
Good Neighbors

by Gulf Girl

Entries 7

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January 07, 2023

Chapter 7, Kate

I couldn’t wait for Nora to return home later that day so I could listen to whatever the recording device picked up. It was sound-activated, so I didn’t have to go through hours and hours of noth...

January 07, 2023

Chapter 6, Nora

Nora ran down the stairs to the front door as soon as she heard the doorbell. She knew exactly who would be on the other side of the door. Her heart rate sped up in anticipation. She flung the do...

January 07, 2023

Chapter 5, Kate

I slumped down against the door, hand over my mouth to keep from laughing too loud, lest Nora still be close enough to hear. Half a second later, I burst out laughing wildly and loudly. I just co...

July 22, 2022

Chapter 4, Nora

“I hear the dog barking like crazy,” Nora told her mother. “Let me go check it out and I’ll call you back later.” Nora placed the phone down on her kitchen island and went out her back door. “Far...

June 04, 2022

Chapter 3, Kate

After closing the door behind Nora the day she visited, I couldn’t help but slump against the door giggling. I could just imagine how frustrating it must be for her to know she knows me but not h...

June 03, 2022

Chapter 2, Nora

Nora was glad she had the day off today. She not only had things she wanted to catch up on at home but was also curious to observe who her potential new neighbors might be from the privacy of her...

May 17, 2022

Chapter 1, Kate

Brennan finally retired. Finally. It was one of the best days of our lives even though I had another decade or so of working at my job as a 911 operator. I didn’t mind, though. The extra money wa...

Book Description