
Hi This is Kat!

by theKat

Entries 324

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June 14, 2024

yard sales!

What a gorgeous morning! I went out to yard sales most of the morning . I bought a lot of goodies! most to flip and resale. I did nab on some old brooches! Those I keep. I have hundreds of them…...

my mother’s neighbors across the street at in their late 60’s early 70’s and they RENT the house. it is a modest 3 bedroom home around 1700 to 2000 sq ft. They will never be able to retire! They...

I have been trying to get Jo to go to the doctor… I can talk to her until I am blue in the face and she will do it her way! She said she wants to wait 10 days… ???? She is trying this liver detox...

June 10, 2024


Today I am taking my BMW to get the A/C looked at and freon boosted.... Next Monday I am having all the tinting on my car removed and redone. I have one window where the tinting is cracking a bit...

June 09, 2024

angel babe

I have seen this cherub statue many times but never so large. LOL I bought it at a yard sale for 10 dollars. It also had the concrete bench but I wanted her to sit on my wall by the pool I jamme...

I know, I have a weird unique style of things I group together and call decor LOL This room focus is on Asian influence popular in the USA in the 50’s and the 80’s… but I do see a larger in...

June 04, 2024

rainy productive day

Rainy day means a good day to go pull weeds! I got all the flower beds in the front yard pulled! I went to Lowes at 7:30 this morning and got my allergy shot so good for a month. I am doing fi...

June 03, 2024

at last

I get my new drapes today. I am excited to see them. I hope they are everything I hoped they would be but it is hard to know when you order online! Even if they have 5 star I have still be disap...

June 01, 2024

Long talk with Jo

Today Jo called and she was very sober! she had only had one beer and it was afternoon! She told me if Cole died tomorrow it wouldn’t bother her at least she would know where he is! She said y...

June 01, 2024

the love of asian art!

I bought these at an auction. this is an antique Otis-E oriental painting. This form of art was popular in the Edo period (1603-1868) This one is in such amazing shape! These painting were a...

May 30, 2024


on every single charge! lock his orange ass up!

May 30, 2024


Omg I am so nervous! BUT I am thinking this is heavily a Democrat area They came to a verdict and not hung jury! Makes me feel Trump will get at least one felony out of this!!!

I wish I had a meld score or a child-pugh score on Jo so I could better understand just how far along she is. BUT she has never ever went to a specialize doctor for cirrhosis! Guessing they tried...

May 29, 2024

Be smart jury

Well The jury gets Trumps case soon! I hope they are smart and find him guilty! lock his big fat yellow ass up! Sorry I cannot stand that man! Today I will keep close to the news to hear updates ...

May 28, 2024

before and after

This picture of our house 10 years ago. We had lived here a year. We replaced front door and side lights, took off gingerbread trim, painted shutters, redid almost all the landscaping, repaired ...

May 28, 2024

what Kat Knows...

I now know that Jo probably cannot get on disability or at least not right now… it would take several years and well… Jo does not have several years! Looks like until I get her off her but and g...

May 27, 2024

Happy Birthday JoJo

Today is JoJo’s birthday and probably the 1st one we have not celebrated! :( She is not feeling well and doesn’t feel like getting together. I tried to bring her breakfast but she must have went ...

May 26, 2024

Indy 500 quack quack

I am from Indiana… born and bred here. I have always lived in this area as I can not pull myself away from all my family and friends to move too far away. I have been to Indy 500 many times… in...

May 24, 2024

Yard sales

I love yard sales! You can find some really cool old pieces at an amazing price. I also like to flip items I get cheap. I bought a huge tub of legos today for 10 bucks! I can get over 100 for it...

May 22, 2024


I guess most of you know my best friend has cirrhosis and ascites. She also has high blood pressure, anemia, uncontrolled diabetes, and varices..... So she has a full plate. She also is an alcoho...

May 21, 2024

simple things

My yard is infested with squirrels right now. I love watching them play and jump around. Early in the morning they have tons of energy before the heat of the day sneaks in. We have 4 large oak tr...

May 20, 2024

Ethiopian look

One bad thing about bangs is you have to get your hair cut every three weeks… Last night around 10;00pm we heard a knock on the door… which is not normal. We turned the security off and it was th...

May 19, 2024

new color

the room is finished… even the curtain rod is up and waiting for the new drapes I had made! The color really brighten the room up. and it did make the room look larger. This room’s always dark...

May 15, 2024

decor updates

I really hate picking out a new color for walls.... it is really hard to judge off a little card and the lighting makes the color look different too. This is a large dinning room 20x18 so if I g...

May 14, 2024

6 more pounds

I need to lose 6 more little pounds to be at my healthy weight! I can really tell I have lost weight and I am starting to look good in my clothes! it feels good! I have lost my chipmunk checks ...

Book Description

HI! I also write on OD.
I might copy the same posts here.
can you add pictures here?