
Me Being Me

by Jodie

Entries 330

Page 8 of 14

June 28, 2023

Am I Really That Boring?

Or you just don’t like what I say here? Or you don’t like me? I use to have a few notes but most days now I have zero and I am wondering why I am still wrting here. But then I reaize that this is...

June 27, 2023

Go Back To Bed?

When I was a lot younger and woke up before the light came in from outside I knew it was too early to be awake. But I always thought cartoons were on so I would go and try to watch them. But then...

June 26, 2023

Life Is Life

I like to think we are born into a world that will give us opertunities and acheievments and we will become the best people we can. This is at day one of our life. But after that there is a world...

My son wrote this.... As I was reading this I realized that I had raceist comments said to me but at the time I didn’t know and in... Come to think of it there is really no country that has this. I think it’s something the whole worlld needs. This is something...

Everything you own and eat how did you decide that is what you like and what you want? Is it because that is what your mother use to get? Or did some one tell you about it? And what do you consid...

June 22, 2023

Is It True

that most things we think do something for us really doesn’t? Like taking pain pills to stop the pain? or Coffee to stop us from being bitches to the world? Or really exercising will force us to ...

I have decided that I am going to be more independent from the slum lord and I am going to be getting my own internet and I am going to help pay for the added carbon tax on my rent check. And the...

June 20, 2023


Tomorrow is the official start of summer but so far it’s been a bit too cole for me and I have had no heat. The tempature out side is 50 but in side here is’t in the middle 60’s something like 66...

Yesterday for some reason I started not to feel well. it all started after I ate breakfast I got thisn gas in my chest and I couldn’t get rid of it and then I started to feel really cold. So I to...

In the bathroom. It’s been like this for a few days and yesterday hubby finally agreed with me after he tried to plug in is clock. At first he couldn’t understand why the electric tooth brishes ...

June 17, 2023

Am I Considered Old Now?

How old is old? Is it when you are finally a two didget number? Or when you start to lose your hearing or when you finally get hearing aids or is it when you turn 65? I got my hering aids and the...

June 16, 2023

I Am A Lot Of Things....

Has there ever been a time where you were right and the other person is wrong? And you wonder why they just don’t look at what you are saying? Like when the water is dripping and they tell you it...

Have you realized that you are the best you can be? Are you still trying to be like your neighbour? Do you have the same thing as the Jones’s? Why is it we can not just accept us for who we are a...

Well it llos like trump is going to be toast becasue he is not keeping his mouth shut. And if he continues to keep talking a lot more information is going to come out and that will be used agains...

June 13, 2023

Lets Play Catch-Up

I find when I have a lot to do I generally do what I can. But there are some things like the dishes I will do till they are done. The one weakness I have is I know these things need to get done b...

As soon as my son walked in the door he went to my room and fixed my headphones and they seem to work now. He told me the plug wasn’t pluged in right so he fixed that and the grren light went on ...

June 11, 2023

T.V. Commecials

For the most part I find 99.9% of them really boring and don’t interest me. But I know they are there because the T.V. stations need the money and they hope that people will get suckered into the...

There has been some issies surrounding free speach and what can be said and what you will get into trouble for saying. Like everything just about what Trump has said. And because of what he said ...

June 09, 2023


The best way to go through life is just to accept the way life and people are. There is really no way one person can chab=nge the country. That takes a lot of people with the same thinking as yo...

June 08, 2023

Birth Rights?

I think what trump wanta to do about people who come to the USA for a better life to deny their soon to be children no citizen ship. I think that is so wrong because when a child is born no matte...

It’s funny how when we love and respect one another how we will do just about anything for them and make sure they have what they need. And sometimes you will even go out of your way to do that o...

June 06, 2023

Air Purifiers

Hubby has decided that we need an air purifier and I think it’s a brillant idea because I figure if the gas furnace isn’t going to be serviced then all the dust build up in the air vents and heat...

Have you ever noticed we are always talking about the past. Like how grandlma always made thos wonderful dinners or the best cookies? And how skinny we were back then? And how the world was a muc...

June 04, 2023

Perfect Time?

I think I slept the longest in a lot of years and waking up at about 6 am is the perfect time for me. I am not sure if I slept right through but it seems I am more rested then the other days befo...

Book Description

I am living the best I can