
The Big, Blue House, year one.

by Asenath Waite

Entries 47

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February 21, 2023

I am enraptured by VR Chat.

Hyperfixation is the term. My current line of thinking is that everyone should be using VR. It is awesome, and since the only way to properly appreciate it is to try it, I think everyone should d...

February 17, 2023

One more time.

I spent the day going though the old inventory, and making tee shirt designs on the tablet. Don spent the day cutting vinyl on the Silhouette, and learning how to get the design even and the bla...

Seriously, this thing is gorgeous. With the new customer promo codes it was $33.64. It’s probably not real sterling silver, as there’s no maker’s mark “925”, and I haven’t used a diamond tester...

And their causes of death. This is a long list. Judging by the weight and substance abuse among my remaining loved ones and old school friends, I’m going to be the last one standing. I don’t und...

February 06, 2023

My ongoing obsession.

A friend in Denmark commented on a video clip I put on Facebook from VR Chat. He asked, “What’s it about?” He doesn’t play video games, and while his English is fabulous, he doesn’t understand so...

February 05, 2023

Current Mood

Don’t poke the bear, people. Asperger’s, borderline, anxiety, and antisocial traits. It’s a confection wherein I have no chill. The patience burned up decades ago. At my core there is a cornere...

February 04, 2023

Holy freaking crap VR Chat.

Someone on r/Aspergers mentioned VR Chat, so I thought I’d take a look, and now I keep forgetting to eat. The compulsion to see everything is great in an MMO, with set geographic boundaries, but ...

January 24, 2023

Assorted quotidian tedium

I bought an air fryer. I’m generally no good at cooking, so the hope is that it would allow me to cook my own food. Constantly asking Don to fry me some eggplant or catfish when he doesn’t eat th...

January 24, 2023

Why I haven't been here

Well my computer is on the 3rd floor. And my bedroom is on the 2nd floor. And I haven’t been playing Guild Wars 2 in a couple weeks, which had been my primary purpose for coming up here. So yeah....

And I have no explanation for my disappearance. I just get too wrapped up in one thing to do others, and everything takes me ages longer than it does “normal” people, and that’s that. I’ve been ...

December 06, 2022

Wherein I rant about Wal-Mart.

I prefer to buy my cat food from Chewy, but Wal-Mart had/has one-day shipping, so while I wait for the Chewy order to get here from Florida, (Why is it in Florida? It’s not exactly a centralized ...

Because the comments were locked on the post I wanted to put it on, while I was typing it. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ When a corpse is embalmed, at least in the US, the blood is poured down the dr...

Because my main character is just too ridiculous at this point not to. Behold my sheer absurdity and weep, for you shall never be this ridiculous. Yes, I realize no one cares. But it did take s...

Don got a cake from the store. Chocolate with boston cream filling, and put little pre-made sugar letters and stars on it. He presented me with that, and two wrapped packages this morning. The pa...

November 24, 2022

I need opinions.

On Yuletide gifts for The Male. I’m down to just the last of the “filler” presents, and if I get both of these, I’ll go over our pre-agreed monetary limit. So if you were a guy, would you rather ...

November 16, 2022

On migraines and The Male.

Migraines with nausea are the best thing ever. I recommend them to everyone. Particularly when they’re caused and accompanied by unexpected hormonal fluctuations that also cause arthritis-like sw...

But the Benadryl I’m on for a sinus infection makes thinking of a topic difficult. 1.) What were you doing at 11 last night? Watching “Shrouded Hand” on YouTube, and vegetating on antihistamines...

Taking a break from the daily maintenance cleaning. Don boiled chicken for the cats, I deboned it, and now I’m cleaning the stove. Tomorrow or the next day he’s patching the garage roof. He did ...

Comparing my situation to other people I’ve known in decade + long relationships: The long and short of it is I’ve never personally seen one without some kind of animosity and/or uneven power dy...

November 03, 2022

Relationships, part one: Mine.

I complain about Don a lot, but he’s not an objectively “bad” partner. He’s really rude to me an average of once a month, immediately followed by him cooking me meals and speaking to me softly fo...

November 02, 2022

Melancholy misty morning.

Every time he’s nice this long, I start to irrationally wonder if it’ll stay this way, but after two and a half decades, I know better, and it sucks. I could actually be “happy” if things were st...

October 29, 2022

I'm a terrible person.

One of my favorite gaming streamers is French. Since it would sound xenophobic of me, I’ll say it here: It took me a while to figure out that he swears, because it sounds like “Feck dat sheet!”. ...

October 28, 2022

Wherein I rant about "fate".

So my favorite niece posts a LOT of cheesy, quasi-inspirational memes. “Step by step you’ll get there”, “You get what you focus on, so focus on what you want”, “Just try to understand that everyt...

So I’ve completely disassembled, and cleaned the Shark vacuum. I had to, because it was clogged with cat hair. Not from my cats, as one would expect, but from the previous owners’ cat(s). The car...

Let me state that I’ve referred to him as The Male since long before Prosebox. It’s not an insult, just the the best title I could come up with for someone I’ve lived with for decades without mar...

Book Description

A demarcation line between the previous years that I was here, and this one.