
Me Being Me

by Jodie

Entries 330

Page 13 of 14

February 28, 2023

New Day

Everyday I have so much ambition to do everything I plan to do in my head and once I look around and see what has to be done I just get so over whelmed that I just give up and promise myself I wi...

February 27, 2023

The Snow Stayed

Oh well, and the thing is I don’t have to shovel my sidewalk because I am not expecting any packages and I am not going anywnere. And if I do I do have winter boots I can wear or my runners. And ...

February 26, 2023

headless Rat

I have the weirdest dreams and for the life of me I know they mean something but I just can’t put my finger on it most times. And then I read about what it could be about but then that makes no s...

February 25, 2023


It’s suppose to snow again and it’s going to be something like 3 cm which might not be too much but the way B.C. drives their cars makes it even worse because a lot of them don’t have the right t...

February 24, 2023

It's Best To Tolerate....

Then to fight and hate each other and which the other one was dead or was hurt like you. The one thing to remeebr is to remeber who the source is and then make your own determinations. I find thi...

February 23, 2023

I wonder If....

It really matters when we wake up? I am lucky if I can sleep till 6 am and I call that a good sleep. But anything before that I often wake up with a headache and somewhat cold. And then I need to...

February 22, 2023


The one thing I like to get when I pay cash or credit card is a receipt so I can keep track pf what I spend and then later pay my credit card off before I get the statement. And if I pay cash for...

February 21, 2023

It's Tuesday?

I have looked in two places to make sure today is Tuesday and I am pretty sure it is. But when I first woke up I thought it was Monday still. It seems I need to look at a calnder every single day...

February 20, 2023

I Am Tired And Cranky

I didn’t sleep very well last night and I kept waking up because I was waiting for the tempature to go down to 62. I know it will happen because the landlady gets nose bleeds when it’s too hot. A...

February 19, 2023

The Bitch Is Back...

My so called landlady is back from her trip which is a surprise because I wasn’t expecting her for at least another month. So now it will be interesting because I just got over from Covid but i s...

February 19, 2023

What If?

What if I didn’t post any entries here for say something like a week or two? Would you wonder if I was okay? If I got hurt? or got so sick I had to go into the hospital? And those of you who are...

February 18, 2023

Almost 5 Am....

Latly this has been my usual wake up time and I have no idea why. I use to sleep in till 9 or 10 but then as I got older I get up earlier. And if I wake up before 5 am I often stay up and go for ...

February 17, 2023

Brain Fart

There seems to be a lot of days where I am either a day behind or a day ahead. Like yesterday I thought it was Friday and I wrote my entry as if it were Friday. But when hubby woke up he to,d me ...

February 16, 2023

Today is day 5 Since I tested

I think I still got covid becasue I still have my cold. But I am going to test myself again anyways just to see. The coughing and sneezing is still with me but not as bad and I am not waking up f...

Here is a list of people running so far.

February 14, 2023

It's Official....

I have tested positive for covid. I am not sure which varriant I have but then I don’t think it really matters. It’s just one more thing off of my sick list and maybe I won’t get it again? But I ...

February 13, 2023

Maybe Feeling Better?

I don’t know if it’s because I am still suffering with this cold or what but no matter what the tmpature is I am either too cold or too hot and there is no perfect tempature. But there is and it ...

February 12, 2023

From Friends to ?

These last 20 years or so I have had a lot of so called friends. You know the ones who you can call and ask how they are or the ones who you go out for coffee with or just for a walk. All of thos...

February 11, 2023

Covid Has Arrived...

I talked to my son yesterday and he told me he has covid 19 and the only place he has been is here ;ast week. And before he came I told him hubby had the sniffles and he thought it wouldn’t be a ...

February 10, 2023

You Think I Am Cheap?

When it comes to me wanting something I always have a tendancy to go for brand new. Except for cars. But they need to be bought from a dealer ship because then I know all th eissues it had would ...

February 09, 2023

I think I Am Feeling Better

So far the only thing wrong with me is that I woke up feeling cold and my nose is a bit runny and I am still coughing but otherwise I think I am better. I will see later once I get moving and do...

February 08, 2023

Not Feeling Good...

Last night I started to feel cold and I had a low grade tempature and I felt really tired for no good reason. I couldn’t finish all my dinner so there is left overs for hubbys Friday dinner. I wo...

February 07, 2023

About Me

I am not really that interesting but I am a good person who tries really hard. And I do try to get along with everyone and compermise when I have to. I don’t like people who are stuck up and thin...

February 06, 2023


That is what my rent is for a year. And I have been here for ten years and all I have gotten was a used oven and a used fridge and a used dishwasher and nothing else. The walls haven’t been paint...

February 05, 2023

Waking Up Cold...

When ever I wake up and go to the bathroom I always know what the tempature is and for the most part it’s never hot enough for me. Because what we have been doing is keeping the bathroom door clo...

Book Description

I am living the best I can