
A transparent lockbox

by whwhatever

Entries 43

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4 days ago

Mutual debt

In a twisted way, it brings me joy to know that the cut still stings for you, too. I’m not alone in my bitterness. Though you’re the reason for the bitterness, you’re the only other person who s...

6 days ago

Broken record

How is it possible that after 3 years, seeing you nearby still makes me feel sick? How is it that you still have some bit of a grasp on me? I’ve never wanted to feel like I’m 20 again in that wa...

August 19, 2024


There are so many binaries in life that we are expected to be in one or the other but never in between them. Existing as I do sparks confusion: to be feminine with body hair and masculine with so...

August 07, 2024

About Sex

After evaluating who I’ve been, who I hope to be, and what I desire, I’ve realized I’m a prude. I think I’m actually quite a sex-negative person. First of all, I find my experiences to have been ...

One of the emerging conflicts in my life is how I compartmentalize. It has all existed to guard my soul and stay private and reserved. Throughout K-12, I never would hang out with friends outsid...

May 14, 2024

Just Whining

I have no clue what happens in my brain. It seems to undergo times of relative thoughtlessness and unawareness. I feel like I have been out of consciousness for a solid minute. I’ve had some dece...

April 29, 2024

Animal Kind

There are things that I am beginning to think will haunt me forever. They aren’t even things that I did, but injustices close to me, whether emotionally or geographically. Things that happened ye...

April 05, 2024

Oh, Another

For the first time in a while, I had a dream about you. It isn’t like the old ones though of sentiment and yearning. This time it was more like I saw you in public while I looked awful and then I...

March 27, 2024


What an awful habit I’ve developed. I can only seem to work in the face of deadlines and when hit with adrenaline. When I know I have time, I cannot do work. I think I would need the rush of a gu...

March 14, 2024

How so

One of the largest mysteries of life and my mind is infatuation and love. Just how in the span of a day, you can feel like you have fallen in and out of love with someone. The entire rush of gett...

February 28, 2024

Grandeur Lost

Lately, I’ve had to confront the person I am compared to my expectations when I was younger. I know who I am now likely won’t be who I am forever. All I’ve been able to think about lately is how ...

February 23, 2024


For the life of me, when I’m emotionally neutral, I cannot write or think on a level that is at all profound. There were months when I was prolific, writing 4 poems a day, frequent journal entrie...

February 09, 2024

Cyber Dissonance

The experiences that get to me the most are the ones where you are made to feel stupid for being nice or kind. I always try to be understanding and empathetic, I want people to feel comfortable w...

February 05, 2024

Karmic Neutrality

This is practically the antithesis of yesterday’s entry. But today I was online and was recommended the profile of someone who once screwed me over romantically. The profile was nearly blank, wit...

February 04, 2024


One of the curses that has been bestowed upon me is my inability to let go of grudges. I wish that I didn’t care and could just move on, but god, I am bitter for eternity. No matter how small of ...

January 23, 2024

Laughing it all away

Last night and tonight while washing my face, I broke out into uncontrollable laughter. Last night was just about some experiences I’ve had with dating, like a man offering to drive an hour on th...

January 09, 2024

Questions of Toxicity

There has been something about today that has made me think about different aspects of myself. Everything has felt relatively fast, action-packed, and intense in all I’ve done. I was listening to...

January 06, 2024


Tonight all I can seem to think about are titles and projections. Just all the things we are told we are, or are said about us, and the implications of those things. All the things that are arbit...

January 03, 2024

Creative Phenomenon

I am currently experiencing a personal phenomenon. There has been a palpable shift progressing in my mind for months now, but I feel it fully at this moment. There is just this overwhelming sense...

December 31, 2023

Dichotomy of Partying

I met up with some friends I hadn’t seen in a while, they were around for the holiday. The experience was overall unpleasant I’ll say. My friend brought her new man along to introduce him; to be ...

December 26, 2023

Too practical

Sometimes I am reminded of the variation of the human mind. I have witnessed some people in my life who are said to be smart, but they aren’t very intelligent. I have a half-sister who did a degr...

December 26, 2023


It is the season of getting drunk with the family. I have been sober since July. I tend to do the extremes in life, in that I am all or nothing. There have been too many moments of embarrassment ...

December 24, 2023

In the mall

Something has reignited in me after years, suddenly I can’t help but to begin writing creatively again. Maybe it is due to the frequent journaling that has allowed my thoughts to breathe and refo...

December 20, 2023

As a fetish

Recently something has been brought to my attention. My appearance is androgynous, it isn’t something that I consciously fostered, it is just what I’m drawn to I guess. There have just been more ...

December 18, 2023

Questionable Desire

I’ve made it through so much of my life being quiet and unrecognizable, but suddenly for the first time in my life, I have the desire to be known. Just for my peers to see who I am I guess, and t...

Book Description

just thoughts that are meant for me, that I want to share