
Each Day

by Ms. Fury

Entries 129

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April 07, 2023

oh no

I woke up to a voicemail from M. We don’t do voicemail with each other. His pained voice telling me he’s calling an ambulance. I don’t hear from him again until after noon. Mom, my sister and I ...

April 04, 2023


Friday was hectic. I was up early to finish getting ready, and out the door shortly after 7. I drove to pick up Red, and then drove to the airport. I got flagged twice at security, because of cou...

March 28, 2023

Omg duh

I had possibly the best example of why my brain is absolutely fucking ridiculous. So growing up my dad and I went to a bunch of air shows. I loved it, the acrobatics, the noise, the size, the te...

March 23, 2023

A different kind of A Day

I expected to be exhausted when I got home today. I swapped one of my days off so I got today off with Red, I work tomorrow and then I’m off for a longish weekend. Red had some pet errands to do,...

March 22, 2023

giving up by opting in

It has already been A Week. Not all bad, but not feeling great right now. I had a session with my psych yesterday. We talked about how things have been and she actually listened. I told her abou...

March 11, 2023

people like me

I had a counselling session Thursday. It was less than stellar. It was another instance where I’m telling a story that, to me, is clearly some part of my neuro-divergence, but she has no idea, so...

March 08, 2023

a visit with Bastet

It has been really hard for me to write since M has been away. I’ve watched a LOT of shows that I’d been setting aside, since M and I have so many we watch together. On Sunday I met Bastet and h...

February 24, 2023

Survey stealing

What’s something that everyone else has but not you? Weird, I read this as something that I have that no one else does, and I was like… my sister? I honestly can’t think of how to answer this. I...

February 20, 2023

i exist

When I was in Ontario in December, mom and I were driving back to my home town and we were talking about M and I, our relationship, how we’ve changed and grown together, and how I understand why ...

February 05, 2023

Uugh, fine then.

I started an entry on, like, the 22nd or something, but M’s departure was pending and I found myself avoiding looking too closely at my feelings until after he was gone. Clearly that didn’t work...

January 23, 2023


I’ve really lucked out on duty weeks. Normally I carry the phone and abstain from intoxicants and that’s the extent of it. This weekend was not that. Friday we had a snow storm. Thursday night I...

January 19, 2023

Honest Truth Time

When The One and I were solid we used to do this thing where, when we wanted to be frank and serious about something, we would preface it by saying “Honest Truth Time”, and then the other person ...

January 18, 2023

I can't stop doing surveys.

Stolen from Phoenix Seraph What was your biggest life lesson this year and what did you learn? There are things outside your control and there’s literally nothing you can do to about it. What di...

January 13, 2023

2023 Resolutions

I have been thinking a lot about what I want out of 2023. December has really given me that reset that I was saying M and I needed, and it has helped me realize that some of the things I’m doing ...

Why yes, I am listening to Taylor Swift on repeat these days, why do you ask? Also I don’t necessarily feel the sentiment of the title, when I thought it, it made me laugh. I get frustrated with...

January 09, 2023

Annual Survey 2022

I have been doing this same survey since 2014, but since I jumped journals I don’t have the archive anymore. Here’s 2022 in a nutshell. What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before? - B...

December 16, 2022

Sexy Survey

Stolen from Midorinokaeru How much would you pay for a list of everyone who has ever sexually fantasized about or masturbated to you? Why? I initially read this question wrong. I thought I was su...

December 14, 2022

Is it Love or nostalgia?

I saw Janeane again last night. We’d had plans to go for a walk Monday night but Mom whisked me away to my hometown for a night (she Needed A Break) , where I got to see The Odd Couple. It was lo...

December 12, 2022


It has been a whirlwind, folks. My grandmother died at 11am on December 2nd. I genuinely appreciate the supportive comments you left on the Nov 30 post. And I did mull it over, but I was given t...

What are you listening to right now? Some YouTube Dark Electronic mix with isochronic tones at a specific Hz… I want the blanket of noise that is music but can’t write when words are being spoken...

December 01, 2022

NJM 30 - The End.

When I was at work this morning I received an email from my mom’s sister, to all the grandkids. She’s been handling the majority of Gran’s affairs since she’s been in the care facility. Mom told ...

November 30, 2022

NJM 29 - trouble

If aliens spent a day watching you in the name of research, what conclusions would they draw about the human race? Primarily that we are a hedonistic people. With questionable taste keeping preda...

November 29, 2022

NJM 28 - A Real Entry

Not a fan of todays prompts and I’m feeling the need to purge the crap in my head. So last week I found out that my promotion is being held up by the fact that I don’t have a valid force test. C...

November 29, 2022

NJM 27 - No Thank You

I would do anything for love, but I won’t do… what? Do you ever feel like you don’t know what your boundaries are until they’re tested? I know I have compromised myself on hundreds of occasions w...

November 27, 2022

NJM 26 - Blocked

When’s the last time somebody blocked you, and was it deserved? When’s the last time you blocked somebody, and what was their crime? I don’t know the last person who blocked me. I have the FB Pur...

Book Description

Pretty self-explanatory