Why Write Articles to Publicize your Business?
by forneims1963
Book Description
Reach 1,000 to 500,000 targeted buyers every day online. This is the best reason I know. Get exposure for contacts, clients.
The second best reason is that it's free. You subscribe to ezines and then send your short online articles to your audience.
The third reason is that it takes little time, maybe 9 hours a week. If you don't feel like writing it yourself, you can always get essay writing help. Do not waste your time, but only get the results of a well-written article.
Six more reasons to write an article
1. Writing articles brings free advertising. When you apply to 10 subscribed publishers and 10-20 websites that need your articles, you expose yourself to thousands, even millions, if you get your information on the right site. Sending them is free, free, free.
2. Submitting articles is 7 times more effective than any other promotion, because when you submit a lot of articles, you become known as an expert. These articles, with the appropriate signature box at the bottom, bring between 10 and 50 new subscribers to your own e-zine each time. This box also draws people to your website where if you have proper copywriting with a marketing style you will be selling a lot of products and services.
Start writing two or so, keep them until you have ten to send. Then write one a week. When you send 20 or so, you will become a household name. Subscribers to ezines and websites will publish them. People who visit the site or read the newsletter will also ask you if they can use your article. Of course it is!
They will send your articles to their business partners who, if they launch an e-zine or website, will also publish your article. Make your articles 250-800 words long. Or write tips up to 500 words.
Author's tip: Be sure to send thanks every time someone emails you saying they want to publish your article. First respond to each by thanking them and then asking permission to add their email address to your ePublishers email list. Offer the benefit that it's straight to their email door. Ask for a return email with "Yes, ePub" in the signature line. Add their name to your growing list. I know there are 150 of them. I send out a new article to them once or twice a week. This is what is called viral marketing.
3. You get everyone's attention when other webmasters post your articles. Since you have to list the keywords and introduction for each website article, your search engine rankings will go up significantly. Her URL is listed on 900 other sites as a hyperlink that attracts hundreds of new visitors.
4. The more coverage your articles have, the more you are perceived as an expert in your field, and when potential customers visit your site, they are more likely to read a promotional message about your services or products and end up buying!
5. Your articles can attract authors in your field who need free material for their book.Your articles can be taken and used for their own purposes by other writers. Don't worry, it will be a great advertisement for you.
6. Remember, people go online to get free information. If you give it away for free, they are more likely to become customers. Remember also that since other website owners and ezine publishers don't just write their own articles, they're constantly looking for your how-to articles. You can be published in hundreds of them!
Writing and submitting articles is my best advertising and promotion job. I now have 110 articles and 50 tips circulating on the web, and I now offer them by category using an autoresponder so people can instantly get exactly what they want. Categories include: writing/publishing, online promotion, website marketing and copywriting, and now tips up to 300 words. What are your categories?
Start writing short articles now and see how this great introduction to eager e-zine readers and e-zine users will bring success to your business.