Entries 324
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wild child
Brooks getting ready to take Tucker for a ride in the jeep After church they turned around and didn’t see Brooks until he was half way up the tree! Tucker had to stop to look at a bug Brooks ...
woke up to tornado warnings
Not A fun way to wake up! Tornado warning blaring at 5:45am! 100 miles an hour straight winds about 15 miles from me… We were spared any damage but round 2 is coming soon Today is my mother’s bir...
happy Easter
What a gorgeous Easter Sunday! Sunny and in the 70’s Gorgeous flowers in bloom.... I was watching the kids behind us hunt for Easter eggs :) My block has so few families with children it is ni...
Bla bla blah
someone asked me to post the other side of my planter.... Here are some little pics of Tucker under a little glass stones. I am making these to put on his gift table for his first birthday. Ju...
Plants can make your life beautiful and fun
I love my cool MCM planter… she has opened eyes on the back side. I found two of them in a storage unit we bought. I fell in love with them. I face them with one with open eyes and the other wi...
How much proof do you need...
I got my hair cut today… He evened up my sides where I tried to cut it by myself… I have not had my hair cut to frame my face for probably 10 years or so… and I really like it. It takes years off...
Freaks and thieves
Finally the crew is here to repair my porch… These guys are our new go to handyman. I hope they do a good job. I have not used them before but I have heard good things about them. Most people ...
eyes... porthole to health?
I really feel Jo is spiraling out of control… As an alcoholic she is so good at lying she doesn’t even realize it… Her saying I have been busy making calls ....means I am trying to make an excuse...
your home should be your castle
my back yard… it is my paradise because it is so calming! down the hill in my back yard.... can’t see the pool from this area I am bored so I am snapping spring pics and making brainless post...
circle of friends reflects you
The grass is looking greener… its second hair cut of the season. It is pretty plush already as I get good lines when I cut so I am happy! Speaking of hair cuts last night I got a wild hair up my...
road trip
I am picking up an antique lady statue today. I love road trips! This is 3 hours away but we have had gorgeous weather. Driving thru southern Indiana farm land there are miles and miles of purple...
cool old house
My niece or I guess she is more my ex niece, but I love her like a niece … so niece, bought a cool old house. It looks so big from the outside but looks are deceiving. 1st floor is gorgeous with ...
no rest for the wicked
Picking up an antique statue Saturday morning. She is old and gorgeous…she will be a good fit in my yard. I briefly talked to jo today… she sounded drunk and was saying..... if I need you to pick...
what exactly does entitled mean?
I know my last post was controversial but it is my views and my experience. Someone left me a note and said I was entitled? How does one act entitled? How do you categorize being entitled? What ...
disability and welfare for life?
I am a firm believer that NO ONE should live on disability or welfare for life! Makes them feel they are entitled and lazy! Now if you are totally disabled and cannot use your arms that might be ...
pool opens April 10
Kinda nice to open month earlier… I love the beauty of my pool being open. I find it relaxing as silly as that sounds. Warm morning pool temps will be amazing to drink my coffee as I swim My ne...
last day of winter
Last day of winter has to actually feel like winter! BURRR! We have basically had warm weather all February and March.... and then poof the last day of winter and it was 28˚ last night and maybe ...
chills up my spine
Chilly start to the day… I went outside like a bad ass to edge the yard and mow the grass… I got the lawn mower out and felt chilled so I decided to just edge but by time I got the fuel out I was...
cost to install a pool heater...
We got our bill today for the new pool heater and the price to install which took them 5 hours.... one dollar! That is right! they installed it for a dollar! I was so surprised when I opened the ...
bad note...struck me wrong
So I get this random reader that probably has no idea what Jo has gone thru, what is wrong with her, that she is dying, that she is an alcoholic… nor do they know what all I do to help her… all ...
such a tangled web we weave
Jo was drinking pretty heavy tonight and she did not mention quitting back or quitting. I guess it is far easier to think you are going to quit drinking until you actually start to try and the cr...
lota nothings
Such a lovely afternoon! 75 degrees! But with warm spring days usually brings storms… Am I the only weird person that goes around in spring to check to see if all your plants and bushes made it ...
where eagles soar
Eagles have really made a come back in southern indiana! We have a pair that soars over our home almost every day. Usually they are so high you can nearly see the white of their head and tail......
making everything pretty
here is the bistro before I painted it… This is the color I picked… I need to give if one more coat but I love the softness of this color. this set is going under the oak trees so I did not wan...
my sunshine
Kelsey brought the boys over for a visit today.... I was in heaven! Tucker Tom is walking EVERYWHERE and he is only 10 months old today Brooks has grown so much since christmas! He can now reach...
Book Description
HI! I also write on OD.
I might copy the same posts here.
can you add pictures here?