
My Musings

by edteesoy

Entries 226

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Today was slightly below average. While I got a full 8 hour sleep (and some), I had a weird dream that pertained to university life; the interesting thing? Some of my ex-colleagues and classmates...

Today was so-so. I had a bit of difficulty sleeping last night and only clocked about 6 hours - only 4 of which was straight and a lot of tossing and turning involved just to get the extra 2 hour...

Today was a great day. I slept about 7 hours and did not have any instances of weird dreams, waves of sadness, and panic attacks. My body was a bit sore, however, which I attribute to training le...

Today was another good day. I had about a little over 7 hours of sleep, and neither had weird dreams nor waves of sadness. For the first few hours of my day, I decided to go to a number of gover...

Today was another good day. I was able to get a good 8 hours of straight sleep; in fact, I slept too well that I still wanted to get a bit more. As I didn’t have anything on my agenda today, I de...

Today was another ok day. I was able to clock in almost 8 hours of sleep, although I did have a weird dream (which I forgot). I did not experience panic attacks or waves of sadness, which once ag...

Today was an ok day. Sleep was decent, albeit had some tossing and turning. Neither experienced waves of sadness nor panic attacks so that’s something to be grateful about. Work, as expected, was...

Posting a couple days’ worth of entries once again since the site was down yesterday. To summarize, yesterday and today were pretty chill. Sleep was quite good (clocked about 8 hours more or less...

Posting for 2 days once again since we had an internet outage. As of this writing, internet has not been fully restored, but will have to do for now. Yesterday and today were complete contrasts; ...

Today was another good day. I almost reached the 7 hour mark of sleep (I think about 6 hours and 45 minutes) without having either any weird dreams or the like. In addition, my headache was total...

Today was a pretty good day. I clocked in more than 7 hours of sleep last night, which is a welcome change from the previous days. I didn’t seem to have any headache as well as the day progressed...

Today was another ok day. I had about.. 6 hours of sleep, 5 of which was uninterrupted. I tried getting a bit more but had to take care of my dad’s food and medicines so decided to rise from bed....

Today was an ok day. Sleep, once more, was slightly lacking; I got about 6.5 hours, but that’s only because I slept past two. Thankfully, had neither headaches nor weird dreams so that’s always a...

Today was an ok day. I didn’t sleep very well again, and had about 6 hours sleep total. I think since my body’s conscious of the alarm clock sounding, I was unconsciously waking up before it soun...

Today was a decent day. I was able to clock in about 8 hours of sleep, which is a welcome change coming from the previous night’s 5 (or 6). However, I had intermittent bouts of headache which dam...

Today and yesterday were not very good days. I was such an emotional wreck that trying to get my thoughts together in writing just did not work. I think the past few weeks coupled with my interna...

Today was not a very good day emotionally. While I did get about 7 hours of sleep overall and got to do some chores (i.e., laundry), I feel I’m quite the train wreck today because of happenings a...

It’s been a while; we had an internet outage for the past 3 days and only returned a few hours earlier so I had to work at my place yesterday and today. The past three days have been so-so. If an...

June 22, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 97

Today was so-so. I was able to sleep a lot last night; had about 8.5 hours overall which was really refreshing. I did have a weird (yet funny) dream, however. In said dream, my hand-carry and lug...

June 21, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 96

Today was a good day once again. I was able to complete 8 hours of sleep and didn’t feel groggy at all. I think I’m slowly getting used to sleeping and waking up earlier, although will have to se...

June 20, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 95

Today was a good day. I was able to complete 8 hours of sleep, although I was a bit groggy when I woke up. Hopefully, I maintain the same number of hours in the next few days. Happy to say as wel...

June 19, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 94

Today was a good day. I was able to get a lot more sleep last night, clocking about 7.5 hours (compared to the 6 or so hours the past few days). I probably would’ve overslept, would I not have re...

June 18, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 93

Today was another great day. Granted, I did not get another full 7 hours of sleep (safe to say it was around 6.5 hours or so), I didn’t feel the lack of sleep as much compared to the previous day...

June 17, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 92

Today was another good one. I did lack a bit of sleep, however, as I was always in anticipation of the alarm clock. I think I clocked in about 6.5 hours, more or less. Since today is a holiday, I...

June 16, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 91

Today was a really good day. I think I was able to clock in a good 7.5 hours, so that made me feeling very refreshed compared to yesterday. Thankfully, some of the preparations were made by my gr...

Book Description

A collection of my thoughts, however random they might be.