Going public
by Emily
Entries 38
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Hmm.. what’s going on in my life? I’ve always wanted kids, and I’m 34 now with no baby daddy in sight, so I decided to freeze my eggs. I don’t want to have a child on my own, but if I do find a ...
I’ve slept so much the past two nights. First nine hours, then ten and a half hours! I feel mostly normal, just a little back stiffness from being still for so long. My friend S came over on Frid...
Cosmo is doing so much better! He’s on gabapentin for pain (temporary, I think), meds for arthritis, meds for his skin/allergy/inflammation issues, and meds for his gut issues. Some of them are 2...
Not the way to start a new year (edit)
Cosmo, my beloved cat boy, is sick. Technically it started in 2023, but it persists in the new year. On Saturday Cosmo threw up a couple times throughout the day. Around dinnertime I noticed he ...
Daisy Update
Foster kitty Daisy is doing well. Her rotten tooth breath is soo stinky, but she’s a sweet girl who chirps a lot and enjoys company. She’s still quarantined in a room by herself, and she misses m...
Daisy Update
Foster kitty Daisy is doing well. Her rotten tooth breath is soo stinky, but she’s a sweet girl who chirps a lot and enjoys company. She’s still quarantined in a room by herself, and she misses m...
Alone but not too lonely
I’m spending Christmas alone today. I’m not sure if it’s my first Christmas alone, but it’s definitely the first one in a few years. Would I rather have bought overpriced plane tickets and trave...
Truly insane
I’ve had the most insane week. I’m in a local facebook group with a few thousand members that is cat-centric. People post cat memes, photos of their cats, questions about cats, etc. A few weeks a...
Well, I had a pretty bad Thanksgiving. I was supposed to hang out with AC on Wednesday night but he bailed on me pretty last minute, which is extremely disrespectful and annoying. It set me in a ...
I’m having a week of freedom off work! My company switched to an ‘unlimited’ vacation model, and I want to make sure I don’t become one of those people who doesn’t take days off because I don’t h...
On Boys and Men
My dating life continues to be a struggle. To recap the last couple years, post-stalker: First, I met The Dentist. We had instant chemistry and things were good for a few months before I finally ...
Over a year?!
It’s obscene that it’s been over a year since I’ve written here. I check in to read daily, but I never kept putting off writing. Well, I guess the problem is mostly that I read on my phone and re...
Sorry I've been away
I’m sorry I’ve been away. It’s due to a few things. First, I don’t feel particularly comfortable writing entries on my work computers (paranoid). Second, my personal (non-work) laptop’s charger i...
Back to baking
I was able to do some baking, which was nice. I was craving pizza the other day, but didn’t want to pay for good pizza and didn’t want to eat meat, so I decided to make my own. I made the dough, ...
Seattle snow
Seattle is having our once or twice yearly snowstorm. It’s been teasing us for weeks, but it finally happened! It did ruin some plans I had - I was going to meet a friend at the gym and then have...
Laser-enhanced vision
Me and my laser-enhanced eyes are doing well! The procedure was slightly more uncomfortable than expected, but luckily it was very very short. I think each eye wasn’t more than 2 min at most. But...
I have had a wild few months since I last wrote. I took legal action against my most recent ex boyfriend. I don’t remember how much I have written about the situation, but here’s a quick rundown....
The whole ‘2020 sucks’ thing isn’t just a meme anymore. It’s objective reality. I had a few tough bits of life this week. I think everyone on the west coast was really struggling with the smoke. ...
All around updates
I’m not sure if my tutoring business idea is going to pan out. I researched the competition in the area and it seems like they charge clients around $60/hr, and pay tutors $25-40/hr. It started t...
More body updates
More medical things to note: - The pathology on my cyst came back with lots of unsurprising stuff; no cancer, chronically inflamed. One genuinely weird thing.. the cyst was made out of LUNG tissu...
Thank you so much for all the kind words on my last entry! Healing has been going well so far, and I’m just chugging along. My doctor sent me home with medical supplies and his cell number for th...
Health drama
I’m coming off of THE WORST health drama (of my life..) It’s a long-ass story, but to recap: last year I had my tonsils out, and when I was almost done recovering from that, a pre-existing cyst t...
How life has changed
I think I’d write here a lot more if I felt comfortable opening this site on my work computer. I know that the corporate overlords are either watching, or have the ability to watch. So - here I a...
Feeling like a victim
I think today I’m emerging from a bit of a depressive episode. I’m actually having a four day weekend, because my org gave us off on Friday as a ‘sorry that COVID sucks’ day off, and of course to...
Exes and kittens
There was mooOoooRe ex-bf drama. He sent me a long message about how he talked to his friends (like I suggested, to get some outside perspective), and came to some realizations around how it’s un...