Entries 41
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Ohhh whoa-oh ohhhh
We’re going to see The Black Keys and Cage The Elephant tonight!!! I am supposed to be working and/or cleaning and/or eating but…I have two loads of laundry to fold and I wiped down the bathroom,...
Judgemental Judgies
Would you prefer I was doped out on pills? Because I actually ENJOY being in control of myself and being able to parent. So… Go be judgemental elsewhere, broskies. Tom’s transition into working ...
Just kiss me baby, and tell me twice
That you're the one for me. Man, I'm having an epic manic day. I tried to work but ended up distracted by facebook. I did get SOME work done, yay me. I tried to clean but kids. I tried to be...
Clutch, round 2
Two years ago Jack and I went to a concert at the LC pavilion in Columbus; Clutch and Flogging Molly (and some other people, honestly I can't recall....oh, alcohol..) were amazing and my first re...
Finally, finally.
It feels like the older the kids get, the less time I find to journal. Sad, because I really enjoy writing! Nich and two friends built a tent out of some canvas and sheets and are camping out th...
Whooo got a new ring and a proper proposal? THIS GIRL. On Monday Jack was rained out of work, but got called away to help do a delivery for the store his mom works at. This is a regular thing, a...
Firsts, Nexts, Thens.
In slightly eyebrow raising news, Melinda has "returned". For those just joining, she was my very best friend for many years. She stopped talking to me when I was pregnant with Gavin, partially b...
In exchange for gaining the cousin moving back home, and our homestead plans being put into motion, I apparently garnered the wrath of the Universe and it's been really shitty. REALLY. I come f...
No, Spotify.
When I turn on Volbeat radio, it is not okay to play Nickelback. EVER.
Its fitting that Coheed and Cambria is playing today. Another one over, looks like. My soul is too weary for this.
Family photoshoot
You know, not a shabby looking family, eh? ;)
lip bubble
oh, yeah, sure, universe. load on the stress. just bring it on. make me have a coldsore, that's fantastic. You can't stop me. I am invincible. INVINCIBLE.
International Homebirth Day
(cross posted from the blog over at www.FantasticFrugalFamily.com) I’m sitting here sipping on my coffee, listening to the trio of kids wrestle and laugh in the room beside me. It’s summer break...
Much ado, perfect attendance, and eggs for breakfast.
As usually happens when I get quiet, life got busy. Very busy. Very fast. In a hysterical anxiety moment I emailed Jack asking if he loved me this weekend. Yeah, I'm seriously crazy. I can't he...
Lush/The beginning of the end
Ohhhh my laaaaaaaaaaaaaawd I tried a more intensive yoga style and my legs are on fire three days later, no joke. I think today they hurt worse as a c-c-c-combo breaker though, lack of sleep + f...
Sometimes I do a happy dance because it's Friday, other times it just feels like any other day so I don't really care too much. Today, I'm happy. Friday means the weekend and it looks like Jack ...
I don't know, man. I don't even feel okay posting my relationship dramaz in here anymore, the judgment is heavy with ya'll. I love, respect, and adore all of you, and ask that you remember that t...
When running jokes go adorable
When Gav was a few months old, we joked that he was a bald old man. I threw a tie on him and snapped some photos, and voila, CEO McFats, frontrunner of Dos Boobies Inc was created and launched. I...
Good things
There's a lot of bad stuffs going on that I don't want to focus on, so the positives are what need talked about. I talked with N's teacher two mornings ago and while she was fairly useless and c...
Beginning again
Took N to the counselling office today. Established goals like: 1) Help N learn some more skills to aid in his impulsiveness/decision making 2) Help me learn coping skills to deal with his outbur...
On growing up some
So I was perusing Pinterest while waiting for the kids to pass out last night (omg let's talk about Gavin's awful sleeping later), and stumbled on this. It was entitled something like, "things yo...
maybe i shouldnt go back.
Okay so that's a liiiiittle extreme, but I totally am using filters to keep me from face book for the majority of the day when I do eventually make a return. I'm seeing the benefits and huge impr...
SO I ditched Facebook for awhile, and in two days I've pretty much gotten the house back under control. Whoa there, social media takeover. It feels good to not be tethered, and I feel a huge chun...
Last night Jack was on an overnight (second one this week, I really dislike them) and they stopped in at a bar. He was slightly tipsy and drunxting me love notes. Kinda adorable. He also told m...
Today was a really good day. :) I worked/houseworked in the morning, but Gavin slept in until 9:30 so things were mellow during coffee/breakfast...and sleeping in meant Gavin was HAPPY, so bonus...
Book Description
Sometimes I like to post publically.
That’s what you’ll find here. Stories and public postings, all evidence of the lives we lead.