Small Business Startup Journal - The Journey To Starting My Own Brand of Travel Clothing and Handbags
by TTO
Entries 20
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The Day after the expo is complete
So, here I sit the day after the expo has wrapped up. It did not go well. Day #1 I knew a few hours into the first day it wasn’t going well. And it did not take long for the other exhibitors i...
emphasized textemphasized textWell, it’s December 31st 2023, about 12:29pm as I begin to write this entry. What a intense year it has been. This year saw me try to juggle two startups, edge clos...
Out of Nowhere
Out of nowhere last week I received an email from the very last supplier I had asked to make me a scarf sample. I had not heard back from them in close to 3 months so had given up on them and had...
First in - First serve
So I forgot that the day before I made the decision I was going to go overseas to have my scarfs made, that I had posted on several small business and Australian fashion Facebook groups to put a ...
How things change in a month - sourcing manufacturers round 4
So, it has been almost a month since my last update and I have still not recieved a pattern or a sample from my new manufacturer. I sent a follow up email and I received a response stating that i...
Mid Year update - Scarf and Bag
Well - what a few months it has been. First of all - no, I will not be making the exhibition next month at the Made In Australia Expo in Sydney. Instead I am going to exhibit later. I was given ...
The Value of Maybe and Destiny in Business
There is a Chinese Proverb that goes something like this… *A farmer and his son had a beloved stallion who helped the family earn a living. One day, the horse ran away and their neighbors exclaim...
In keeping with my two month pattern of providing updates, I have a lot to look back on.... this one is an absolute essay! This entry is JUST going to be for my scarf. So since my last update I h...
Samantha Wills - Of Gold And Dust - Book Review
I finished reading Samantha Wills’ memoir book ‘Of Gold And Dust’. I had always been a fan of Samantha Wills. I remember being in Highschool when she was just starting to hit the scene and she w...
Signing on Faith and a New Manufacturer
So, last night I made my first official business move that wasn’t just within myself to manage. I signed on for an exhibition in August. Nope, not the expo in Melbourne at the reed gift fair I ...
Journal of an Amateur Designer - New Year's Business Resolutions
I sit here eating leftover Christmas snacks and drinking my leftover champagne from last night (really French champagne I might add, I splurged to celebrate this past year as it felt like it was ...
“You don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t say ‘I’m going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that’s ever been built.’ You don’t start there. You say, ‘I’m going to lay this brick as ...
Nov Update - entering the highs then the lows in business
Well, I have just finished a glass of well earned shiraz, contemplating a second one. This has been a big month for me, but an even bigger week, here are the updates so far. My contract has been...
Almost 2 Months Later ...
Soooo… it’s been almost two months. I have been working in my new job - and the team is so supportive and fantastic. This has allowed me to really focus on my own business stress free, and I fin...
Over the past 6 months I have been tackling two major challenges. The first being where to have my bags manufactured. I have given up finding an Australian manufacturer and was looking overseas....
To Patent Or Not To Patent .... That is The Question
So I have been focusing this week on patents, trademarks and to my recent surprise I have also discovered design rights. I am struggling as to whether or not I actually get a patent or need a des...
Learnings of the week
So I finished my second week for my new job. It’s all a huge learning process and curve, but luckily the company is in a stage and growth where I will be able to experience and learn a lot that w...
Decisions decisions decisions... where to find a manufacturer for my bag
Ok, So I tried my last round of manufacturer hunting in Australia. After several more phone calls, research and repetitive conversations regarding manufacturing of handbags in Australia with leat...
I Can't Believe It - My Bag Prototype Actually Came
I can’t believe what happened today. After exactly 3 months to the day of my last communication with my overseas manufacturer for my bag design, my prototype that I had designed came. I had long ...
Mental and Emotional Fatigue - Starting my own brand
This is where I am up to. Since investing over $1000 in having a prototype made overseas, only to have the manufacturer slowly fall out of touch with me after they said they had sent off my proto...
Book Description
This book is dedicated to my journey of starting my own handbag and clothing label. My reason to journal this process anonymously is I cannot risk having my process, comparisons, challenges, manufacturers who don’t work out and methods openly linked to my brand yet. I would love for you to come along with my journey and if you have are on a similar journey I would love to hear from you.