

December 16, 2014

Another Video

Here is the latest You Tube video from our You Tube Channel. It will help to fill in a few of the blanks that I haven’t written about.

December 15, 2014

And The Bubble Has Burst

Not a bonus. His commission. His full commission. It wouldn’t be a problem, except it is. We already spent a very large portion of it. And, it’s also only for two weeks commission. We were expect...

December 12, 2014

Christmas Bonus?

So....... Scott took Wednesday and Thursday off. Not for any reason in particular other than he has time he was going to lose, and he just felt like taking time off, so he did. Yesterday we took ...

December 10, 2014


I realize it’s Wednesday, but our weekend was ok. Nothing eventful. We wanted to check out a new Mall Friday night, but it was misting pretty heavily and the mall was outdoors, so instead we we d...

I briefly mentioned that we created a YouTube Channel where we are posting weekly Vlogs (video blogs) in order to keep in contact with our friends and family. The first video we made was the week...

November 29, 2014

We Started a You Tube Channel

For the last 3 and half months are so, I have been super tired. Like sever levels of exhaustion that do not let up no matter what I do or try. I have been sleeping easily 7-9 hours every night, a...

September 04, 2014

Summer Wrap Up

I found it impossible to sit down and write all summer with both kids home with me. If one didn’t need something, the other did. Every time I had intentions of sitting down to write, it just neve...

June 04, 2014


I absolutely lost my mind last night. Perhaps even more than that. I had high hopes for the evening, and nothing met my expectations. Monday night Scott and I discussed the super ideal house, a...

June 02, 2014

Living Situation

Ok so….. Yesterday Scott brought it to my attention that we were coming up on the 60 day mark of when we are supposed to give notice if we will be moving out of our apartment or not. I can't beli...

June 02, 2014

Pictures of Me

My friend Danielle is an amazing woman and mother. I am so glad that I can call her friend. She has 5 kids, and her oldest is 19. Her name is Rachel and I only just met her a few months ago becau...

I guess the biggest thing to acknowledge would be my kids. Ian is doing so well with the potty. I really wish we were accident free at this point, but we are diaper free, even in public, and he i...

May 01, 2014


My first entry on PB with my phone. We'll see how far I get into it before I am too frustrated to continue. Today was a bad day. Ian did not do well with the potty even after a great day yester...

I have goals for my children this Summer. The first one for Ian is that he is potty trained. My number one motivation for this is to save money, but also so that I know when he turns 3 in Septemb...

So On Wednesday when I called the office to check on why our dishwasher hadn't been fixed yet, I was told that they would do their best to get someone out that day. It's still broken, so I just c...

April 23, 2014


Our dishwasher is broken. It's like a nightmare for me. I sincerely hate to touch dirty dishes. It is the single most disgusting thing on the planet in my opinion. It's bad enough when I have to ...

April 16, 2014

What's This?

Two entries two days in a row! That is progress my friends. It' hard for anyone to understand who doesn't share my beliefs, or even for those who aren't sure that they have ever heard from God,...

Life is moving. There was a very strong depression looming over me for the past 3 weeks or so that I just had to deal with, but I defeated it. And so here I am. I registered for my first Women'...

March 22, 2014

Let's Be Honest

I am very unlikely to catch up on every entry that anyone has written, so I apologize in advance for being self centered. I just can't, and all I can do is move forward from here and do my best t...

March 05, 2014


Today has been a struggle for me. The last few have been, but today I have finally been troubled enough that I forced myself to sit down and write. First of all, my family was supposed to leave...

February 19, 2014

Our Visitors

…..Have taken up much of my time as you would imagine. But I figured a quick update before I started getting ready for work wouldn't hurt anything. So we never lost power. Yay! Though the news ...

I have no idea how I am going to make it through the night! Atlanta is about to get hit with yet another storm, and this time its supposed to be ice and not snow which I am being told is worse? I...

February 08, 2014

Familiar Territory

The time in between arriving to Georgia, and joining Prosebox, I avoided OD because I was ashamed. I would lay in bed at night writing entries in my head that I never actually wrote. I was ashame...

February 01, 2014

Pictures Tell The Story

Before we drove on into Georgia, we stopped in Nashville to see Justin and Destiny for a night, and when we got there, this was waiting for us. And because Rachel and Nestor are on the Georgi...

Book Description

Time to catch up and regroup.