
The Stuff That's Not Interesting But Is The Most Interesting Stuff I'll Write

by ~Octopussy~

Entries 311

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April 23, 2017


I lit the scented candle on my desk. Pipe tobacco and patchouli. The only scented candles I owned smelled like different men that I’ve loved in my life. I took a look around and observed how litt...

April 19, 2017


It was over a year ago. I was auditioning for a play, mostly because the director of the play was a former professor (whom I hated) and asked me to audition specifically for the show. I didn’t ge...

April 16, 2017

All Gone

She passed away at 4:16 yesterday. I’m very irritated by a great many things, but mostly because I don’t know what I’m feeling. The funny thing is, after I announced it on Facebook with the inten...

April 12, 2017

Away Message

I’m sorry I haven’t been writing, but my grandmother has worsened and we’ve ceased treatment having moved on to pain management. It’s only a matter of days until she passes. Furthermore, I had to...

March 29, 2017

The Week of Intensity

So much has happened this past week, it makes me dizzy to think about. So I’m going to summarize it quickly: I hung out with Eric and planned our trip to San Francisco, stopped a rape from happen...

March 20, 2017

Like the Dead

Oh God, ever since that last entry, things shifted quickly. I started hitting the dating scene really hard, and it hasn’t always been a good thing. Like at all. In fact, it’s been pretty stupid. ...

This weekend was predictably sedate. It was a nice change of pace compared to the orgy from a week ago… Ugh, was that a mess. So now here I am sitting at home on Oscar night watching Murder, She ...

February 13, 2017

Tabula Rasa

I haven’t really spoken to Charlie since October. I never wrote about what happened because it was really upsetting. If you’re lost about who I’m talking about, take a quick peek at 3. Fable (The...

Everything happening in the US is just so dispiriting that I don’t really want to write because then I’ll have to think… and I’d like not to think for a little while… but that won’t happen. At le...

I believe there is a curse on anyone who tries to set-up their friends. I used to hang out with a girl named Crystal, I’m sure I wrote about the last time we hung out, I just can’t seem to find t...

January 22, 2017

Blood of the Unicorn

So this whole having friends and hanging out with people thing is really odd. Like, we’ve hung out the past two nights, we grabbed breakfast this morning and he like hugs me good-bye and is genui...

January 15, 2017

Saturno Contro

One of the pitfalls of saying everything is sunshine and lollipops, or just admitting to have a positive attitude, is that you leave the door open for something REALLY bad to happen. That’s usual...

January 11, 2017

The Unwilling

Shorty before Christmas, I called Edgar. I had seen him around town and he looked healthy, doing his steps for AA, so I wanted to reach out and see how he was doing. The conversation was fairly p...

January 09, 2017

The Eyes of Medusa

Richard went home early that morning and I drove him to his father’s house. They all remembered me and forced me to eat another breakfast even though I’d eaten one at my mother’s just minutes ear...

January 05, 2017

Twenty-Two Less Lights

You know, I’ve started around a dozen entries since the last one I wrote, and then some bombshell gets dropped on me while I’m writing, I stop and then I feel like I have to start all over again....

Sunday night, my friend Kat and I went out. She just moved to the Sacramento area from San Jose about a month ago but hasn’t been out at all because she is new to the area. I had a lot of anxiety...

December 10, 2016

Maya Angelou

I’m at work typing this because there’s nothing better to do. I just got a prank call from some kid claiming to be asking questions about PS4 vs X Box One, but I realized it was a prank call when...

My grandmother’s in the ER so I need to distract myself. 1.ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? I have a scar on each of my palms from getting a nail punched through both of them simultaneously...

December 02, 2016

Baby Baby

I’m supposed to be meeting Kendra for coffee in less than an hour but I can’t seem to get myself motivated to get out the door. Kendra used to be one of my very best friends and we did everything...

Ever since they changed the settings on this thing, I haven’t been able to look at it. I finally figured out how to turn off all of that obnoxious WHITE glaring at me all the time. Ugh, not happy...

November 22, 2016

Meant To Be

I’ve been meaning to write, but the holidays mean that I have much less time and even less inclination. Things were kind of crawling along like they have for much of this past year. The differenc...

November 10, 2016

In the Mouth of Madness

My absence over the last several weeks was because I needed to get my head screwed on straight, and I wasn’t quite sure I could survive waxing on about the stress of my birthday. The truth is, my...

October 22, 2016

Susan Sharon

I seem to have found myself in some alternate reality. If you had told me two years ago that this is where my life would be at this point in my life, I would have laughed in your face and told yo...

October 11, 2016

Violet & Blue

Sarah’s wedding was this past weekend and as nice as it was, I’m so glad it’s over. The only reason being, weddings are fucking stressful. It was incredibly unnerving having to see people from th...

October 04, 2016

Idle Hands

What is there to write about? Another straight guy throwing himself at me, another lost career opportunity, more anchors holding me down. There’s a lot of monotony in my life right now. The other...

Book Description

Daily life is where the details are located.