
Help Me Please

by Jodie

Entries 695

Page 6 of 28

September 29, 2022

Way To Early

Even for the birds so I must be nuts or even more crazy then I thought before. But I woke up with gas in my stomach so I had to deal with that. And I still have some but it’s not so bad and maybe...

September 28, 2022

Feeling Much Better

My arm isn’t as achy as yesterday and I don’t feel like I have the flu type symptoms so this was maybe a one day thing. But I can still feel where the needle went into my arm and the spot hurts w...

September 27, 2022

Booster Is Done

I am so glad I got my last booster for now and whatever variants come I will be protected. But the night was a surprise to me because my arm got all achy and I feel cold and woke up with a headac...

September 26, 2022

Shot Day

I am going to get my fourth booster today and I will be getting the newer one because it has the variants in them and I think I will be more protected. And then next week or maybe after I will be...

September 25, 2022

I Can't believe Her

My land lady insists once you see things that you can trip over the first time that if you trip it’s your fault and she is not responsible for that. But the thing I worry about is if it’s dark ou...

September 24, 2022

I Can't Believe It...

Here we go again…This land lady of mine must have rocks in her head because yesterday the guy who is building a house next door is now putting a fence in and the sidewalk that I use to get to my ...

September 23, 2022

What to Type?

Coming up with things to say and to type about sometimes takes time. Like today. I wonder if my life is really that boring that there is really nothing to type about? it’s the same crap but a di...

September 22, 2022

I Am Getting Another Shot...

In my arm on Monday. This will be the third one and then I should be protected for at least 6 months. I have a feeling that there will be more boosters for a long time just like the flu shot. A...

September 21, 2022

All Stressed Out And....

No one to choke is what I say when life just gets too complicated and the things that are wrong don’t get fixed or I have no control over them. Hubby says I stress too much and over think when li...

September 20, 2022

I Just Don't Care Anymore

I have decided that if the things around here are not getting fixed in a timely manner then I just don’t care if they break more or get more damaged from mold or other things. Why should I try to...

September 19, 2022

Ugg Morning....

I have noticed that when I first wake up and others also that when good morning is said people usually grunt. And then they go through the process of trying to remember what day it is and what th...

September 18, 2022

What Kind Of Parent Were You?

Have you ever asked your child/children if they thought you were a good parent? And did you ever wonder what kind of job you did raising them to the adults that they are or will be? I was a singl...

September 17, 2022


My son asked if I wanted him to come over and I told him I would ask hubby and bubby said he can come tomorrow and we will have a roast. So I asked him if he also wanted to come for breakfast an...

September 16, 2022


This is my most favorites day of the week. It’s because the week is done and the next two days there is not much to do unless I think of something to do. And this Friday is really no different th...

September 15, 2022

And We Are Fixed....

I can say one thing about this site is that the person or people who run it are just the best. I have written e-mails to the administrator and he actually answers me back in a timely manner and a...

September 14, 2022

The Smell Of Mold

Now my bathroom cupboard smells like Pine Sol and mold/mildew and I have no idea of how to get rid of the smell because it’s somewhere where I can not get at it. So now I have to tell the land la...

September 13, 2022

New Or Used?

I have noticed over the years that when I have rented places that whatever had to be replaced except for government housing I got all used stuff. The time I lived in government housing I got a ne...

September 12, 2022

So Now What?

Well it looks like my landlady is making go through these steps to get rid of the smell of mold in my bathroom cupboard and so far nothing is working. I tried wiping it with water and peroxide an...

September 11, 2022

Good Morning Birds

The reason I say that is because it’s just a little bit after 5:00 AM and it’s still dark out. And I figure the roosters are awake and waking everyone up. But then the grave yard shift is almost ...

September 10, 2022

Smells Like Fire

B.C. has a lot of fires burning and I can smell the smoke. And because of this smoke the ski is all smoky and the mountains are not clear and green like they should be. This is where the fires in...

September 09, 2022

I Am Here....

Everyday I wake up I have the good intentions of getting things done. Not everything but some of it and only what I deem the most important so a lot of stuff just waits till i get sick of looking...

September 08, 2022

Phone Numbers

Do you know all of your relatives and friends phone numbers by heart? Or do you have to go through your address book on your phone? or do you use the old fashioned phone book? Well I know about t...

September 07, 2022

Headaches Really Suck

The big one. Am I the only one who wakes up with headaches? There are times when I don’t but so far this is day two and I don’t like it. But the prescription I do take for them works well most o...

September 06, 2022

Morning All....

Or is it? I woke up with a headache and a queasy stomach and I have my puke bowl close by just in case. I know I don’t have Covid so it must be a flu of some sort. I just hope it doesn’t last al...

September 05, 2022

I Have A Question?

In the next American federal election who do you really think will be president? Do you really think there are enough states that would vote for trump like they did in 2022? But then he still los...

Book Description

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