
My Musings

by edteesoy

Entries 191

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Today was a pretty good day. I clocked in more than 7 hours of sleep last night, which is a welcome change from the previous days. I didn’t seem to have any headache as well as the day progressed...

Today was another ok day. I had about.. 6 hours of sleep, 5 of which was uninterrupted. I tried getting a bit more but had to take care of my dad’s food and medicines so decided to rise from bed....

Today was an ok day. Sleep, once more, was slightly lacking; I got about 6.5 hours, but that’s only because I slept past two. Thankfully, had neither headaches nor weird dreams so that’s always a...

Today was an ok day. I didn’t sleep very well again, and had about 6 hours sleep total. I think since my body’s conscious of the alarm clock sounding, I was unconsciously waking up before it soun...

Today was a decent day. I was able to clock in about 8 hours of sleep, which is a welcome change coming from the previous night’s 5 (or 6). However, I had intermittent bouts of headache which dam...

Today and yesterday were not very good days. I was such an emotional wreck that trying to get my thoughts together in writing just did not work. I think the past few weeks coupled with my interna...

Today was not a very good day emotionally. While I did get about 7 hours of sleep overall and got to do some chores (i.e., laundry), I feel I’m quite the train wreck today because of happenings a...

It’s been a while; we had an internet outage for the past 3 days and only returned a few hours earlier so I had to work at my place yesterday and today. The past three days have been so-so. If an...

June 22, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 97

Today was so-so. I was able to sleep a lot last night; had about 8.5 hours overall which was really refreshing. I did have a weird (yet funny) dream, however. In said dream, my hand-carry and lug...

June 21, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 96

Today was a good day once again. I was able to complete 8 hours of sleep and didn’t feel groggy at all. I think I’m slowly getting used to sleeping and waking up earlier, although will have to se...

June 20, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 95

Today was a good day. I was able to complete 8 hours of sleep, although I was a bit groggy when I woke up. Hopefully, I maintain the same number of hours in the next few days. Happy to say as wel...

June 19, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 94

Today was a good day. I was able to get a lot more sleep last night, clocking about 7.5 hours (compared to the 6 or so hours the past few days). I probably would’ve overslept, would I not have re...

June 18, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 93

Today was another great day. Granted, I did not get another full 7 hours of sleep (safe to say it was around 6.5 hours or so), I didn’t feel the lack of sleep as much compared to the previous day...

June 17, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 92

Today was another good one. I did lack a bit of sleep, however, as I was always in anticipation of the alarm clock. I think I clocked in about 6.5 hours, more or less. Since today is a holiday, I...

June 16, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 91

Today was a really good day. I think I was able to clock in a good 7.5 hours, so that made me feeling very refreshed compared to yesterday. Thankfully, some of the preparations were made by my gr...

June 15, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 90

Today was an ok day. I felt my sleep was a bit lacking, despite having clocked about 7 hours or so; maybe that’s really how it is when one tends to wake up before the alarm goes off. Another sign...

June 14, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 89

Today was an ok day. I did lack some sleep, however, as I had to wake up early to take care of some filial obligations, and today served as my first test run for the succeeding days. I think I cl...

June 13, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 88

Today was a good day, albeit ridiculously busy. I intended to wake up at 9 am (which equates to about 7 hours of sleep), but I was still so groggy that I extended another hour. It was around at t...

June 12, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 87

Today was an ok day. Since it’s a holiday in my country, I was really able to maximize my sleep without having to rely on an alarm clock. I was able to get a complete 8 hours without any interrup...

June 11, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 86

Today was an ok day. I was able to sleep around 7 hours or so, although there were two things that were of note: 1. I slept feeling sore in the ribs/torso area, and breathing/bending caused great...

June 10, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 85

Today was an ok day. I was able to sleep around 7 hours, if I remember correctly. I was so tired from last night that I was dozing off in the middle of my prayer. No weird dreams and the usual wa...

June 09, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 84

Today was a REALLY great day. Admittedly, I didn’t have the usual hours of sleep but I had no weird dreams, no waves of sadness, and no panic attacks. I was out the entirety of the afternoon as ...

June 08, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 83

Today was a lazy day. I had about 7 hours of sleep, more or less, but got interrupted around the 6th hour mark because of our neighbors singing karaoke. I struggled to get some sleep after that, ...

June 07, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 82

Today was light, once again. I was able to get a good 8 or so hours of sleep, and I guess I was really quite tired yesterday that I dozed off while doing some scrolling at my phone. I don’t remem...

June 06, 2024

In the Life Log - Day 81

Today was better than yesterday. I slept a good 8 or so hours and had no occurrences of my big 3 triggers, so to speak. Work was very busy today, which is a rare occurrence. I had to continue wo...

Book Description

A collection of my thoughts, however random they might be.