
My Musings

by edteesoy

Entries 191

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Today was better than yesterday, mood speaking. Waking up early is still not my strong point though; felt so groggy and sleepy even after clocking in about 6.5 hours. Glad that I’m back to my old...

Today was so-so. I was out like a light last night and had weird dreams again. I think it’s a combination of the mental and physical fatigue these past couple days, as I had to rely on the alarm ...

Today was another busy day for me. I slept almost 7 hours, although I had VERY weird dreams (of which I’ve forgotten already). The said dreams felt very realistic that I could’ve sworn that I hea...

Today was a busy day for me, as I’m on my one week leave to pursue a training + certification course I’ve been eyeing for a few months already. As the classes take place at 8:30 a.m., I was alrea...

Today was a rerun of this past Friday’s experience. A few minutes after waking up, I had another wave of sadness, which turned into a full-blown panic attack thereafter. As such, I had to take my...

Today was a relatively quiet day. I slept a good 8.5 hours more or less; seems I was really tired from yesterday’s leg routine. I’m also feeling a lot better mentally, although there was still a ...

Today was a bad day, headspace-wise. While I was able to get ~7.5 hours sleep and had no weird dreams, a sudden wave of sadness overcame me from early afternoon until just before I had to workout...

Today was another normal day. I got to sleep a little over 7 hours with minimal interruption, save for the instances when I had to answer the call of nature. I dreamt about us again; in said drea...

Today was a bit more lively (for lack of a better term). I was able to sleep about 7.5 hours in total, and had a dreamless slumber (yay!). I endeavored to do a number of things earlier and those...

April 30, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 44

Today was another boring / quiet day. I got to sleep about 7-ish hours in total, but kept waking up every now and then as to ensure that I don’t oversleep, unlike yesterday. I did dream about us ...

April 29, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 43

Today was pretty chill. Sleep was good - too good, even, since I woke up 5 minutes before my shift. It’s a good thing I decided to look at my phone’s clock, or else, I’d have gotten an extra hour...

April 28, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 42

Today was one of those days. Sleep was decent, and I had no weird dreams. However, I had another wave of sadness in the afternoon, which almost turned into a full-blown panic attack. I had to tak...

April 27, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 41

Today was a mixed bag. I was able to sleep a good 7.5 hours, but had a weird dream - that I was being chased by someone who wanted to cut my head off with a katana. I woke up and had a bit of anx...

April 26, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 40

It’s finally Friday. Last night’s sleep was really good - got immediately knocked out and clocked in almost 8 hours. No weird dreams either so that’s always a good thing. Work, once again, was ve...

April 25, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 39

Yet another slow day for me. I clocked in about 7-ish hours of sleep, and would have loved to get a few more minutes, but didn’t want to tempt it as I might oversleep. I dreamt about us again - t...

April 24, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 38

Today was average. I overslept an extra 30 minutes and had to scramble for onsite work. I dreamt of us again - we were eating lunch in a neat restaurant and had ice cream for dessert. It would’ve...

April 23, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 37

Today was average. I initially aimed to get ~8 hours of sleep, but got only about 7.5 hours. It was also a dreamless sleep so I guess that’s a change. I had a hiring manager interview earlier; i...

April 22, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 36

Today was ok - pretty uneventful but I was able to get 7.5 hours of sleep. There were neither panic attacks nor waves of sadness, which I’m grateful for. Work, as always, was quite relaxed too. S...

April 21, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 35

Today was ok. Sleep was not up to par; I tried to sleep earlier than usual in the hopes that it can help me get a bit more zzzzz’s but I kept tossing and turning for about 30 minutes before I fou...

April 20, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 34

Today can be summed up in one word: lazy. I had a good 8 hours of sleep and spent the whole day either reading manga or watching kdrama at Netflix. No panic attacks or waves of sadness as well. ...

April 19, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 33

Today was another average day. I slept almost 9 hours - and just in time to realize that I was going to be late if I decided to give myself a couple more minutes. Work was uneventful again; had m...

April 18, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 32

Today was a bit more busy compared to yesterday. I had about 8.5 hours of sleep, 6 of which were straight. The anti-depressant that my psychiatrist gave me leaves a feeling of drowsiness, however...

April 17, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 31

Today was quite dull. Sleep was average; I got to clock in about 7-ish hours, although not in a straight fashion (which I would have preferred). No panic attacks or waves of sadness, so that’s a ...

April 16, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 30

Today was slightly below average, I’d say. Clocked in about 6.5 hours of sleep, with 5 of those being straight. I went onsite again today - traffic was really bad, considering I usually work 11 a...

April 15, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 29

I dreamt of us again. We were outside on a date, watching the full moon and discussing about the future. Then I woke up. Today was quite ok - sleep was not as long as I’d have liked (I think some...

Book Description

A collection of my thoughts, however random they might be.