Me Being Me
by Jodie
Entries 330
Page 12 of 14
Artificial Heat?
I wish there was something called “real heat” where it stays warm all day evryday and people wouldn;t have to waste their money on gas or electricity or heating pads or other heating devices. But...
Busy Day Today
I am going to be going to see if the real world has changed or not. I get to go to one of my favorite places to do some grocery shopping. And hubby wrote out the shopping list and told me only th...
If anyone wants to see the pictures of the damage I have because the landlady won’t fix them I can send you them in an e-mail and then you will see all of them....Let me know either way.
Saving Money?
The question I always ask myself is why bother to safe money when you know once you die you can’t spend it anymore? And then there are family memebers who will fight over it and then it will be t...
It Was Gooder
My son came yesterday and was here pretty well all day which is good and he had breakfasy and dinner and I think he left stuffed to the gills. He opened his birthday presents and unfortuatly one ...
Another Sunday Has Come...
I can remeber when I was younger that Sundays were always what I called the “clean up” day where I would chenge the bed and have a shower and did some of the house work and my son would watch wha...
I really need to not care so much and then get so upset and depressed. The only way I can do that is to keep busy. Everyday I have to do something that gets my brain into a better place and do mo...
Why Am I Such A Nice Person?
I try so hard to be the nice one and the one to listen and follow directions and the law. But yet there are others who think they don’t have to follow the law and listen to others. I am starting ...
Why I Can't Move Yet
People have said that I need to move. And they are right but with the prices of rent orwhere I want to live I just can’t afford it. And we need at least a two bedroom place but a three bederoom w...
My Human Mind...
Is not right because I have all this anger towards one person and I really don’t care one way or the other if they live or die. And I don’t care that they are so slfish and uncarring. I like to t...
I Feel Like...
I feel like I don’t have a place I can call home and that where I am all I do is pay rent and get really nothing extra except what the basic laws are. Nothing ever gets fixed pproperly and keeps ...
I Got Nothing But Negetive Thoughts
I have decided that I am really starting to hate people who I have to deal with. The longer they do nothing the more mad I get at them for not doing what they say they will do in a timely manner....
The Washer Is leaking Again.
Before the idiot landlady went on her idiot road trip with her idiot dog my washer started to leak from the bottom and I saw the water on the cement. Although it wasn’t much but I knew that it wi...
How would you?
Fix the bottom shelf of a vanity? Would you just cut the board out and replace it with something not as wide and not steady? Like just slide it in? or would you just repalce the vanity? The thing...
I Have Figured Out...
Where the smell of mold and mildew is comming from in my bathroom. I do know it’s a fact because no matter what I do to get rid of the smell it keeps comming back when whatever I use stops worki...
I Got My Rent Reciepts
Finally. They were only eight days late from the start of march but I got them. And she spelled my name totally wrong and put the wrong date on each of them except one. So I took them back to her...
Retail Therapy
Yesterday I broke down and got an electric meat grinder and a T-shirt for my brother in laws birthday and did some on line grocery shopping. So I am set for a while. I hope I like this new meat g...
2 AM
I woke up at 2:00 am today and I was thinking about the rent recipts I am still waiting for from Jaunary. I can’t understand why it’s so hard to write out either one recipt for three months or th...
It's Time to Just....
Get along with people especially those you don’t prticularly care for because in the end there will be something horrible that happens and it could be your fault and besides it;s better to toller...
Self Driving Cars?
Would you buy one? Would you trust it to what it’s suppose to do? Like stop at red lights? Or travel at the right speed limit? I know I would never get one because I can see a lot of things go wr...
The Natural Look
What is written here is my own personal thoughts and I am not trying to cause any fights with anyone…For the most part I already know what you think. When you get all dressed up and wear high hee...
It's Been About A Week
Since the landladt came back from her road trip and got the rent for January and February and now March and I have asked for rent reciepts because I gave her cash and so far I don’t have them. Sh...
How Much Do You Really Know?
I have noticed that some people, especially the people who are on face Book really don’t know that much when it comes to world things and especially wgatever country is at their closest boarder. ...
Have You Noticed...
That over the eyars just how many famous people have wreak havoc to their careers and have gone to jail or are not working any more? But the difference for these people is they accepeted their so...
Was It You Who wants A Different Dog?
I read the other day where one of my readers was saying they are looking for a new puppy. I have found one and you can contact the person who is giving them away for free but you need to give mon...
Book Description
I am living the best I can