
Renting Ginny

by Gulf Girl

Entries 30

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February 28, 2022


“Ginny! Ginny! Wake up! Wake the hell up!” My eyes snapped open as I was being shaken so hard it felt like my neck would literally snap in half and send my head rolling to the floor. “How many ti...

February 27, 2022


Anina was pronounced dead at the scene. By now it was dark, and Barbara and I were both a bit shook up, though grateful to have each other to lean on for support. We were mostly relieved, however...

February 27, 2022


“Get down!” Barbara screamed. I rolled over the edge of the bed and hit the carpeted floor below, hoping the bed would be enough to protect me from any more shots the lunatic may fire through the...

February 26, 2022


“’Where is my fucking computer, Ginny?’” “That’s what the note said?” Barbara asked, wide-eyed as we headed to her house. I nodded. “It was written on a piece of paper in big black letters and st...

February 26, 2022


Barbara’s car pulled to a stop in front of my house. She cut the engine and looked at me. “I had a wonderful time,” she said. “As did I,” I said, but she could sense my tension. “Are you okay?” I...

February 25, 2022


“Just make yourself comfortable,” Barbara told me as we entered her home. The house had a different feel at night than it had during the daytime. I wasn’t wearing any jacket or coat of any kind, ...

February 24, 2022


As soon as I entered Anina’s bathroom I opened the medicine cabinet in search of anything I could possibly use as a weapon. A small but sharp-looking pair of scissors was present on one of the sm...

February 23, 2022


“Wake up, you stupid Verlierer!” the gruff voice demanded. My eyes snapped open. “W-what the hell’s going on? Where am I?” Anina sat on a chair by the couch where I lay. I tried to sit up but the...

February 23, 2022


I froze in sheer terror, unable to believe what I was seeing. But I was seeing what I was seeing. There she stood, as gorgeous and as crazy as ever, leaning against the doorjamb. I knew I couldn’...

February 22, 2022


“You do realize just how dangerous it is to be doing what you’re doing?” my Mom asked me as I sat between her and my father at the kitchen table the next morning. “Yes, Mom, I do. That’s why I’m ...

February 22, 2022


I awoke with a nervous start the next morning until I realized I was safe and sound and back at home in my own bed. I listened for sounds within the house but didn’t hear anything. After I used t...

February 21, 2022


I came to as the soft, gentle cooing of my mother’s voice roused me back to consciousness. My eyes fluttered open and I saw that I was now lying on the living room couch. I rubbed my eyes and sat...

February 21, 2022


Christian’s aunt, Barbara, may have sounded like Anina and she may have been around the same age, but she didn’t look like her at all. This woman was pretty in a subtle way whereas Anina had been...

February 20, 2022


Antonio and I stood as still as terrified mice once we heard the loud crash from upstairs. When no other sounds followed a few minutes later, we cautiously looked at each other and then back upwa...

February 20, 2022


The sound of glass shattering woke me up. What the hell? I automatically went to sit up but the pain I felt in my ankle didn’t allow me to get very far. Remembering that I was back on the cot in ...

February 19, 2022


“Move it!” Anina snarled, shoving a cloth in my face. My first thought was that it was chloroform which wouldn’t have exactly allowed me to “move it,” but the only effect whatever it was had on m...

February 19, 2022


As I stood there in the middle of the warm, brightly lit living room of the old couple’s home, I couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling that came over me like a tidal wave. Something was wrong. ...

February 18, 2022


I hoisted myself up onto the counter beside the sink careful not to bump into anything on the countertops. Then I swung my feet up alongside me and slowly turned my body so that I was facing the ...

February 17, 2022


“Please don’t do this,” I begged. “There’s no need to tie me up down here. I don’t want to leave you. I enjoy being with you and I love our intimate moments. Really, there’s no need to tie up som...

February 17, 2022


“What the hell have you done!” My eyes snapped open and in an instant, I was awake and staring up into the blazing eyes of the madwoman bound and determined to hold me captive in her lair. “You s...

February 16, 2022


My eyelids slowly fluttered open. I was lying on my back. Where the hell was I? It hit me a moment later that I was laying on some sort of cot in a basement somewhere. I tried to sit up. When I d...

February 15, 2022


I walked out of the bedroom and headed into the kitchen where Anina was studying the contents of the refrigerator. When she saw me she said, “I haven’t had time to ask you what you like to eat or...

February 15, 2022


“Why would you want to bail me out of jail and help get me off the hook?” I asked Anina on the way back to her house. Anina seemed to be thinking carefully before she spoke. “Well, I guess becaus...

February 14, 2022


The heavy metal door clanked shut behind me in a way that was almost deafening. I glanced around the cold, dank room of concrete and steel. Dozens of curious eyes stared at me. The women were of ...

February 14, 2022


When I awoke for what seemed like the millionth time, the room was awash in sunlight and smelling of coffee. Anina entered the room just as I was sitting up. “Ready to get up now?” she asked me. ...

Book Description

Ginny is for rent. Not her apartment, not her car, but herself.

Her renter must be a woman, but otherwise Ginny is pretty much open to whatever her buyer may have in mind for fun and games…

Until the nightmares begin.